Frameworks Used: Javascript, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap (UI Approach)
To use the app on any local machine, go the URL:
Please make sure you are connected to the Internet.
-index.html : home page
-search.html : search page
-style.css : CSS3
-red.jpg : background image
This is a RESTful web application built with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootsrap. It fetches data from the Reddit API in JSON format and shows them at appropriate places. Using JavaScript's Fetch API, the app fetches user's query with a URL and passes the response stream to make the JSON object. Parsing the JSON object and creating elements in an efficient way, the app shows the subreddit's recent posts and links them to the original post on Reddit. It also handle's error and most edge cases.
(On a side note, I wanted to work more on the server side code. But since I have three midterms before the deadline, I couldn't manage enough time. I'll definitely try to improve the app further in the future.)
(c) Copyright 2017 Farhan Rahman
All Rights Reserved