- Queries an API endpoint provided by Deku Deals to get all of the upcoming releases for the Nintendo Switch.
- Loops as many times as needed to fetch all of the results.
- Stores full results in a JSON file dated with the days date to act as a cache to avoid repeated requests and for use by additonal scripts.
- Reads saved dated JSON response generated by fetch_deku_data.py
- Sorts upcoming game list first by date, then by name.
- If there are any games published by Nintendo, wrap the name in asterisks so they appear bold / markdown.
- Formats upcoming game list for use in the subreddit's sidebar.
- Saves the cleaned up data in a txt file dated with the days date.
- Reads the saved cleaned up txt file generated by format_sidebar_data.py
- New Reddit: Identifies the Upcoming Releases widget and pushes up the latest upcoming releases.
- Old Reddit: Identifies the Upcoming Releases block in config/sidebar of the wiki. Does not push up the changes yet.
- update_sidebar.py
- Old Reddit: Add logic to replace the existing upocming releases data with the newly updated data.