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Customization and configuration

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Customizing Pry

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Pry allows a fair degree of customization via an easy to use API. Such customizations may be inserted in a user's .pryrc file, or even distributed as a plugin. We list below a number of config options and demonstrate how they can be used to customize Pry.

Note that config options set through Pry.config only define a default value which specific Pry instances can override. See Per-instance customization for more information.

### Per-instance customization

Pry.config provides a default for all Pry instances. It is typically used in a .pryrc file to change the default behaviour of Pry. After a Pry repl session has started it will inherit its defaults from Pry.config but use its own local configuration object that you can access through _pry_.config in a repl session.

To change configuration settings in a repl session you should use _pry_.config instead of Pry.config or your changes might not be seen by Pry commands as they read values from _pry_.config instead of going directly through Pry.config.

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### Color

Pry.config.color is a boolean option determining whether color will be used. Setting it to false disables color (i.e syntax highlighting and other color effects).

Note that the toggle-color command can also be used to toggle color on and off while in a session.

Default value: true

Example: Disabling color

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.color = false

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.color = false

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### Pager

Pry.config.pager is a boolean option determining whether a pager will be used for long output. Setting it to false disables the pager.

Currently only the less pager is supported, though a very simple custom pager is used if less is not available.

It may be necessary to turn paging off if you are running Pry from within an emacs shell or similar.

Default value: true

Example: Disabling paging

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.pager = false

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.pager = false

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### Auto indent

Pry.config.auto_indent is a boolean option determining whether automatic indenting of input will occur. Setting it to false disables automatic indenting.

Default value: true

Example: Disabling auto indenting

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.auto_indent = false

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.auto_indent = false

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### Correct indent

Pry.config.correct_indent is a boolean option determining whether correction of indenting will occur (requires auto_indent to be set to true). Setting it to false disables correction.

Correction of indenting typically happens when a final end is entered for a block of code. Pry will determine the proper indentation level for the end and will adjust its indentation accordingly.

Indentation correction makes use of ansi codes that most terminals should support, but some may not. If you find that indentation correction is causing strange behavior on your terminal, you should consider turning this option off.

Default value: true

Example: Disabling correcting of indentation

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.correct_indent = false

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.correct_indent = false

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### The command prefix

Pry.config.command_prefix is an option determining which command prefix (if any) should be used.

More detailed information on the command prefix can be found in the Command system section

Default value: "" (no prefix)

Example: Change the command prefix to %

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.command_prefix = "%"

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.command_prefix = "%"

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### History

Pry.config.history is an option determining various properties of Pry history. It has three sub-properties:

  • Pry.config.history.should_save is a boolean option, it defaults to true
  • Pry.config.history.should_load is a boolean option, it defaults to true
  • Pry.config.history.file is a string option, it defaults to ~/.pry_history

More detailed information on Pry history can be found in the history section

Example: Change the history file to ~/.irb_history

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.history.file = "~/.irb_history"

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.history.file = "~/.irb_history"

Example: Put the history file in the current directory, for a separate history per-project:

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.history.file = ".pry_history"

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.history.file = ".pry_history"

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### Editor

Pry.config.editor is an option determining which editor will be used by default by Pry commands.

It accepts either a string or a callable (i.e a proc). More detailed information on this config option can be found in the Editor Integration section.

Default value: $EDITOR (or nano if $EDITOR not defined)

Example: Setting a String

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.editor = "emacsclient"

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.editor = "emacsclient"

Example: Setting a proc

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.editor = proc { |file, line| "emacsclient +#{line} #{file}" }

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.editor = proc { |file, line| "emacsclient +#{line} #{file}" }

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### Plugin loading

Pry.config.should_load_plugins is a boolean option determining whether plugins should be loaded. Setting it to false disables plugin loading.

It may be useful to set this option in your .pryrc file or in your program when invoking Pry at runtime

Default value: true

Example: Disabling plugin loading

Pry.config.should_load_plugins = false

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### RC-file loading

Pry.config.should_load_rc is a boolean option determining whether the rc file (.pryrc) should be loaded. Setting it to false disables RC file loading.

It only makes sense to set this option when invoking Pry at runtime, however RC file loading can be disabled at the command line by running the Pry executable with the -f option.

Default value: true

Example: Disabling RC-file loading

Pry.config.should_load_rc = false

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### The \_in\_ and \_out\_ cache size

Pry.config.memory_size is an option determining the size of the _in_ and _out_ cache. More detailed information on this option is found in the Entering Input section.

Default value: 100

Example: Increasing the size of the cache

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.memory_size = 300

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.memory_size = 300

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### The prompt

Note: The list-prompt and change-prompt commands can be used as an alternative to directly changing the configuration object while in a repl session

Pry.config.prompt is an option determining the prompt displayed to the user when awaiting input.

