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Releases: GitMurf/obsidian-drag-and-drop-blocks

v0.6.2 - turn off logging

21 Oct 03:21
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v0.6.2 - turn off logging

v0.6.1 - bug fixes

21 Oct 03:16
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v0.6.1 - bug fixes Pre-release
Console error at getCMlnPreElem function

Fixes #17

v0.6 - Code refactor, parent-child lists, horizontal drag indicator line

20 Oct 08:52
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Here is the list of relevant updates:

  • Added settings for Drag Offset and Drag Size
  • Added dragFontSize setting to change the size of the Drag Handle
  • Setup drag and drop horizontal line for drop location
  • Removed the extra line break modifier key logic from the on drop events as not needed with the new horizontal line drop indicator
  • Optimized the mousemove element checks
  • Further tweaks of the mousemove event listener logic
  • Add border for the source line you are dragging to show where the drag is coming from.
  • handle spaces and TABs for list items
  • Bring children list items with the parent being dragged

v0.5.1 - Drag Handle offset and size settings

15 Oct 05:09
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v0.5.1 - Added settings for Drag Offset and Drag Size

v0.5 - No longer requires line numbers and big code refactor

15 Oct 00:23
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v0.5 - No longer requires line numbers and big code refactor

v0.4 (for BRAT) - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes

05 Oct 15:31
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v0.4 - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes

  • drag search result items.
    • Regular copy if no modifier key.
    • Create Block ref if Alt + Drag.
  • code block drag and drop.
    • Move, copy and block ref are all options for code blocks.
    • Select any line within the code block to drag and it will grab the entire code block
  • dragging header will bring with it all its children blocks including children header sections.
    • shift + drag will copy it
    • drag without modifier key will move it
    • alt + drag will create header embed reference link
  • Optimized block refs for multi line blocks where no matter which line you drag, it will create the block ref at end of last line
  • added a “ghost element” that follows the drag cursor of Search results being dragged, showing the text/content being dragged.
    • Also icon indicating whether move, copy or block ref so you no what action you are performing
    • Will implement to regular dragging between markdown files next release

v0.4 - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes

08 Sep 07:00
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v0.4 - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes

  • drag search result items.
    • Regular copy if no modifier key.
    • Create Block ref if Alt + Drag.
  • code block drag and drop.
    • Move, copy and block ref are all options for code blocks.
    • Select any line within the code block to drag and it will grab the entire code block
  • dragging header will bring with it all its children blocks including children header sections.
    • shift + drag will copy it
    • drag without modifier key will move it
    • alt + drag will create header embed reference link
  • Optimized block refs for multi line blocks where no matter which line you drag, it will create the block ref at end of last line
  • added a “ghost element” that follows the drag cursor of Search results being dragged, showing the text/content being dragged.
    • Also icon indicating whether move, copy or block ref so you no what action you are performing
    • Will implement to regular dragging between markdown files next release

v0.3 - header refs, embed setting, block ref text alias

28 Aug 04:21
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v0.3 - header refs, embed setting, block ref text alias

  • Alt + Shift + Drag now copies the block and then adds a block ref alias source link to the end
  • Header refs / embeds are now handled just like block refs
  • If dragging block ref within the same page, remove the file name from the block ref link so it is a local ref
  • Added settings for:
    • Choosing to ![[embed]] or simply [[Link]] to block and header references
    • Text to use for the new [[block ref|alias]] linking

v0.2 - Line Auto Select on hover, code cleanup, bug fix

27 Aug 17:24
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  • Added a setting for "Auto Select Line" with ctrl/CMD + Shift.
    • Simply hold the key combo and hover your mouse over a line and it will select the line for you
    • Can keep it held and move up and down with the mouse to quickly select different lines


  • Added ability to hold other modifier keys before dropping the drag on the destination
    • For example if you are doing a Copy block with Shift + Drag, if you let go of Shift and hold Alt/Option when you finish the Drag on the drop event, it will add an extra line above wherever you drop it
    • Similarly for a Move block with no modifiers, you can hold Alt when you drop it and it will add a line above. If you also hold Shift on drop then it will add both a line above and below in the new destination.
  • Fixed the issue when switching to Preview mode where the drag handle stays visible
  • Code cleanup / optimization

v0.1.1 - Changed from CMD to Alt for block refs

27 Aug 01:22
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Due to a "bug" with how Mac handles CMD + Drag and Drop in Obsidian, had to change block referencing to use Alt + Drag instead.