Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr
***** ChangeLog for 15.0.2 compared to 15.0.1 *****
FIX: #19777 #20281
FIX: #20140 #20301
FIX: #20279 Accountancy - PostGreSQL - Error on mass update lines already binded
FIX: #20476 migration postgresql 14.0.x to 15.0.x packaging type
FIX: #20733 Inventory: Do not use batch qty even if present if batch module is disabled.
FIX: action comm list: holiday last day not included + handle duration with halfdays
FIX: Add missing entity on salary's payment
FIX: Add 'recruitment' into check array
FIX: add tools to fix bad bank amount in accounting with multicurrency
FIX: assign member cateogry to a member
FIX: backport
FIX: bad bank amount in accounting with multicurrency
FIX: Bad condition on remx
FIX: Bad filter on date on salary list
FIX: bad link to add a customer price (token duplicated)
FIX: bad status of member on widget by type and status
FIX: better error management at product selling price update
FIX: Can't edit bank record
FIX: check mandatory thirdparty fields for mass action
FIX: check thirdparty object loaded and properties exist
FIX: comment
FIX: compatibility for ticket number sharing
FIX: compatibility with multicompany sharings
FIX: contact card: single extrafield update failed
FIX: country not visible into list of states
FIX: Delete an extrafield where type is double
FIX: deprecated module are not more viewed as external modules
FIX: Disable customer type by default if type prospect/customer is disabled
FIX: each time we create a supplier order, we need to give it a ref_supplier
FIX: Error management
FIX: fatal error for $db usage in tpl
FIX: filter into the list of product lots
FIX: Filter on Object Referent page give CRSF page
FIX: Fix default options ($hidedetails, $hidedesc, $hideref) with globales when generate PDF in mass actions
FIX: Fix search by filters
FIX: Fix the adding of lines in the create invoice functions
FIX: forgotten form confirm before various payment delete
FIX: holiday/leave requests: write status change emails in HTML
FIX: include discount price for PMP after a reception (Issue #20029)
FIX: incrementation
FIX: in salary stats and payment list, we must check right perms as well as salary list
FIX: intervention entity missing
FIX: label tax cat trad
FIX: Mass action ship orders
FIX: missing advanced perms
FIX: missing call to executeHooks()
FIX: Missing entity on adding new VAT
FIX: missing hook for row ordering
FIX: missing hook parameter ($possiblelinks)
FIX: missing parenthesis
FIX: missing picto in combo of mass actions of thirdparties.
FIX: missing signature library when ODT model is used
FIX: Missing unset fields after updateline expensereport
FIX: ModuileBuilder - Fix getLinesArray() error reporting
FIX: Move delete task time trigger position
FIX: Navigation between invoices
FIX: No empty line inserted into accounting_bookkeeping
FIX: Numbering of sepa files
FIX: object cloning: set unique extrafield values to null to prevent duplicates
FIX: on update with action reminder in future there is user key error
FIX: originproductline array td identification data-id
FIX: out of memory when more than 100 000 invoices.
