- Egypt
- 2h ahead - in/donia-gameel-6251a6243
An execution unit that is able to do the following commands: Move Value to Register, Move Register to Register, Add Value to Register, Add Register to Register, AND Value to Register and AND Regist…
It is an arithmetic unit that is capable of adding, subtracting and multiplying two signed magnitude numbers, and displays the result of the operation performed along with some additional flags reg…
This is a college project for Image Processing Course, its aim is to recognize Egyptian car plate and to decide if the car will pass the gate or not based on plates database.
hebaashraf21 / Communication-modulation-demodulation-project
Forked from DoniaGameel/Communication-modulation-demodulation-projecthebaashraf21 / Verilog-adders-with-synthesis-using-Oasys
Forked from DoniaGameel/Verilog-adders-with-synthesis-using-Oasyshebaashraf21 / verilog-multipliers-with-synthesis-and-routing
Forked from DoniaGameel/verilog-multipliers-with-synthesis-and-routinghebaashraf21 / Book_Store
Forked from asmaaadel0/Book_StoreA desktop application built in C# & SQL-server that enables the user to buy, sell, borrow, lend, donate, take for free or order books. the user can also show seminars & shipping companies.
E-wallet app to manage user finances.
hebaashraf21 / Wassaly-Game
Forked from AhmedLotfy02/Wassaly-GameWassaly is a game where you must deliver pizzas and collect batteries to survive🚗
Hand Gesture recognizing the numbers from 0 to 5
A simple to-do list built using flutter based on BLoC state management to manage your daily tasks .
A simple flutter project that calculate your BMI.
A tic tac toe game built using flutter. It has both the "Two players"&"Auto play" options.
Simple flutter app that shows the transfer of money between multiple customers. The project is done as a part of The Sparks Foundation Internship GRIPSEPTEMPER22
Shop app where you can explore products and buy them.
A social media app allowing users to register, login, post content, customize profiles, and engage in seamless chat conversations. Built in Flutter based on BLoC state management using firebase ser…
Compilers project - CMP2024 - Computer engineering - Cairo University
Machine Learning project - CMP2024 - Computer Engineering - Cairo University
Big Data Project - CMP2024 - Computer Engineering - Cairo University
Remote Sensing & Satellite Imagery - CMP2024 - Computer Engineering - Cairo University
🤳🥫 The new Open Food Facts mobile application for Android and iOS, crafted with Flutter and Dart