See Vite Configuration Reference.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint
Format with Prettier
npm run format
Artist page
As a user I want to be able to see all the information about an artist, including their albums and tracks.
When the user clicks on an artist Then the artist page should be displayed When the user clicks on an artist Then the artist page should be displayed
Album page
As a user I want to be able to see all the information about an album, including its tracks.
When the user clicks on an album Then the album page should be displayed
Audio player
As a user I want to be able to play music from the app.
When the user clicks on the play button Then the audio player should apppear And the audio player should play the track When the user clicks on the play button Then the audio player should play the track When the user clicks on the pause button Then the audio player should pause When the user clicks on the next button Then the audio player should play the next track When the user clicks on the previous button Then the audio player should play the previous track
Search bar and results
As a user I want to be able to search for artists, albums and tracks.
When the user types in the search bar Then the search results should be displayed When the user types in the search bar Then the search results should be displayed When the user clicks on an artist Then the artist page should be displayed When the user clicks on an album Then the album page should be displayed When the user clicks on a track Then the audio player should play the track
As a user I want to be able to sort my playlists
When the user clicks on the name header Then the playlist should be sorted by name When the user clicks on the artist header Then the playlist should be sorted by artist When the user clicks on the album header Then the playlist should be sorted by album When the user clicks on the duration header Then the playlist should be sorted by duration When the user clicks on the BPM header Then the playlist should be sorted by BPM When the user clicks on the key header Then the playlist should be sorted by key
As a user I want to be able to save sorted playlists
When the user clicks on the save with sorting button Then the playlist should be saved with the current sorting
Navigatable user icon
As a user I want navigate to my spotify profile
When the user clicks on their user icon Then the user should be redirected to their spotify profile
As a user I want to be able to logout
When the user clicks on the logout button Then the user should be redirected to the landing page
Create playlist
As a user I want to be able to create a playlist
When the user clicks on the create playlist button Then a new playlist is created
Delete playlist - NOT MVP
Add to playlist
As a user I want to be able to add tracks to a playlist
When the user clicks on the add to playlist button Then the track should be added to the playlist
Track info
As a user I want to retrieve additional information about a track
When the user clicks on the fetch info button Then the track info should be displayed
As a user I want to retrieve additional information about each track in a playlist
When the user clicks on the fetch info button on the playlist header Then the track info should be displayed for every track
Light/Dark mode
As a user I don't want to have to log back in when I refresh
When the user refreshes the page Then the user should still be logged in
Mobile support
As a mobile user I want to be able to use the application
When the user loads the application on a mobile device Then the display size should be adjusted
Sizable ports
As a user I want to resize each panel
When the user clicks on the panel separator Then they should be able to resize the panel