This page contains some down-to-earth examples of how one would use the package.
Basic example:
// Start by creating a calculator
$options = [
'venueType' => 'outdoor',
'gender' => 'm',
'discipline' => '100m',
$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator($options);
// Use your calculator
$results = [
[ 'athlete' => 'john',
'time' => 12.77,],
[ 'athlete' => 'peter',
'time' => 11.63,],
foreach ($results as $result)
$time = $result['time'];
// for track pass seconds, for field pass meters, for combined pass points
$points = $calculator->evaluate($time);
$result['iaaf_points'] => $points;
You can set and retrieve options later:
$gentlemenCalculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator(['gender' => 'm']);
$options = $gentlemenCalculator->getOptions();
Here's an example of what you'll get:
[ 'edition' => '2017', // edition of IAAF scoring tables
'venueType' => 'outdoor', // indoor or outdoor
'gender' => 'm', // 'm' or 'f'
'electronicMeasurement' => true, // set to false for hand times
'discipline' => '100m', // discipline
// create another calculator without specifying options
$ladiesCalculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\IaafCalculator;
// set options now
// change gender to ladies
$ladiesCalculator->setOptions(['gender' => 'f']);
$points100m = $ladiesCalculator->evaluate(10.7);
// reconfigure again
$ladiesCalculator->setOptions(['discipline' => '60m']);
$points60m = $ladiesCalculator->evaluate(10.7); // You'll get different points now
You should explicitly select options because the default values might change in
the upcoming versions. Exception is the electronicMeasurement
. It will be
by default. And it only matters for track events up to 500 m.
The IAAF Scoring tables are updated from time to time. If you want to know the supported editions, ask your calculator:
$editions = $calculator->getSupportedEditionKeys();
// the editions are ordered starting with the most recent
// choose the freshest like this
$calculator->setOptions([ 'edition' => $editions[0] ]);
But in fact the classifier is the only calculator that currently has more than a single edition.
You can request the array of supported disciplines for the current edition, venueType and gender like this:
$disciplines = $calculator->getSupportedDisciplineKeys();
Generally the keys are strings constructed like this:
up to10000m
etc. for track running;10km
for road running4x100m
etc. for relays60mh
etc. for hurdles2000mSt
for steeplechasehigh_jump
etc. for race walks
Basic example:
// Start by creating a calculator
$options = [
'gender' => 'm',
'discipline' => '200m',
$calculator = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\CombinedCalculator($options);
// Pass result and receive points
$points = $calculator->evaluate(21.61); //get 922
// Or pass array of results in different events to receive scores and total
$results = [
'200m' => 21.61,
'long_jump' => 7.35,
'shot_put' => 16.55,
$points = $calculator->evaluateMany($results);
// $points = ['200m' => 922, 'long_jump' => 898, 'shot_put' => 885, 'total' => 2705];
See the previous chapter on details about disciplines.
Currently only the 2001 edition of combined events scoring is implemented and no other editions are planned for now.
In general it's very similar to the main IAAF scores calculator but it returns classes (like grandmaster) instead of points.
// Start by creating a classifier
$options = [
'venueType' => 'outdoor',
'gender' => 'm',
'discipline' => '100m',
$classifier = new \GlaivePro\IaafPoints\Classifier($options);
// Use your calculator
$results = [
[ 'athlete' => 'john',
'time' => 12.77,],
[ 'athlete' => 'peter',
'time' => 11.63,],
foreach ($results as $result)
$time = $result['time'];
// for track pass seconds, for field pass meters, for combined pass points
$class = $classifier->evaluate($time);
$result['class'] => $class;
One important difference is that the classes in field disciplines are not differentiated by venue type therefore they have their own venue type that you have to set explicitly.
$classifier->setOptions(['venueType' => 'field', 'discipline' => 'shot_put']);
$class = $classifier->evaluate(16.32);
The classification system is not a part of IAAF scores, it is nation specific
(and only few nations have one at all). Therefore the editions are marked in