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We wanted to create an app where you can find and get to know everything related to covid-19 situation from getting stats to buying masks,sanitizers. People in rural areas can use our app as it is simple and has a very user friendly interface. Due to extremely high occupancy doctors are treating non-covid patients only if it's an emergency. CRA will give them confidence as they can contact our doctor through our app. CRA contains all the symptoms that relate to Covid-19 to make the public precautious.
Common citizens who in some situations have to move out of their houses to get masks, sanitizers can buy and also know where the red zones exist nearby to their location and respectively can take necessary precautions. We added a payment method using ether(cryptocurrency), people are able to pay through their smartphones.
Using our app you can get to know that stats about covid in India and also few simple preventive measures and can check symptoms. You can also call or text the help line number from our app We have maps feature where you can get to know all the red-zones near by to your live location. If you want to buy masks,sanitizers and other goods that can also be done using our app. You can consult our doctor using our and can pay him using ether. The link to that payment will be given once you press the pay button. In order to pay successfuly you should open the link on desktop and should have metamask wallet. We also provided all the positive news regarding covid situation in our news section.
Link to ethereum payment: oneclickdapp.com/raja-desire/.
CRA has the following Capabilities:
1.In CRA, we were able to link ethereum with our app. Ethereum is second largest cryptocurrency with a scope to grow larger in the upcoming bright days. People after communicating with doctors can pay through ethereum which directly is linked to their wallet to pay the doctor consultant fee.
2.Our app is easy to use buy everyone with no difficulties.
3.One can get to know the precautions and get educated about the red-zones nearby their location. In this way we are ensuring the safety and health of users.
We ran into the following challenges:
- To mark the places and the number of cases in the maps.
- Linking ethereum to our app.