FIX: permit access to medias when logged in a different entity
FIX: phpcs
FIX: project creation prevented if PROJECTLEADER contact role renamed, de-activated or deleted
FIX: project timesheet by week: cleanup unused code
FIX: project timesheet: public holidays offset by 1 day
FIX: project timesheets: assume Saturday and Sunday as default weekend days when working days conf is empty or badly formed
FIX: propal list: bad error management when setting "not signed" mass action
FIX: propal list mass action translations and error management (v14 edition)
FIX: propal list: missing not signed massaction translation keys for transifex
FIX: PR returns
FIX: ref_client doesn't exists on supplier invoice, then ref_fourn needs to have a default value when we want to bill several supplier orders
FIX: replenish and manage product stock by warhouse
FIX: sending email on payment of registration of event
FIX: SEPA ICS is not mandatory for bank transfer
FIX: Set datec when add time spent on a project task
FIX: status filter on supplierOrder stats doesn't work
FIX: stickler-ci
FIX: still prevent project creation if PROJECTLEADER role unavailable, but with a specific error message
FIX: Supplier order stats
FIX: Tabulation must be allowed for HTML content
FIX: tool to fix bank account not in main currency for vendor invoice
FIX: translations
FIX: Travis + Update dev
FIX: truncate Customer Reference too long on PDF header (PR #20718)
FIX: uniformize code
FIX: Update of sale price (log not correctly updated)
FIX: user actions rights when mulit-company transverse mode is enabled
FIX: user employee tab: offset in open days messes up holiday length calculation
FIX: We need to have a different default_ref_supplier for each new fourn invoice
FIX: "WHERE" clause missing on resource export
FIX: #yogosha9754
***** ChangeLog for 12.0.5 compared to 12.0.4 *****
FIX: before crediting a withdrawal receipt, check whether it has been credited already
FIX: mandatory extrafields of type sellist
FIX: when a mandatory extrafield of type sellist contains '0' it should be considered empty and trigger an error message upon insertion
FIX: when a new intervention is created from an object, a new $extrafields object is instantiated but not initialized
FIX: "openall" filter on ticket list does not include read tickets
FIX: ticket - extrafields of type 'date' are not saved
FIX: ticket - the "openall" filter on the ticket list does not include tickets with status READ
FIX: #14290 #15900
FIX: #15388 #15891
FIX: #15465 External user sees last 5 shipments to other customers in the dashboard
FIX: #15629
FIX: #15751 Miscellaneous payment type change to 0 after updating subledger account
FIX: #15946
FIX: #15966 #15967
FIX: Accountancy - Fix some problems on CEGID export
FIX: Accountancy - label_operation is used instead of label_compte
FIX: Accountancy - Retire entire opening balance feature
FIX: add autofix of count of email target when data is corrupted
FIX: add categories params on llxHeader filter
FIX: Add critical price patch from 12 to 11.
FIX: Bad cleaning of VAT rate when numbers are into code
FIX: Bad dates filtering in the ticket list causes sql error
FIX: balance starting and ending fiscal month #14197
FIX: bom line unit display #13831
FIX: cash fence for takepos with multientity
FIX: Check of customer/vendor code fails in some cases
FIX: create ticket : thirdparty/contact notification #15629
FIX: Creation of thirdparty when setup is empty
FIX: Dates of sales start in TakePOS
FIX: dupliacete customer or supplier code must be error dipslayed with new code proposed
FIX: Export FEC - Force Carriage Return Line Feed
FIX: Facture Situation Out : status condition
FIX: Filter on date of next generation on template invoices
FIX: Fix detect dispatched product and set to received completely when the supplier order have services (support STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES)
FIX: Invoice Situation Out : status condition
FIX: issue 15659 : Missing test if supplier conf is enabled
FIX: link to create event when task is in a project with a thirdparty
FIX: Localtax must be converted with price2num
FIX: manage price min for PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES
FIX: missing GETPOST parameters on card_presend.tpl.php
FIX: missing socid into link to create event from project agenda tab
FIX: Must delete extrafields before main table on product deletion.
FIX: (path) htdocs removed
FIX: php alert sms.php
FIX: right to show VAT rate in product list
FIX: select default mail template
FIX: Timeout during import
FIX: update order by api
FIX: useless tracking number displayed on pdf if empty issue #14501
FIX: Visible date of payment
FIX: warning when adding a line if $remise_percent is an empty string
FIX: When creating a new POS sell, the creation date must be modified.
FIX: wrong name for search status param issue #15516
FIX: #19777 #20281
FIX: bad position of extrafields for interventions
FIX: Blocking situation when a payment was deleted in bank.
FIX: creation of the shipment if order contains services
FIX: Drag and drop line of files on join files tab
FIX: Error management on mass action "Approve holiday"
FIX: error with php8
FIX: in case of VAT refund, negative amount must be allowed
FIX: invoice pdf: lines originating from deposits were not detailed anymore
FIX: Invoice - When you create an invoice for a given thirdparty, fk_account is not retrieved from company card
FIX: list of visible type of event was not correctly filtered
FIX: Missing or bad permissions
FIX: Missing the field date start/end in export supplier invoice/order
FIX: On large proposal or invoice, fix n(n+1) sql into a n sql.
