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CUG 6.25 EXPERTS How do I add a new CIME model component
The following provides a very general overview of what you need to do to add a new atm, lnd, ocn, ice, glc or rof component to CESM.
- You must support init, run, and final top level interfaces.
- You must "send" the component grid and decomposition at initialization.
- You must pack and unpack coupling fields to/from interface datatypes.
- You must integrate forward a fixed amount of time and confirm that your model is in sync with the driver clock.
- You must provide/use "expected" scalar information as needed. - provide present/prognostic flags at initialization - provide "nextsw_cday" if atm component, use nextsw_cday if surface model - use mpicom - use stop and restart information - use inst_name, inst_index, inst_suffix (for cesm[version]) - use other infodata information as needed (ie. starttype, case_name, configuration settings like aqua_planet, orbital settings)
- Use I/O unit manager in CESM
- You must meet filename conventions for history, restart, and log files
There are some component to component variations in the interfaces and in the provide/use of scalar data, so it's best to follow another component of the same flavor. The top level interface will be a fortran file called *_comp_mct.F90 where * is atm, ocn, ice, or lnd. That file exists in all components. Below is a generic summary of what is going on using the atm component as an example. Other components are very close.
1. You must support init, run, and final top level interfaces. The interfaces must follow the naming convention and argument types exactly. These interfaces must be in a file called atm_comp_mct.F90 and the module must be called atm_comp_mod. The driver will access the component model only through the init, run, and final interfaces.
module atm_comp_mct
public :: atm_init_mct
public :: atm_run_mct
public :: atm_final_mct
subroutine atm_init_mct( EClock, cdata_a, x2a_a, a2x_a, NLFilename )
type(ESMF_Clock),intent(in) :: EClock
type(seq_cdata), intent(inout) :: cdata_a
type(mct_aVect), intent(inout) :: x2a_a
type(mct_aVect), intent(inout) :: a2x_a
character(len=*), optional, intent(IN) :: NLFilename ! Namelist filename
subroutine atm_run_mct( EClock, cdata_a, x2a_a, a2x_a)
type(ESMF_Clock) ,intent(in) :: EClock
type(seq_cdata) ,intent(inout) :: cdata_a
type(mct_aVect) ,intent(inout) :: x2a_a
type(mct_aVect) ,intent(inout) :: a2x_a
subroutine atm_final_mct( )
type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_atm
type(mct_gGrid), pointer :: dom_a
call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_a, gsMap=gsMap_atm, dom=dom_a)
! call an mct_gsmap_init method and specify the global index
! of each local gridcell
! call an mct_gGrid_init method and fill the lon/lat/area/mask/frac
! arrays
use seq_flds_mod
lsize = mct_gsMap_lsize(gsMap_atm, mpicom_atm)
call mct_aVect_init(a2x_a, rList=seq_flds_a2x_fields, lsize=lsize)
call mct_aVect_zero(a2x_a)
call mct_aVect_init(x2a_a, rList=seq_flds_x2a_fields, lsize=lsize)
call mct_aVect_zero(x2a_a)
To pack the data, it's easiest just to write directly into the arrays inside the attribute vector in the following manner,
integer :: index_a2x_Sa_pslv ! sea level atm pressure
index_a2x_Sa_pslv = mct_avect_indexra(a2x_a,'Sa_pslv')
do i=is,ie
a2x_a%rAttr(index_a2x_Sa_pslv ,i) = psl(i)
a2x_a%rAttr(index_a2x_Sa_z ,i) = zbot(i)
a2x_a%rAttr(index_a2x_Sa_u ,i) = ubot(i)
a2x_a%rAttr(index_a2x_Sa_v ,i) = vbot(i)
integer :: index_x2a_Sx_t ! surface temperature
index_x2a_Sx_t = mct_avect_indexra(x2a_a,'Sx_t')
do i=is,ie
ts(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_t ,i)
The attribute vectors store only the "local" data and you basically just need to copy data from the model datatype to the coupling MCT (or ESMF) datatype.
