302 commits
to staging
since this release
What's Changed
- Solana user profile support by @aminlatifi in #1193
- Release relevant donations by @ae2079 in #1687
- release analytics dashboard dropdown menu related chagnes by @ae2079 in #1686
- Next Release July 2024 by @mohammadranjbarz in #1708
- add a default value for etc mordor url by @ae2079 in #1709
- Add sponser donations for round 65 by @mohammadranjbarz in #1677
- optimize projectUpdates query by @RamRamez in #1707
- feat: add tacking recurring donations queries by @Meriem-BM in #1704
- Change commands to run migrations as js by @ae2079 in #1714
- Fix build command by @ae2079 in #1715
- add email to project in adminjs by @RamRamez in #1716
- Revert migration changes by @ae2079 in #1717
- Optimise relevant donation flow by @ae2079 in #1698
- fix: minimumPassportScore issue when typing float number on adminJS by @Meriem-BM in #1720
- Add index to useDonationBox field by @ae2079 in #1723
- feat: add recurring donations statistics queries for dashboard analytics by @Meriem-BM in #1721
- Run migrations as js files by @ae2079 in #1718
- Revert "Run migrations as js files" by @ae2079 in #1724
- Release optimize donation box metrics by @ae2079 in #1726
- Which tokens are used the most on each chain by unique donors by @RamRamez in #1728
- update Bull by @RamRamez in #1731
- improve query execution time by @ae2079 in #1729
- gitcoin API update by @RamRamez in #1734
- Release query execution optimization by @ae2079 in #1730
- Fix/dual scoring model issues by @Meriem-BM in #1733
- gitcoin API update by @RamRamez in #1735
- Merge Master to Develop by @RamRamez in #1736
- allow to download email addresses by @RamRamez in #1739
- Query for recurring donation by date by @lovelgeorge99 in #1738
- Make sure all Endaoment projects have been added to our DB by @mohammadranjbarz in #1751
- fix donations count on qf page by @RamRamez in #1757
- Master to develop by @RamRamez in #1758
- Fix: returning QF tag to the user bookmarked projects by @kkatusic in #1745
- Feat/issue 743 by @HrithikSampson in #1756
- feat: add endpoint to delete draft project by @Reshzera in #1752
- Feat: stellar integration by @Meriem-BM in #1753
- Fix: handle Stellar chain for project verification by @Meriem-BM in #1762
- fix: add createDraftDonation Test Cases to prevent Users from Donatin… by @HrithikSampson in #1763
- Fix: add instant trx check endpoint by @Meriem-BM in #1767
- Feat/replace goerli with sepolia by @MohammadPCh in #1773
- fix: reduce timer to 15 mins & update renew draft donation expiration… by @Meriem-BM in #1776
- feat: ajusts quary to make it the same as allProjects query by @Reshzera in #1754
- fix: change from WS to SSE by @Meriem-BM in #1780
- fix: add Transfer-Encoding header by @Meriem-BM in #1782
- fix: add Access-Control-Allow-Headers\ headerA by @Meriem-BM in #1784
New Contributors
- @HrithikSampson made their first contribution in #1756
- @MohammadPCh made their first contribution in #1773
Full Changelog: v1.24.0...v1.25.0