FIX: options should not exists on invoices
FIX: payment not completed when using Paypal.
FIX: permission to download files of expense report with readall.
FIX- Preview icon in documents list PDF in the admin page third-party
FIX: shipping list, e.shipping_method_id should be e.fk_shipping_method.
FIX: Show product photo on Supplier order Cornas model.
FIX: User name in ManufacturingOrder
FIX: viewimage.php blocks requests with multicompany from other enties
FIX: #yogosha9048
FIX: #yogosha9054
FIX: #yogosha9095
For users:
NEW: Online proposal signature
NEW: Can define some max limit on expense report (per period, per type or expense, ...)
NEW: Provide a special pages for bookmarks and multicompany for a better use of some mobile applications (like DoliDroid)
NEW: Allow the use of NEWREF to get for example the new reference a draft order will get after validation.
NEW: Add option to disable globaly some notifications emails.
NEW: #18401 Add NEWREF subtitute to get new object reference.
NEW: #18403 Add URL_SHIPMENT substitute to get the URL of a shipment
NEW: #18689 REST API module: add api key generate / modify permission.
NEW: #18663 Make "L'Annuaire des Entreprises" the default provider for SIREN verification for French thirdparties.
NEW: #18046 Add tags on ticket/categories
NEW: #18326 Workflow: Close order on shipment closing.
NEW: #18770 Can enter the buying price (for Weighted Average Price update) on lines during the reception step
NEW: #18814 Add legal form for Sweden
NEW: #18820 Accountancy - Add product account in import/export of thirdparty (level 3)
NEW: Accountancy - Format FEC/FEC2 - Add column NumFacture
NEW: Add $dolibarr_main_db_readonly in conf.php for readonly access.
NEW: add auto creation of agenda event on supplier_order cancellation
NEW: Add a PDF document template for Manufacturing Orders
NEW: Add budget field into task #18986
NEW: add cancel button to classify reception
form on supplier_orders
NEW: Added address field into contacts list
NEW: Added documents page and send mail possibility in payments
NEW: Add edit option in propal
NEW: Added linked files page and send mail possibility in payments
NEW: Add field date from/to in customer and supplier payment list
NEW: Add filter from date to date into action/evt list
NEW: Add import / export of MO and BOMLines - Close #18499
NEW: Adding accounting export model for iSuite Expert
NEW: add link to an element by ref
NEW: add missing printFieldListFrom hook call on several lists
NEW: add MRP into Object Linked Box
NEW: Add option to hide customer code on PDF documents
NEW: Add param $nolog to avoid logging into dol_delete_recursive_dir()
NEW: Add sale representative in order and invoice list
NEW: add a setting to create PDF in PDF/A - 1b format #18990
to display VAT number in combo list of thirdparties
NEW: Add sortorder on units list
NEW: Adds PDF_HIDE_PRODUCT_LABEL_IN_SUPPLIER_LINES to hide product label in supplier order lines
NEW: Add STOCK_MOVEMENT_LIST_HIDE_UNIT_PRICE to hide unit price on some pages
NEW: add support for zstd compression
NEW: Allow drag and drop on kits
NEW: Allow exporting supplier order validation date + validation user
NEW: Allows product ref generation after the form is validated with PRODUCT_GENERATE_REF_AFTER_FORM
NEW: autocomplete account group when editing an account card
NEW: Auto create invoice for payment done on an order with online payment link of order
NEW: Can edit fields of proposal when proposal is not yet signed
NEW: Can edit the translation key of an overwrote translation key.
