Simple standalone Language Server for Avalonia XAML files suitable to lightweight editors like neovim and helix with support for completions and xaml formatting via xaml styler
To install from source, dotnet-sdk-9.0 and just must be installed. Clone recursively and run just install recipe( .local/bin must be in your path)
git clone --recursive
cd avalonia-ls
just install
You can also install from the AUR
yay -S avalonia-ls-git
After installing, you need only configure your editor of choice:
formatter={command="xaml-styler",args=["--write-to-stdout" ,"--take-pipe"]}
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', 'BufWinEnter' }, {
pattern = { "*.axaml" },
callback = function(event)
vim.lsp.start {
name = "avalonia",
cmd = { "avalonia-ls" },
root_dir = vim.fn.getcwd(),
extension = {
axaml = "xml",
For completions to work on an avalonia project, you must generate metadata and build. If you install with just, an avalonia-solution-parser executable will be installed
cd my-avalonia-project
# you should run the following generally in the directory with your .csproj or .fsproj files
avalonia-solution-parser .
dotnet build
You need to run avalonia-solution-parser to generate metadata just once. Completions should work afterwards
You can run a xaml previewer in a browser tab for any xaml file in your project:
avalonia-previewer --file path/to/axaml/file
On supported terminal emulators like kitty, ghostty or wezterm, you can run the previewer directly inside the terminal. This is experimental and does not yet capture input like mouse and keyboard.
avalonia-previewer --file path/to/axaml/file --target terminal