4. You must integrate forward a fixed amount of time and confirm that your model is in sync with the driver clock. You can access clock information from the EClock passed through the coupling interfaces and the EClockGetData method. The approach to sync the model and driver clock is very model specific. In some cases, a model may just get the current time from the EClock and use it. That probably only happens for models that don't advance in time (like maybe a data model). In other cases, model clocks may be initialized based on the EClock data at initialization and then the model time and driver time are regularly compared for consistency. Another approach is to use the "dt" provided by the EClock to advance a model "dt" seconds. Some examples are provided.
type(ESMF_Clock) ,intent(in) :: EClock
! EClock initialization data
call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock, &
start_ymd=start_ymd, start_tod=start_tod, &
ref_ymd=ref_ymd, ref_tod=ref_tod, &
stop_ymd=stop_ymd, stop_tod=stop_tod, &
calendar=calendar )
! EClock dt
call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(Eclock,dtime=atm_cpl_dt)
! EClock current time
call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock,curr_ymd=ymd_sync,curr_tod=tod_sync, &
! Check synchronization
if (.not. seq_timemgr_EClockDateInSync( EClock, ymd, tod)) then
write(*,*) "Clocks not in sync"
call shr_sys_abort()
- You must provide/use "expected" scalar information as needed. Each component varies a bit wrt what's provided and used. - Provide present/prognostic flags at initialization. The logical flag present means the component provides data. The logical flag prognostic means the component uses data. Stub models set both to false. Data models generally set present to true and prognostic to false, except in cases where a data model needs some coupling data for some internal computations (e.g. DOCN-SOM). Active models generally set both flags to true.
call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, atm_present=.true.) call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, atm_prognostic=.true.)
- Provide "nextsw_cday" if you are adding an atm component. Use nextsw_cday if you are adding a surface model. The real variable nextsw_cday is the time of the next atm radiation calculation if it occurs at the next coupling period. If there is no radiation calculation on the next timestep, this should be set to -1. This allows surface albedos and the atm radiation calculation to stay synced up. The surface models use the nextsw_day field and compute albedos based on that time.
call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday )
- Use the mpi communicator, mpicom, which is provided by the driver to the component. This must be used for all internal model communication. The data is provided in the cdata datatype.
call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_a, mpicom=mpicom_atm)
- Use stop and restart information provided by the driver. The driver will tell the component if this is the last coupling period and/or if a restart is required at the end of this coupling period. The component should listen to both these flags.
stop_now = seq_timemgr_StopAlarmIsOn(EClock) restart_now = seq_timemgr_RestartAlarmIsOn(EClock)
- Use inst_name, inst_index, inst_suffix needed for for the multiple instance capability. As a starting point, the following provides standard code that can be added
integer(IN) :: COMPID ! mct comp id integer :: inst_index ! number of current instance (ie. 1) character(len=16) :: inst_name ! fullname of current instance (ie. "lnd_0001") character(len=16) :: inst_suffix ! char string associated with instance call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata, ID=COMPID) inst_name = seq_comm_name(COMPID) inst_index = seq_comm_inst(COMPID) inst_suffix = seq_comm_suffix(COMPID)
- Use other infodata information as needed (ie. starttype, case_name, configuration settings like aqua_planet, orbital settings)
- Use the I/O unit manager in CESM. To avoid conflicts in I/O unit numbers between components, models should call the shr_file_getUnit and shr_file_freeUnit methods to acquire and release available unit numbers.
nunit = shr_file_getUnit()
read(nunit,*) xyz
call shr_file_freeUnit(nunit)
$CASE.atm.ha.2001-01.nc ! history
$CASE.atm.r.2001-01-00000.nc ! restart
!--- open log file ---
if (my_task == master_task) then
logUnit = shr_file_getUnit()
call shr_file_setIO('atm_modelio.nml',logUnit)
logUnit = 6