Releases: FlagBrew/PKSM
PKSM 4.3.0
What's new in PKSM 4.3.0:
- Added: Multilanguage support (thanks @Naxann!). PKSM has been translated in most of the major languages supported by the console, such as Italian, French, Spanish, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Simplified Chinese! Obviously, this couldn't happen without our foreigners contributors, which helped to translate in all the languages we devs don't speak.
- Korean and Traditional Chinese translations are still missing, and Russian ones are messy, because they have not been trimmed to fit in the graphics. If you know how to help us, feel free to make a Pull Request!
- Fonts are now optimized: we managed to bundle all the characters in a single place and save space, too: old builds were about 6MB in size, this is less than 4MB instead, saving space and memory while opened.
- Font scripts are available in the source code!
- All the bugs related to pokemon names, items and so on have been fixed, too. Now everything is properly rendered on screen.
- You will notice some initial delay when opening your boxes with the Japanese language on: this is due to the font caching and everything will be smooth in a second or too.
- Your language will be determined automatically on the first launch, but you can change it from the settings. It will be remembered the next time you open PKSM.
- Items and moves in the editor list are now sorted in every language you will choose.
- Added: new Save Info Editor proof-of-concept! It has been thought to be similar to the hex editor you can already use during pokemon editing.
- It doesn't do much for now (I had not so time to work on it), but there will be tons of advantages in the future, such as bag item editing and similar!
- Since it works with the single bytes and it can be customized in the code, the save editor will work with all the games supported from PKSM as for now. Some examples? You could now edit your TID and SID on gen4 games to abuse of the Cute Charm glitch without needing your PC (for both editing or RNG) to do it.
- Pull requests are highly appreciated!
- Added: Tons of changes and additions in the GUI! There's a pretty new main menu now, for both 3DS titles and DS titles. Other graphics changes will be explained in detail later.
- Added: New wondercard details screen. Now those are taken from the wondercard file directly, making the external txt description files unuseful.
- You can now see the wondercard title, OT, held item, met date, level and moves for every wondercard available in the built-in database. The game version related to each wondercard is still WIP.
- For this reason, graphics for the wondercard injector are heavily changed.
- From now, you can see details for multiple wondercard events. You will notice a tip in the bottom screen if an event has multiple wondercards in it, and you can see details for each of them pressing L/R.
- Added: Rosalina-based Homebrew Launchers are now supported. You can find a rosalina compatible .3dsx build into the release zip attached at the bottom.
- Added: Extra Storage dump. You can now dump the whole extra storage content into your SD card, at
. Every pokemon will be saved in a separate.pk7
file. - Added: PokéDex function. You can now see what you have caught or seen. This is available for every gen6+ game, and it's accessible from the extra storage screen.
- Added: new banner audio (thanks @Tails32!)
- Fixed: Current Handler and Held Trainer Friendship are now set to 0 while using the generation function.
- Fixed: navigation is now possible with both pads (directional and circle), in case someone have one of the pads broken or malfunctional.
- Fixed: Magearna and Marshadow now shows in the generation screen.
- Fixed: Encryption Constant when generating a pokemon is now random. Spinda spots are now random, too.
- Fixed: Pokedex Flags bug introduced in version 4.2.3 has been fixed. Now, pokedex flags are saved automatically when you do transfers from storage to box and box to box.
- Removed: Mass Injector. While this has been removed (so as the various collections), the file from where the generated pokemons are taken is still accessible from PKSM.