NEW: can enable/disable external calendar by default
NEW: Can hide sender name on PDF documents
NEW: Can select lot from a combo list of existing batch numbers (in MRP consumtion)
NEW: Can set the default BOM on a product
NEW: Can set/unset the usual working day of the week (friday, saturday, sunday)
NEW: Can show progression of task into combo list of tasks
NEW: can upload the odt file for the product doc template
NEW: Contract - Add From/to input on search date
NEW: Customer Display with TakePOS
NEW: Split Sale in TakePOS
NEW: Customer invoice template list - Add input date from/to
NEW: date filter on project list and task list From->To
NEW: display shipping method and tracking url on shipment list
NEW: expense reports: conf to force amounts to be entered only including taxes
NEW: expense reports: conf to pre-fill start/end dates with bounds of current month
NEW: expense reports: show link to already existing overlapping expense report
NEW: expense reports: can make project field mandatory on lines
NEW: Expose bank account holder, label and number
NEW: feature #18986
NEW: field and behavior in product object
NEW: generate intervention from time spent
NEW: holiday: handle monthly balance updates with cronjob
NEW: HRM integration, source code
NEW: HRM admin - Add tabs
NEW: HRM - Include more options to manage/custom dashboard
NEW: Increase size of params of actions for emailcollector
NEW: Invoice list - Use complete country select field with EEC or not
NEW: mass action delete, no more break if at least one object has child
NEW: mass action paid on customer invoice list
NEW: massaction validate on supplier orders list
NEW: Mass action send email to all attendees of an event.
NEW: expense reports: conf to pre-fill start/end dates with bounds of current month
NEW: Option "Add a link on the PDF to make the online payment"
NEW: More options to generate PDF (show Frame option, width of picture option)
NEW: Preview of pdf files of expense report lines
NEW: print without details
NEW: project time spent: conf to prevent recording time after X months
NEW: rewrite bind accountancy code finding on customer and sales invoice
NEW: Societe - Add perentity functionality on customer/supplier accountancy auxiliary account
NEW: Survey - Add a clickable link in email send
NEW: Social Contributions - Add from/to filter on list
NEW: Supplier order and proposal - Add From/to input on search date
NEW: Task - Add From/to input on search date
NEW: The Anti-CSRF protection MAIN_SECURITY_CSRF_WITH_TOKEN is on to value 1 by default
NEW: Update SQL : install and migration
NEW: Use an ajax call for the clicktodial feature instead of href link.
NEW: when multiple order linked to facture, show list into note.
NEW: when we delete several objects with massaction, if somes object has child we must see which objects are concerned and nevertheless delete objects which can be deleted
NEW: Editing a page in website module keep old page with name .back
NEW: External backups can be downloaded from the "About info page".
NEW: Add massaction to switch status on sale / on purchase of a product.
NEW: Stable module Knowledge Management
NEW: Experimental module Event Organization Management
NEW: Experimental module Workstations Management
NEW: Development of module Partnership Management
For developers:
NEW: Introduce method hasRight
NEW: Can use textarea field into a confirm popup.
NEW: Can use the result_mode of mysqli driver. Save memory for list count
NEW: #18319 REST API - Shipment: Add 'close' action / endpoint / POST method.
NEW: Add API /approve and /makeOrder for purchase orders.
NEW: add action trigger for member excluded
NEW: Add code codebar column on serial/lot structure
NEW: Add date_valid and date_approve columns in the list of supplier orders
NEW: add hook beforeBodyClose
NEW: Add hook hookGetEntity.
NEW: add hookmanager on note pages
NEW: add hook 'menuLeftMenuItems' to filter the leftmenu items
NEW: Add the property "copytoclipboard" in modulebuilder
NEW: api for knowledgemanagement
NEW: API get list of legal form of business
NEW: API list of staff units
NEW: hook after rank update
NEW: printFieldListFrom hook call on several lists
NEW: Use lang selector when using a field key 'lang' in modulebuilder
NEW: we need to be able to put more filters on deleteByParentField() function
NEW: make it easier to set the keyword
, keywords
and description
attributes of an ecm file object
NEW: Experimental feature to manage user sessions in database
NEW: Hidden option API_DISABLE_COMPRESSION is now visible in API setup page.
NEW: Add hook printUnderHeaderPDFline on invoice PDF templates (can be used for example to add a barcode or more information on header of invoices).
Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:
- ALL EXTERNAL MODULES THAT WERE NOT CORRECTLY DEVELOPPED WILL NOT WORK ON V15 (All modules that forgot to manage the security token field
into forms will be broken. The security token field is expected since Dolibarr v9 but a lot of external modules did not implement it). - Update hook 'printOriginObjectLine', removed check on product type and special code. Need now reshook.
