Shifu Akri Adapter is a Kubernetes controller that manages Shifu from Akri Instances. It listens to Akri instance changes and deploys the corresponding DeviceShifu to control and collect data from IoT devices.
Read more about Shifu
Actor User
User->>kubelet: 1. Apply Akri configuration
Akri Instance-->>Shifu Akri Adapter: 5. Detect Akri instance change
Shifu Akri Adapter-->>kubelet: 6. Apply Deployment manifests
kubelet-->>deviceShifu: 7. Run Pod
kubelet-->>Akri Agent: 2. Deploy Akri Discovery Agent and Configuration
deviceShifu-->>IoT Device: 8. Control & collect data
Akri Agent-->>IoT Device: 3. Discover device
Akri Agent-->>Akri Instance: 4. Create Akri instance
make build
For a kind cluster:
kind create cluster --config=manifests/kind/config.yaml
kind load docker-image edgenesis/shifu-akri-adapter:nightly
kind load docker-image edgenesis/shifu-akri-rtsp-discovery:nightly
kind load docker-image edgenesis/shifu-akri-s7-discovery:nightly
For a k3s cluster:
docker save edgenesis/shifu-akri-adapter:nightly | k3s ctr image import -
docker save edgenesis/shifu-akri-rtsp-discovery:nightly | k3s ctr image import -
docker save edgenesis/shifu-akri-s7-discovery:nightly | k3s ctr image import -
kubectl apply -f
helm repo add akri-helm-charts
helm install akri akri-helm-charts/akri -n devices -f manifests/values.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/ds-s7/akri-s7-discovery-ds.yaml -n devices
kubectl create secret generic deviceshifu-secret --from-literal=username=guest --from-literal=password=HelloShifu -n deviceshifu
kubectl apply -f manifests/configmap
kubectl apply -f shifu-akri-adapter/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/web.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/traefik-route.yaml
Access the RTSP stream at: http://{Node IP}/camera/stream?timeout=0
curl "http://{Node IP}/plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=1"
curl "http://{Node IP}/plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=0"
curl "http://{Node IP}/opcua-led/number"
curl -XPOST -d '{"value":2999}' "http://{Node IP}/opcua-led/number"
curl -XPOST -d '{"value":1999}' "http://{Node IP}/opcua-led/number"
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.23 -n deviceshifu
kubectl port-forward svc/deviceshifu-rtsp-57a51a -n deviceshifu 3000:
kubectl exec -it -n deviceshifu nginx -- curl "deviceshifu-s7-9f6dc8/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=1"; echo
kubectl exec -it -n deviceshifu nginx -- curl "deviceshifu-s7-9f6dc8/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=0"; echo
kubectl exec -it -n deviceshifu nginx -- curl "deviceshifu-akri-opcua-led-e6b66d/number"
kubectl exec -it -n deviceshifu nginx -- curl -XPOST -d '{"value":2999}' "deviceshifu-akri-opcua-led-e6b66d/number"
kubectl exec -it -n deviceshifu nginx -- curl -XPOST -d '{"value":1999}' "deviceshifu-akri-opcua-led-e6b66d/number"
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f manifests/ingress.yaml
Access the RTSP stream at: http://localhost:30080/camera/stream?timeout=0
curl "http://localhost:30080/plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=1"
curl "http://localhost:30080/plc/sendsinglebit?rootaddress=Q&address=0&start=0&digit=1&value=0"
curl "http://localhost:30080/opcua-led/number"
curl -XPOST -d '{"value":2999}' "http://localhost:30080/opcua-led/number"
curl -XPOST -d '{"value":1999}' "http://localhost:30080/opcua-led/number"
kubectl delete -f manifests/ds-s7/akri-s7-discovery-ds.yaml -n devices
kubectl delete akric -n devices akri-opcua-led rtsp
helm uninstall -n devices akri
kubectl delete -f
For support, please reach out to [email protected]