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@eldy eldy released this 13 Sep 14:35
· 42374 commits to develop since this release

FIX: #18353 Invoice list translation issue
FIX: #18375 SQL Error on tasks statistics
FIX: #18465
FIX: #18484
FIX: #18531
FIX: #18542 REST API: set global $user variable to DolibarrApiAccess::user.
FIX: #18544 Shipment REST API: load thirdparty object into the shipment before validating.
FIX: #18544 Shipment rest api: load thirdparty object when validating
FIX: #18565
FIX: #18589 #18617
FIX: #18591 : Remove double quotes of SQL Queries for postgresql compatibility
FIX: #18666 Order / Shipment list: Don't SQL JOIN category table when not necessary.
FIX: Accountancy - Some problems of length with general & subledger account
FIX: Add option $noescapecommand in executeCLI for better compatibility
FIX: Add token to remove error when removing widget
FIX: Add token when remove the last widget on home page
FIX: an approved holiday can be canceled by an admin.
FIX: better sql request
FIX: change LOG_DEBUG with LOG_WARNING in syslog and remove sql error in syslog (already done)
FIX: Collapsing of extrafields has disappeared.
FIX: Date of payment of subscription must not be set to 1970-01-01.
FIX: Export of website generates a package that contains a sql error
FIX: Field already present in SQL request
FIX: increase maxlength of password input
FIX: invoice fetch not found syslog debug level instead of error
FIX: Invoice list - Wrong name for column total_tva
FIX: invoice validation: when checking if any vat rate has a negative amount, prevent false positives with -1E-14 amounts
FIX: Manage credit note on situation invoice for calculate margin
FIX: Menu List of project was not visible.
FIX: migration script
FIX: multicompany transverse mode compatibility
FIX: option "Default value for field 'Refuse bulk emailings'"
FIX: Recommended session.cookie_samesite must be 'Lax' not 'Strict'.
FIX: Relative discount with high nb of decimals
FIX: salary extrafields don't work and table is not well named
FIX: Supplier invoice list - Wrong language key used
FIX: wrong table_element_line
FIX: wrong users count in multicompany transverse mode
FIX: #yogosha6944 Protection against traversal path.