- Old deprecated module "SimplePOS" has been completely removed. Use module "TakePOS" is you need a Point Of Sale.
- The method static ActionComm::getActions($db, ...) is no more static. Use $actioncomm->getActions(...) instead (without $db param).
- The 'action=delete&file=...' has been replaced with 'action=deletefile&file=...' to avoid confusion with deletion of object lines.
- Method getDictvalue has been renamed into getDictionaryValue to match camel case rule.
- To execute shell or command line command, your code must never use method like exec, shell_exec, popen, .. but must use the built-in
method executeCLI() available into core/class/utils.class.php - Class file expeditionbatch.class.php renamed to expeditionlinebatch.class.php
- ExpeditionLineBatch::fetchAll is not static anymore and first parameter $db is removed
- ExtraFields->showOutputField parameter 4 'extrafieldsobjectkey' is now required
- CommonObject method add_object_linked now sets targettype to 'mymodule_myobject' instead of 'myobject',
you can use hook 'setLinkedObjectSourceTargetType' to set your usual targettype
FIX: 13.0: printFieldListWhere called twice on same query
FIX: 14.0.4 fatal error on cron list.
FIX: #19476
FIX: #19564
FIX: #19651
FIX: Accountancy - SQL error on subledger account search in journal
FIX: apply eldy's suggestion to not overwrite existing extrafields of $line
FIX: Can't close a down payment if paid with credit notes.
FIX: better compatibility with multicompany
FIX: contact card: bad colspan value for separator extrafield in creation/modification form
FIX: discounts are applied both when fetching the best supplier price and when displaying it
FIX: double display for contact categorie on societe create card
FIX: fatal error on cron list.
FIX: holiday list: only mass delete if leave request is not in draft, canceled or refused, like in card
FIX: holiday mass deletion: correct return of record deleted
FIX: Holiday month report
FIX: info tab on customer invoice record not found
FIX: line extrafields are inoperative in dispatch cards even when they exist
FIX: list of categories in stats of supplier invoices
FIX: missing default value for more comprehensive
FIX: multicurrency: fields in discount unitialized when creating deposit
FIX: Navigation on bank transaction list
FIX: Can't edit a bank transaction due to bad permission check.
FIX: Option MAIN_DIRECT_STATUS_UPDATE broken. Ajax on/off not saving value in DB after updating to version >=12
FIX: postgresql compatibility, "" as is not authorized
FIX: printFieldListWhere called twice (at different locations) for the same SQL query, can result in syntax errors
FIX: select too large into addrights (pb of missing parenthesis)
FIX: set optional from post, we can't untick boolean field on product card
FIX: Take into consideration work leave over serveral months
FIX: test if method exist on wrong object
FIX: title for nature of third party in company list
FIX: Urgent onglet contact inaccessible depuis une facture
FIX: wrong syntax of sql request
FIX: $totalarray is overwritten, totals were lost
FIX: 13.0 - due to a typo in the 'mode' parameter, the "first name" column of the list of members displays the full name
FIX: 13.0: end date required to edit a ticket message
FIX: 13.0 feedback of PR #18993: make ticket messages punctual events with attr percentage = -1
FIX: 13.0 PR #18993: add comment on modified part
FIX: 13.0: sometimes firstname was mistyped as fistname
FIX: 14.0 - civility field of private third party creation form has inadequate width
FIX: 14.0 - civility field width inadequate due to select2 calculating the width while the field has no width (display: none)
FIX: 14.0 - due to a typo in the 'mode' parameter, the "first name" co…
FIX: #18634 : Problem of virtual stock with reception module enabled
FIX: #18695 Added ref_ext to supplier invoice
FIX: #18698 Supplier invoice list - "alert" checkbox not working
FIX: #18735
FIX: #18767 : Adherent delete
FIX: #18797
FIX: #18854
FIX: #18875 in v14
FIX: #18910
FIX: #18910 : MRP List SQL query syntax error with more than one extrafileds.
