Native bindings for libtransmission.
The npm package offers prebuilt binaries only for Linux x64 for now. Please refer to development for other systems.
const Transmission = require('transmission-native')
// Create a transmission instance with config folder and app name
const tr = new Transmission('./transmission', 'transmission')
const response = await tr.request({ method: 'session-get' })
// Add a new torrent
const message = {
method: 'torrent-add',
arguments: {
filename: ''
const reponse = await tr.request(message)
// Save settings
// Later, when the process should be stopped, close the instance before
Please refer to transmission's to find what methods and arguments are expected.
Create a transmission instance with a specific configuration folder and application name.
is the path where settings and state of the transmission process will be loaded and stored.
Make a request to the transmission instance.
is an object expected by transmissions's
const message = { method: 'session-get' }
const reponse = await tr.request(message)
// or as a callback
tr.request(message, (err, response) => {
if (err) throw err
Save transmission settings.
Save settings and close the session.
You'll need to install required build tools and libraries for your platform in order to compile libtransmission:
sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ libcurl-devel openssl-devel
vcpkg install curl --triplet=x64-windows-static
vcpkg install openssl --triplet=x64-windows
npm run fetch-deps
# For Windows you need to set VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT env variable
npm run build-transmission
npm install
npm test # optional