Pry can accept two prompt-types for every prompt; the 'main prompt' and the 'wait prompt'. The main prompt is always used for the first line of input; the wait prompt is used in multi-line input to indicate that the current expression is incomplete and more lines of input are required.

A valid Pry prompt is either a single Proc object or a two element array of Proc objects. When an array is used the first element is the 'main prompt' and the last element is the 'wait prompt'. When a single Proc object is used it will be used for both the main prompt and the wait prompt.

Three parameters are passed into the prompt procs, the object that is the target of the session, the current nesting level, and a reference to the associated Pry instance. These objects can be used in the prompt, if desired.

Default value: Pry::DEFAULT_PROMPT

Example: Using one proc for both main and wait prompts

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.prompt = proc { |obj, nest_level, _| "#{obj}:#{nest_level}> " }

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.prompt = proc { |obj, nest_level, _| "#{obj}:#{nest_level}> " }

Example: Alternatively, provide two procs; one for main and one for wait

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.prompt = [ proc { "ENTER INPUT> " }, proc { "MORE INPUT REQUIRED!*" }]

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.prompt = proc { |obj, nest_level, _| "#{obj}:#{nest_level}> " }

Example: Overriding the default at instantiation

Pry.start binding, :prompt => [proc { "ENTER INPUT> " }, proc { "MORE INPUT REQUIRED!*" }]

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### The prompt name `Pry.config.prompt_name` is an option determining the string that prefixes the pry prompt. It accepts any string value. You would typically customize this on a per project basis so that the pry prompt reflects the name of the project you are in.

Default value: pry

Example: Setting the prompt name to match the folder name of your current Rails project. Put this in #{ Rails.root }/.pryrc

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.prompt_name = File.basename(Dir.pwd)

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.prompt_name = File.basename(Dir.pwd)

Example: Setting the prompt name to whatever you want.

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.prompt_name = 'my_project_name'

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.prompt_name = 'my_project_name'
### The input object

Pry.config.input is an option determining the input object - the object from which Pry retrieves its lines of input. Pry accepts any object that implements the readline method. This includes IO objects, StringIO, Readline, File and custom objects. When creating a custom object, you may also want to implement the completion_proc= and completion_proc methods.

Note it is important to ensure that the last line of input is exit if you are running non-interactively as the input object will be reset to Pry.config.input on EOF and potentially loop forever waiting for input.

Default value: Readline

Example: Setting the input object to a StringIO

Pry.config.input ="@x = 10\nexit")
class Dog
milo =

milo.instance_variable_get(:@x) #=> 10

Example: Overriding the default at instantiation

Pry.start binding, :input =>"ls\nexit")

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### The output object

Pry.config.output is an option determining the output object - the object to which Pry writes its output. Pry accepts any object that implements the puts method. This includes IO objects, StringIO, File and custom objects.

Default value: $stdout

Example: Setting the output object to a StringIO

Pry.config.output =

Example: Overriding the default at instantiation

Pry.start binding, :output =>

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### The print object

Pry.config.print is an option determining the print object - the Proc responsible for displaying expression evaluation output.

Two parameters are passed to the print Proc: these are the output object for the current session and the expression value to print. It is important that you write to the output object instead of just stdout so that all Pry output can be redirected if necessary.

Default value: Pry::DEFAULT_PRINT

Example: IRB-style evaluation output

Permanently (in a .pryrc file)

Pry.config.print = proc { |output, value| output.puts "=> #{value.inspect}" }

Temporarily (in a repl session)

_pry_.config.print = proc { |output,value| output.puts "=> #{value.inspect}" }

Example: Overriding the default at instantiation

Pry.start binding, :print => proc { |output, value| output.puts "=> #{value.inspect}" }

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### The exception handler

Pry.config.exception_handler is an option determining the exception handler object - the Proc responsible for dealing with exceptions raised by user input to the REPL.

Three parameters are passed to the exception handler Proc: these are the output object for the current session, the exception object that was raised inside the Pry session, and a reference to the associated Pry instance. As mentioned in the print object section (above) it is important you write to the output object and not just stdout.


  Pry.config.exception_handler = proc do |output, exception, _|
    output.puts "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
    output.puts "from #{exception.backtrace.first}"

Documentation: Customising the exception handler

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### The exception whitelist

Pry.config.exception_whitelist is an option determining which exceptions Pry should not catch.

Default value: [SystemExit, SignalException]

Documentation: Configuring which exceptions are caught

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### The exception window size

Pry.config.default_window_size tells Pry how many lines cat --ex should show before and after the line that raised an Exception.

Default value: 5

Documentation: Configuring cat --ex

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### The command set object

Pry.config.commands is an option determining the commands object - the command set (Pry::CommandSet) responsible for providing the commands for the session.