FIX: #18912 Accountancy - SQL error when custom group is added without country defined
FIX: #18934 on-registration in the extrafieldsline database for deliveries
FIX: #18968
FIX: #19008
FIX: #19014 - the properties of some fields are not updated when you submit the form
FIX: #19210
FIX: #19214 : PostgreSQL error on admin/limits.php
FIX: #19241 Project - Fix display salary in overview
FIX: #19305
FIX: 2 columns for total labels
FIX: Accountancy - Format Quadra export - Missing line type C to create automaticly a subledger account with label
FIX: Accountancy - If deposit invoice is used, force binding in deposit accounting account to solve transaction
FIX: Accountancy - Missing specific filename for export on format FEC2, Ciel & repare it
FIX: Accountancy - Option of export popup are inverted
FIX: Accountancy - PHP8
FIX: Accountancy - Product admin - SQL error when we affect accounting account with product_perentity activated
FIX: Accountancy simplified - Salaries are not present in report
FIX: Accountancy - Some correction on export name
FIX: Accountancy - Trunc code_journal to 2 in format XIMPORT (Ciel, Sage50)
FIX: add warehouse in projects' overview count
FIX: also on customer index for automatic binding
FIX: Attachment of pdf into shipment when sending email
FIX: autocalculation of the supplier price in main currency.
FIX: avoid warning if $categories is an id
FIX: bad sign of amount stored for multicurrency columns on credit notes
FIX: Bad use of a forced contact of another company on PDF/ODT documents
FIX: Bad use of dol_concatdesc()
FIX: Button text on proposal card for create a invoice
FIX: calculateCosts of BOM must not be included into fetch
FIX: calculation of balance in conciliation page on desc sorting.
FIX: card.php
FIX: Change date format of the inventorycode to be equal as mass stock transfert
FIX: check if greater 0
FIX: close cash with some terminals in TakePOS
FIX: compatibility with Multicompany
FIX: consistent UX when calling a tab from the invoice card with empty ref/id
FIX: default language defined for IN country
FIX: Expense report - In edit mode, field qty doesn't accept decimal unlike the create mode
FIX: fetch of product with modulebuilder load too much data
FIX: filter for export of accounting documents
FIX: Filter on categories
FIX: generate documents with PDF options
FIX: indentation
FIX: init hookmanager after loading $conf values
FIX: invoice: inpossible to create an invoice because of very bad check + warnings when trying to print tabs for invoice with no ID
FIX: legal issue on expense report pdf (must also show price without tax)
FIX: list of categories in stats of supplier invoices
FIX: load tranlate array after setting lang
FIX: lost superadmin grade after edit user card
FIX: missing filter status=1 on rss feeds
FIX: missing permission check reported by [email protected] on product api
FIX: missing return status
FIX: missing sql filter by entity
FIX: move fetch_optionnal into $ac_static->fetch()
FIX: only a superadmin can modify entity
FIX: only ones value is return for dictionaries
FIX: optional visibility on create card
FIX: payment style and html5 tags
FIX: payment using wrong type in takepos when too many payment mode
FIX: PR#18931 Remove useless explicit call to dol_shutdown
FIX: Product accountancy affectation with product_perentity activated (PR #18620)
FIX: products/services card: hidden extrafields were overridden
FIX: project task list: extrafields could not be displayed
FIX: Propal list - Problem of pagination on date
FIX: reload user lang
FIX: Remove not complete order from the virtual stock
FIX: Replenish: SQL error when no warehouse has been created + Warning when there are no warehouses
FIX: resource list : Use standard code to handle list filters
FIX: restrictedArea for payment delete
FIX: second approval back in stable feature as is the setting for minimum amount (last part from PR#14286)
FIX: selected lines on supplier invoice create
FIX: Selection of type "people" for membership must hide the company
FIX: select list of orders not complete when field type of company is on
FIX: show end hours in events linked to objects
FIX: support of localtax on expense report
FIX: task time: can't filter by user with pgsql + show error message
FIX: task time: keep on using natural_search
FIX: tcpdf vulnerability to roman numeral bomb, cf. tecnickom/TCPDF issue #315
FIX: Test when date of invoie is in future (pb with TZ and offset)
FIX: Ticket - Card - Wrong font awesome library
FIX: Ticket - Duplicate field project when we create ticket from project
FIX: translation into email for member at membership validation.