Added: tons of gen7 wondercard added:
- 0221 - JPN Egg Shiny Chance
- 0222 - JPN Bewear
- 0223 - Ash-hat Pikachu
- 0233 - HK Shiny Tapu Koko
- 0234 - Anime Steenee
- 0235 - Anime Turtonator
- 0236 - Anime Vulpix
- 0599 - Bottle Cap
- 1105 - Shiny Tapu Koko
- 1107 - Alolan Vulpix
- 1108 - Alolan Sandshrew
- 1109 - Alolan Diglett
- 1110 - Alolan Grimer
- 1111 - KOR Egg Shiny Chance
- 1112 - WCSK17 Mew
- 1608 - Pidgeot-Steelixite
- 1609 - Mawilite
- 1610 - SM Rare Candy
- 1611 - SM 4 Mega Stones
- 1612 - SM PGL Prize
- 1613 - SM PGL Prize
- 1614 - SM PGL Prize
- 1615 - SM PGL Prize
Added: gen6 wondercards added:
- 0183 - Singa Volcanion
Added: DS wondercards added (the IDs are not the real ones, due to implementation):
- 025 - Milos Island Tornadus
- 026 - Kalita's Hydreigon
- 027 - Spring 2012 Zekrom
- 090 - Azure Flute (unofficial)
If that's not enough... Let's talk about PKSV 2.0.0:
- PKSV is now built directly from PKSM source code, using an ad-hoc Makefile.
- This means that PKSV gets all the graphic changes introduced in PKSM 4.3.0, such as multilanguage support.
- Editing is unavailable as always (because of PKSV philosophy), though.
- Even though editing is not there, you can still use the extra storage function with save functionalities enabled. This will make heavy breeders' life simple.
PKSV's separate repo will be closed, so you'll only be able to download it from the PKSM repo instead.
This update is really massive, and it counts about 200 commits made in a range of two months. Hopefully you will enjoy all the work and time that Naxann, dsoldier, all the translators and me dedicated to make this happen.
I would like to thank @Tobyheiam, @Tails32, @ShinyLuxray, @pass0418, @dsoldier, @Naxann and all the other countless people who helped in the translations!
For real time help and discussions, join us on:
If you appreciate my work, I appreciate a coffee :)
This literally is the same as the 4.2.3 testbuild, but it has all the latest wondercards available, because of the high demand for them. New features and fixes for the new stable release are not included in this version, but will be available in the future.
Also, strings haven't been replaced in this build, but they have been worked on in the master branch, and will be ready to be released as stable really soon, hopefully. So, don't submit issues regarding localization strings about this release.
NOTE: There's a Rosalina HBL-compatible version of PKSM.3dsx bundled in the release zip, too.
Wondercards added:
- 0183 - Singa Volcanion
- 0221 - JPN Egg Shiny Chance
- 0222 - JPN Bewear
- 0223 - Five different Ash-hat Pikachu
- 0233 - HK Shiny Tapu Koko
- 0234 - Anime Steenee
- 0235 - Anime Turtonator
- 0236 - Anime Vulpix
- 1105 - Shiny Tapu Koko
- 1107 - Alolan Vulpix
- 1108 - Alolan Sandshrew
- 1109 - Alolan Diglett
- 1110 - Alolan Grimer
- 1111 - KOR Egg Shiny Chance
- 1112 - WCSK17 Mew
- 1609 - Mawilite
- 1610 - SM Rare Candy
- 1611 - SM 4 Mega Stones
- 1612 - SM PGL Prize
- 1613 - SM PGL Prize
- 1614 - SM PGL Prize
We're releasing a test build to let people try out some of the new features we're introducing in PKSM, and let them help us trimming all the strings which go outside the graphics.
As you can see, this build comes with the implementation of the Multi Language feature. The application will boot into your system language, and you can switch languages by going into the settings menu and tapping on the little localization box.
You can see all the changes done from the 4.2.2 release here.
Fonts are perfectly rendered for JP, KO, RU and ZH localizations. You may notice a bit of lag when trying to render one of those languages for the first time because of the caching, but everything will be smooth after a couple seconds.
This is a test build, which is obviously a beta and will be subject to changes and fixes. Please help us shortening all the localization strings which go outside of the graphics, by letting us know how to trim them or making a Pull Request, which is way better for us!
