The aim of this project is to make a 4 DC motor drive compatible with the motorgo ecosystem - specifically designed for beginner roboticists. It should be the form factor of a pihat, but capable of operating entirely on it's own as well. Currently testing release version 1.0!
- Esp32s3 with Wifi and BT connectivity
- Form factor of a PiHat (we do not currently have the EEPROM requirements of the PiHat Spec)
- DC barrel jack and on-board buck from 6-17V into 5.1V up to 6A (enough to power pi4 and pi5)
- 9 dof IMU (LSM6DSOTR-C accel and gyro + LIS3MDLTR mag)
- USB-C programming compatible with arduino IDE
- Qwiic port x2 for easy integration with sensors
- Full gpio breakout on 40Pin header + full RPi GPIO passthrough if using as a hat
- 4 bidirectional DC motor channels up to 2A each channel
- 4 Encoder ports for use with EncoderGo 5pin jst for close loop feedback on each motor