FIX: Travis Sanitize SQL
FIX: unprivileged user can see task associated with a not allowed project
FIX: URGENT: impossible to create an invoice
FIX: Use of accent into filename of GED
FIX: user date timezone offset
FIX: User salary card - translation problem
FIX: user without permission can set ticket subject
FIX: We need a default price base type in variant creation case with multiprices when parent has been created with only one level price
FIX: wrong array key value
FIX: wrong check
FIX: wrong position of error message
Sync transifex.
FIX: #18698 Supplier invoice list - "alert" checkbox not working
FIX: #18735
FIX: #18767 : Member delete
FIX: #18854
FIX: #18910 : MRP List SQL query syntax error with more than one extrafileds.
FIX: Accountancy - Format Quadra export - Missing line type C to create automaticly a subledger account with label
FIX: Accountancy - Missing specific filename for export on format FEC2, Ciel & repare it
FIX: Accountancy - Option of export popup are inverted
FIX: Accountancy - Some correction on export name
FIX: Accountancy - Trunc code_journal to 2 in format XIMPORT (Ciel, Sage50)
FIX: add warehouse in projects' overview count
FIX: autocalculation of the supplier price in main currency.
FIX: avoid warning if $categories is an id
FIX: Bad use of a forced contact of another company on PDF/ODT documents
FIX: Button text on proposal card to create a invoice
FIX: calculateCosts of BOM must not be included into fetch
FIX: check if greater 0
FIX: default language defined for IN country
FIX: fetch of product with modulebuilder load too much data
FIX: Filter on categories
FIX: indentation
FIX: init hookmanager after loading $conf values
FIX: legal issue on expense report pdf (must also show price without tax)
FIX: missing filter status=1 on rss feeds
FIX: move fetch_optionnal into $ac_static->fetch()
FIX: payment using wrong type in takepos when too many payment mode
FIX: Product accountancy affectation with product_perentity activated (PR #18620)
FIX: products/services card: hidden extrafields were overridden
FIX: Propal list - Problem of pagination on date
FIX: selected lines on supplier invoice create
FIX: Selection of type "people" for membership must hide the company
FIX: select list of orders not complete when field type of company is on
FIX: support of localtax on expense report
FIX: task time: can't filter by user with pgsql + show error message
FIX: task time: keep on using natural_search
FIX: Test when date of invoie is in future (pb with TZ and offset)
FIX: translation into email for member at membership validation.
FIX: unprivileged user can see task associated with a not allowed project
FIX: user without permission can set ticket subject
FIX: 13.0: class CommandeFournisseurDispatch provides trigger for UPDATE but not for CREATE / DELETE
FIX: #18389 Accountancy - Bug on LDcompta10 export for supplier invoice
FIX: #18591 : Remove double quotes of SQL Queries for postgresql compatibility
FIX: Accountancy - Debug Export Sage50 / CIEL Compta / CIEL Compta Evo (Format XIMPORT)
FIX: Accountancy - Some problems of length with general & subledger account
FIX: an approved holiday can be canceled by an admin.
FIX: autocalculation of the supplier price in main currency.
FIX: better sql request
FIX: cannot add time spend when column ref is not displayed
FIX: compatibility postgre sql
FIX: holiday card: hooks uninitialized
FIX: Invoice - Missing button to reopen an abandoned situation invoice
FIX: invoice validation: when checking if any VAT rate has a negative amount, prevent false positives with -1.0E-14 amounts
FIX: list of categories in stats of supplier invoices
FIX: Manage credit note on situation invoice for calculate margin
FIX: method_exists needs object at first param
FIX: move fetch_optionnal into $ac_static->fetch()
FIX: multicompany transverse mode compatibility
FIX: on supplier order, JOIN with product fourn price table must be done with fk_soc too to avoid display several times a same line (because of same supplier product ref)
FIX: postgre filter select search extrafield
FIX: products/services card: hidden extrafields were overridden
FIX: shipping validation workflow: 'ORDER_NEW' trigger called from wrong object
FIX: task time: can't filter by user with pgsql + show error message
FIX: task time: keep on using natural_search
FIX: wrong users count in multicompany transverse mode
FIX: #18353 Invoice list translation issue
FIX: #18375 SQL Error on tasks statistics
FIX: #18465
FIX: #18484
FIX: #18531
FIX: #18542 REST API: set global $user variable to DolibarrApiAccess::user.
