Project created from scratch via webpack with additional adding and setting up of eslint, prettier, stylelint, babel, typescript packages, webpack itself, pre-commit hooks, github actions and github pages for deployment purposes
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Run Test Suite:
npm run test
To Start Server:
npm run start
To Build project:
npm run build
To Deploy on Github Pages:
npm run deploy
To Visit App:
The main purpose of this project is to create a React application from scratch without using create-react-app
. Instead, a webpack was introduced. Apart from that, some additional packages and configurations were added and setted up, such as Eslint
, Prettier
, Stylelint
, Babel
, Typescript
, Webpack
itself, pre-commit hooks
, github actions
, etc.
The project itself is not something fancy and complex. Consist of simple page with Header and main part and applied styled, because the main puppose was to acttually set up project from scratch, set up needed enviroment, etc.
During development phase of this project, I was able to set up a project enviroment from scratch, get familiar with webpack, webserver, loaders, needed npm packeges to set up a project enviroment, git and github flow and deploy project on Github Pages
The main challenges that I faced were related to setuping project from scratch, finding and implementing different approaches and solutions, hooking up webpack with another packeges, configurating Eslint
, Prettier
, Stylelint
, Babel
, Typescript
, Webpack
, pre-commit hooks
, github actions
, etc.
Techologies, tools and stack: React
, Typescript
, Sass
, Eslint
, Prettier
, Stylelint
, Babel
, Husky
, Github Actions
, Github Pages
, etc.