You can test out your fixed translations by locating the modified app.txt
file into sdmc:/3ds/data/PKSM/i18n/app.txt
. After that, just press the localization button into PKSM's settings to find SD C.
. That means your custom localizations are loaded directly from the sd card.
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat. We have a Discord server too, located here.
PS: the easter egg version linked at the bottom was the glitched one released on easter. Just have fun trying it
PKSM 4.2.2 - More wondercards
This is a minor update, but seeing the high demand, I thought it needed a separate release. Also, there's a translation to other languages in progress that will come later in the future. What's new:
- Gen VII Wondercard database updated (2017/03/24)
- Added: 0220 - Shiny Tapu Koko
- Added: 0224 - CoroCoro Charizard
- Added: 0227 - Bestow Pikachu
- Added: 0606 - Rocky Lycanroc
- Added: 1605 - Mewtwoite X/Y
- Added: 1606 - Mawilite
- Added: 1607 - SM Rare Candy
- Gen V wondercard database updated: Liberty Pass (it's located at 000 even though it should be at 2046).
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat. We have a Discord server too, located here.
If you appreciate my work, I appreciate a coffee :)
PKSM 4.2.0 - Everything editable
What's new?:
- Added: Almost the totality of a pokemon's data can now be fully edited. The easiest way to do this was by adding a "hex" editor screen that allows you to see with your eyes what happens when you edit your stuffs. You can now fully edit things like:
- Encryption constant
- Contest values (Cool, Beauty, ...)
- Ribbons (yeah, each of them)
- Move PP (there's no effective check for legal values with those, so be careful, the limit is globally set to 40)
- PP Ups
- Held Trainer Nickname
- Held Trainer infos, like Affection, Intensity, ...
- Original Trainer infos, like the ones mentioned above
- Fullness, Enjoyment
- Met (and Egg) Day, Month, Year (no real checks for these too, so be careful when setting your dates).
- All the values not mentioned above (but still existent), like MarkValues, Experience, Regions and weird stuff like that, can still be edited from within the app. I added a sort of godmode that unlocks all the checks letting you do all sort of vandalisms. This is unlockable by entering a touch sequence.
- Added: support for Japanese/Korean chars in the viewer.
- Added: fast scroll mode in extra storage.
- Wondercard database updated to 2017/02/05.
- Fixed: the HT name is no longer filled with random chars.
- Fixed: Pumpkaboo, Arceus, Genesect and Silvally can now be taken safely from the extra storage.
- Fixed: nicknames/OT names no longer erased if you don't put anything if attempting to edit them.
- Fixed: gen6 living dex have correct relearn moves now.
- Fixed: the application doesn't crash anymore if you have corrupted elements in your save.
_Huge thanks to all the people involved in PKHeX. All the offsets come from there._
PKSV and servepkx are included in the zip release file, as well.
_I'm NOT responsible in any way if you ruin your stuff by using the new features or the already available ones_. This should be already known but it's good to make it clear.
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat.
If you appreciate my work, I appreciate a coffee :)
PKSM 4.1.1 - Hotfixes
In this version there's a bug that prevents edited mons to be trade legal. Wait for a fix in the new version.
4.1.1 changelog:
The function that allows you to fix the red X flag on a gen6 element has been removed from the common use. It'll be re-added when gen6->gen7 transfer will be fully documented. Thanks @SciresM for clarifications.
4.1.0 changelog:
- Added: DPPt support for mystery gift injection. Finally, this required months to come; I hope you will enjoy it!
- If you're on HBL: you need to trigger PokeTransfer to be able to use DS games.
- Added: Full form support. Thanks @Anty-Lemon, who joined the dev team since this release!
- Added: Form editor. Tapping the sprite of a Pokemon in the edit menu will open it on the top screen.
- Added: Red X flag to mark stuff transferred from gen6 to gen7 before the official time to do it.