Default value: Pry::Commands

More detailed information on Pry commands can be found in the commands section


Pry.config.commands = do
    import_from Pry::Commands, "ls"
    command "greet" do |name|
        output.puts "hello #{name}"

Example: Overriding the default at instantiation

Pry.start binding, :commands => Pry::ExtendedCommands::Experimental

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### Runtime customization

Inside a Pry session there is a special _pry_ local variable which represents the Pry instance managing the current session. We can simply assign to the relevant accessor on the _pry_.config object to change the option we want.

Example: Change the prompt at runtime

_pry_.prompt = proc { "> " }

Example: Change the input object at runtime

_pry_.input ="ls")

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### Index of Config Options
Feature Pry.config Accessor Description
Auto Indent auto_indent Boolean determining whether automatic indenting of input will occur. Defaults to true.
Collision Warning collision_warning Boolean determining whether a warning is shown if a command collides with a local/method in the current scope. Defaults to false.
Color color Boolean determining whether color will be used. Defaults to true.
Command Completions command_completions Object used to generate possible command completions. Defaults to proc { commands.keys }.
Command Prefix command_prefix When present, commands will not be acknowledged unless they are prefixed with the given string. Defaults to "".
CommandSet Object commands The Pry::CommandSet responsible for providing commands to the session. Defaults to Pry::Commands.
Completer Object completer The object class that is used to generate possible completions. Defaults to Pry::InputCompleter.
Control-d handler control_d_handler Proc used to handle when CTRL-d is pressed. Defaults to Pry::DEFAULT_CONTROL_D_HANDLER.
Disable Auto Reload disable_auto_reload Boolean for turning off auto reloading performed by edit-method and related commands. Defaults to false.
Editor editor String or Proc determining what editor should be used. Defaults to ENV["EDITOR"].
Exception Handler exception_handler Proc responsible for handling exceptions raised by user input to the REPL. Defaults to Pry::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER.
Exception White-list exception_whitelist A list of exceptions that Pry should not catch. Defaults to [SystemExit, SignalException].
Exception Window Size default_window_size How many lines of context should be shown around the line that raised an exception. Defaults to 5.
Exec String exec_string A line of code to execute in context before the session. Defaults to "".
Extra Sticky Locals extra_sticky_locals Hash of objects that persist between all bindings in a session. Defaults to {}.
File Completions file_completions Object used to generate possible file name completions. Defaults to proc { Dir["."] }.
Gist Command Config gist Config for the gist command. Defaults to { :inspecter => proc(&:pretty_inspect) }.
History history Configuration object of [history-related configurations][Pry Wiki - Customization and configuration - History].
Hooks Object hooks Object tracking the callbacks registered for each hook event. Defaults to Pry::DEFAULT_HOOKS.
Indent Correction correct_indent Boolean determining whether correcting of indenting will occur. Defaults to true.
Input Object input The object from which Pry retrieves lines of input. Defaults to Readline.
Input Stack input_stack The object from which Pry retrieves lines of input. Defaults to Readline.
Local RC loading should_load_local_rc Boolean determining whether to load any .pryrc file that may exist in the current directory (./.pryrc). Defaults to true.
Ls Command Config ls Config for the ls command. Defaults to Pry::Command::Ls::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.
Memory Size memory_size Determines the size of the _in_ and _out_ cache. Defaults to 100.
Output Object output The object to which Pry writes its output. Defaults to $stdout.
Pager pager Boolean determining whether a pager will be used for long output. Defaults to true.
Plugin Loading should_load_plugins Boolean determining whether plugins should be loaded. Defaults to true.
Print Object print The object responsible for displaying expression evaluation output. Defaults to Pry::DEFAULT_PRINT.
Prompt prompt A Proc or an Array of two Procs that will be used to determine the prompt. [Read more][Pry Wiki - Customization and configuration - The Prompt].
Prompt Name prompt_name String that prefixes the prompt. Defaults to pry.
Prompt Safe Objects prompt_safe_objects Collection of objects that are safe to display with #inspect. Defaults to [String, Numeric, Symbol, nil, true, false].
Pry Doc Presence has_pry_doc Boolean indicating whether pry-doc plugin has been loaded. Defaults to nil.
RC-file Loading should_load_rc Boolean determining whether .pryrc files should be load. Defaults to true.
Required Libraries requires Collection of libraries that should be required by Pry. Defaults to [].
Required Library Loading should_load_requires Boolean determining whether required libraries should be loaded. Defaults to true.
System Command system Proc that defines how Pry should execute system commands. Defaults to Pry::DEFAULT_SYSTEM.
Trap Interrupts should_trap_interrupts Boolean determining whether Pry should take extra effort to trap interrupts. Defaults to true on JRuby and false on other platforms.
Windows Console Warning windows_console_warning Boolean determining whether Windows users should be warned to use ansicon. Defaults to true.

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