FIX: #18544 Shipment REST API: load thirdparty object into the shipment before validating.
FIX: #18544 Shipment rest api: load thirdparty object when validating
FIX: #18565
FIX: #18589 #18617
FIX: #18591 : Remove double quotes of SQL Queries for postgresql compatibility
FIX: #18666 Order / Shipment list: Don't SQL JOIN category table when not necessary.
FIX: Accountancy - Some problems of length with general & subledger account
FIX: Add option $noescapecommand in executeCLI for better compatibility
FIX: Add token to remove error when removing widget
FIX: Add token when remove the last widget on home page
FIX: an approved holiday can be canceled by an admin.
FIX: better sql request
FIX: change LOG_DEBUG with LOG_WARNING in syslog and remove sql error in syslog (already done)
FIX: Collapsing of extrafields has disappeared.
FIX: Date of payment of subscription must not be set to 1970-01-01.
FIX: Export of website generates a package that contains a sql error
FIX: Field already present in SQL request
FIX: increase maxlength of password input
FIX: invoice fetch not found syslog debug level instead of error
FIX: Invoice list - Wrong name for column total_tva
FIX: invoice validation: when checking if any vat rate has a negative amount, prevent false positives with -1E-14 amounts
FIX: Manage credit note on situation invoice for calculate margin
FIX: Menu List of project was not visible.
FIX: migration script
FIX: multicompany transverse mode compatibility
FIX: option "Default value for field 'Refuse bulk emailings'"
FIX: Recommended session.cookie_samesite must be 'Lax' not 'Strict'.
FIX: Relative discount with high nb of decimals
FIX: salary extrafields don't work and table is not well named
FIX: Supplier invoice list - Wrong language key used
FIX: wrong table_element_line
FIX: wrong users count in multicompany transverse mode
FIX: #yogosha6944 Protection against traversal path.
FIX: $conf->task used but it does not exist, use $conf->projet instead
FIX: #18181
FIX: #18212 : Add url field
FIX: #18267
FIX: #18289 #18294
FIX: #18341 lang not loaded
FIX: #18389 Accountancy - Bug on LDcompta10 export for supplier invoice
FIX: #18399 Fix shipment validation email template override.
FIX: Accountancy - Debug Export Sage50 / CIEL Compta / CIEL Compta Evo (Format XIMPORT)
FIX: Accountancy - Rules to delete & modify transaction not applied in ledger & subledger
FIX: Accountancy - Search date on journal
FIX: Accountancy - SQL error on select journal on journal
FIX: Accountancy - SQL error when insert a manuel transaction
FIX: add include missing file '/core/' in project card
FIX: avoid to have link to create bookmark on page to create bookmark
FIX: bad approver shown on holiday once approved
FIX: bad closing div on error message
FIX: cannot add time spentd when column ref is not displayed
FIX: Can't remove a permission of a group
FIX: Can't set cost price when product is not on purchase
FIX: compatibility postgresql
FIX: filter on status Draft in modulebuilder
FIX: holiday card: hooks uninitialized
FIX: Invoice - Missing button to reopen an abandoned situation invoice
FIX: Link of download main doc on vat list
FIX: look and field v14
FIX: Missing column Date validation in ledger & subledger
FIX: on admin/pdf.php (with javascript enabled) if you set some boolean confs then click on "save", all boolean values are reset
FIX: on supplier order, JOIN with product fourn price table must be done with fk_soc too to avoid display several times a same line (because of same supplier product ref)
FIX: postgresql filter select search extrafield
FIX: shipping validation workflow: 'ORDER_NEW' trigger called from wrong object
FIX: show info of company into user dropdown
FIX: totalDayAll hours in tasks
FIX: update product lot
FIX: using Tulip, deposit mask was not saved
FIX: #yogosha6907