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This page explains the usage and strives to thoroughly, but concisely document the available API. You might also be interested in some use recipes and examples or explanation of the IAAF scoring system.

See contributing if you are interested in changing or developing this package. It is MIT licensed.

And we keep a changelog.

Table of Contents


Use composer:

composer require glaivepro/iaafpoints


This package provides mutliple calculators that all provide the same interface. Here's a quick example:

// Calculator and use-case specific options.
$options = [
	'gender' => 'm',
	'venueType' => 'outdoor',
	'discipline' => '200m',

// Create a calculator instance
$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator($options);

// Evaluate a result getting some points or a class assigned to result.
$points = $calculator->evaluate(21.61);
// 980

// Update options
$calculator->setOptions(['gender' => 'f']);
$points = $calculator->evaluate(21.61);
// 1279

You don't have to set options on constructor. But you should at least specify gender and discipline before you evaluate a result.

// Create a calculator instance
$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator;

$calculator->setOptions(['gender' => 'f', 'discipline' => '200m']);
$points = $calculator->evaluate(21.61);
// 1279

See some more examples here.


The keys to specify disciplines are different for different calculators. You can list the available keys like this.


Generally the keys are strings constructed like this:

  • 60m, 100m up to 10000m, 1mile, 2miles etc. for track running;
  • 10km, 10miles, marathon and half_marathon for road running
  • 4x100m, 4x200m etc. for relays
  • 60mh, 110mh etc. for hurdles
  • 2000mSt, 3000mSt for steeplechase
  • high_jump, pole_vault, long_jump, triple_jump, shot_put, discus_throw, hammer_throw, javelin_throw
  • pentathlon, heptathlon, decathlon
  • 5kmW, 20kmw etc. for race walks

You can also look up the keys by inspecting the files in the resources directory of this package.


The formulas and coefficients used in evaluating the results are updated from time to time. These versions are called editions and by default each calculator uses the most recent of the available editions.

You can specify editions in options.

$classifier = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\Classifier;

$options = $classifier->getOptions();
/* $options = [
	'discipline' => null,
	'gender' => 'm',
	'venueType' => 'outdoor',
	'edition' => 'latvian2018',
] */

$editions = $classifier->getSupportedEditionKeys();
/* $editions = [
] */

// Load the old (2013-2017) classification.
$classifier->setOptions(['edition' => 'latvian2013']);


All calculators support the following methods.

// Constructor. Creates a calulator instance. Options array is optional.
$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator($options);

// List supported formula editions. Sorted starting with the most recent.

// List supported discipline keys according to currently selected options (venueType, gender etc.).

// Get an array of current options. All the options that a calculator uses
// are initialized even if you have never specified them.

// Set options via a key => value array. Options that are not included will
// remain as they were before.

// Get a score assigned to a result.

The only thing that's different between calculators is the set of options that they receive. And the internal logic, of course.



This calculator produces IAAF scoring points of athletics. It accepts the following options with the defaults as set here:

	// Discipline key like '100m', 'long_jump', ...
	'discipline' => null,
	// Gender key: 'm' or 'f'.
	'gender' => 'm',
	// Whether electronic measurement or hand time was used.
	'electronicMeasurement' => true,
	// Venue type: 'outdoor' or 'indoor'.
	'venueType' => 'outdoor',
	// Edition, only '2017' is supported at the moment of writing.
	'edition' => '2017',


This calculator produces IAAF scoring points for combined events. It accepts the following options with the defaults as set here:

	// Discipline key like '100m', 'long_jump', ...
	'discipline' => null,
	// Gender key: 'm' or 'f'.
	'gender' => 'm',
	// Whether electronic measurement or hand time was used.
	'electronicMeasurement' => true,
	// Edition, only '2001' is supported at the moment of writing.
	'edition' => '2001',

This calculator provides one additional method for evaluating the score for multiple events at once. It's called evaluateMany and used as follows.

$results = [
	'200m' => 21.61,
	'long_jump' => 7.35,
	'shot_put' => 16.55,

$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\CombinedCalculator([ 'gender' => 'm']);
$points = $this->calculator->evaluateMany($results);

/* $points = [
	'200m' => 922,
	'long_jump' => 898,
	'shot_put' => 885,
	'total' => 2705,
] */


This calculator assigns classes (first class, master, grand master etc.). It accepts the following options with the defaults as set here:

	// Discipline key like '100m', 'long_jump', also 'javelin_throw_600', '60mh_99.1' with equipment specified.
	'discipline' => null,
	// Gender key: 'm' or 'f'.
	'gender' => 'm',
	// Venue type: 'field', 'road', 'track' (trail), 'indoor' (track events), 'outdoor' (track events).
	'venueType' => 'outdoor',
	// Edition, 'latvian2013', 'latvian2018' at the moment of writing.
	'edition' => 'latvian2018',


This calculator is a variantion of combined event calculator for some specific youth competitions in Latvia. It accepts the following options with the defaults as set here:

	// Discipline key like '60m', 'long_jump', 'ball_throw', ...
	'discipline' => null,
	// Gender key: 'm' or 'f'.
	'gender' => 'm',
	// Age group: 'u14', 'u16', 'u18'.
	'ageGroup' => 'u18',
	// Edition, only '2018' is supported at the moment of writing.
	'edition' => '2018',

This calculator provides one additional method for evaluating the score for multiple events at once. It's called evaluateMany and used as follows.

$results = [
	'60m' => 7.61,
	'long_jump' => 7.35,
	'ball_throw' => 56.55,

$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\YouthguardCalculator([ 'gender' => 'm']);
$points = $this->calculator->evaluateMany($results);

/* $points = [
	'60m' => 654,
	'long_jump' => 898,
	'ball_throw' => 686,
	'total' => 2238,
] */