- Do you have to worry about it? NO! It's just a friendly reminder that those elements have to be fixed with the next update of the application.
- Added: Gold Bottle Caps are now supported, granting stats to be realistic.
- Added: ZL/ZR support for scrolling extra storage boxes (new3DS only).
- Fixed: made impossible to directly edit or move elements stored in battle boxes.
- Fixed: A few menu bugs which counted A inputs twice.
- Fixed: Legality issues with handling trainer.
- Fixed: A couple bugs involving withdrawing gen7 Pokemon into gen6 save files.
- Fixed: View TID instead of VTID in gen7.
- Fixed: Elements are now generated with save's region (not anymore SPA as default).
- Updated: moved to buildtools (thanks @favna) and trimmed loads of stuffs: the application is now ~ 600Kb smaller.
- Updated: Wondercards database (01/25/2017).
- Updated: python servepkx is more efficient (thanks @hellupline)
- Removed: built-in updater. Use FBI's TitleDB function, QR codes or manual installation.
I'm probably missing something. Trust me, this release is literally huge.
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat.
If you appreciate my work, I appreciate a coffee :)
PKSM 4.1.0 - This is huge!
PKSM 4.0.3 - Avoid other troubles
Temporarily disabled party editing. At least I'll not get flooded with answers that has been answered tons of times.
Also, make sure you actually read 4.0.2 changelog.
- Added: Wireless injection! You can now inject .pk6/.pk7 files from your pc, that will be accepted by a server running in PKSM. You can choose between 2 different clients on your PC, depending on your setup.
- servepkx (java): java client with a GUI, courtesy off @Slownic. Instructions here
- servepkx (python): command line python client. Instructions here
- Server supports queue. I managed to inject the Whole living dex in one shot. Speed often is very high, but sometimes you'll have to wait a couple seconds between 10 injections or so.
- Added: Egg RNG seed. You can see it by tapping the bottom bar in the viewer.
- Fixed: Gen6 database being fucked up.
- Fixed: Now give save's gender when giving your information to a Pokemon through the information button (the purple one).
You can find servepkx in the attached here. PKSV build with RNG seed is also bundled.
servepkx in action
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat.
PKSM 4.0.2 - Wireless edition
PKSM 4.0.1 ... and PKSV!
What's new?
- Hopefully fixed the bug that caused to show Bulbasaurs in the PC. It was caused by the stats being sorted in the wrong way, and also that problem has been fixed.
- Generator improved. Generated elements will be online-legal, too.
- This applies to the mass injector, too, due to the shared database.
- Now the viewer show VTID (Visible TID) instead of standard TID, while in gen7.
- Added support for PSV/ESV in the viewer.
- Added support for save's (V)TID/SID and TSV, in the viewer.
- Added button to give your save's TID, SID and language to a box element.
- Removed options to generate/clone in party, to avoid weird glitches in game.
- It could happen that an Alola-Form can revert into normal-form if edited in the party. Please notice me if this behaviour still happens.
- Simplified exiting from the app.
- Wondercards updated to 08/01/2017 (Sapporo PC Alolan Vulpix added).
- Graphic improvements and typos fixed.
- New banner
- Optimizations and a big bunch of minor things.
Same installation method as the previous release, but there will be an additionalasset more to download. The app will grab it automatically, but if for some reasons it can't download it, you can check the previous release note to see where to add manually the required files.
What's PKSV? (<- repo here)
I decided to create a stripped PKSM version to allow people who don't need modifications to their games to easily see their save's content, directly from the console.
It currently support gen6+ and is designed to make TSV exchanger, breeders and that kind of players to do their checks very quickly, compared to PKSM.
PKSV has really short loading time and doesn't allow saving progresses, but it mantains and condense PKSM's interface perfectly, to please the user's eyes.
I also included PKSV in this release, you can find it in the zip attached here.
Let me know if you find this application useful!
For real time help and discussions, join our PKSM Telegram chat.