Edit the file certs.jsonnet
and add yours to the list.
It is assumed the domain DNS is operational, hostname(s) points to the nginx LB, and that a proxy pass configured for port 80
as follows is already in place and functional:
include /etc/nginx/default.d/default-letsencrypt-setup.conf
Finally, ensure that the Host
header is set via a proxy_set_header
directive (it may already be the case via inclusion of some proxy cache configuration file).
Edit the file certs.jsonnet
and add yours to the list of CloudFlare certificates.
Make CloudFlare the primary DNS for the domain and create an Address DNS record for the given domain
A * <nginx IP>
Edit the Edit zone DNS
token at CloudFlare and add a zone resource for given domain to the list.
./gen-certbot-deploy.sh certs.jsonnet
You can debug the scripts that will be executed with the help of yq
, like:
./gen-certbot-deploy.sh certs.jsonnet | yq 'select( .kind == "ConfigMap").data["webroot.sh"]'
./gen-certbot-deploy.sh certs.jsonnet | yq 'select( .kind == "ConfigMap").data["cloudflare.sh"]'
./gen-certbot-deploy.sh certs.jsonnet | kubectl apply -f -
JOB_NAME="certbot-manual-${USERNAME}-$(date +%s)"
kubectl create job -n foundation-internal-infra-certbot --from=cronjob/certbot ${JOB_NAME}
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete -n foundation-internal-infra-certbot job/${JOB_NAME}
Optionnaly, check on the logs:
kubectl logs -n foundation-internal-infra-certbot -l "job-name=${JOB_NAME}" -c certbot
kubectl delete -n foundation-internal-infra-certbot job/${JOB_NAME}
Once the OKD job has run and certs have been created, update the nginx config file for the domain and apache/manifests/letsencrypt.pp. The next time puppet runs it should put the certs in the right place and off we go. Infra 3966 (EF internal) has more background.
A Kubernetes secret must exist to be able to use CloudFlare API. The DNS API Token must be retrieved from the CloudFlare dashboard (roll it if it already exists) and put in a text file, e.g. cloudflare_api_token.ini
kubectl create secret generic cloudflare-api-token --from-file=cloudflare_api_token.ini -n cloudflare_api_token.ini
Get the URL of the heartbeat from BetterUptime so that the cronjob can ping when it successfully renew all the certificates.
kubectl create secret generic betteruptime-heartbeat --from-literal=url='https://uptime.betterstack.com/api/v1/heartbeat/abcdefghijklmn012345678