Named after a hilarious spongebob meme, Trinket, a UCI Negamax engine, is here to clap and be clapped. I was dragged into this rabbit hole by 101Donutman, and I do not regret it one bit. I aspire to get Trinket to 3000 elo one day, but only time will tell for that ;)
- PV Search w/ Negamax
- Aspiration Windows
- Transposition Table
- Quiescence Search
- Extensions
- Check Extension
- Reductions
- LMR (Late Move Reduction)
- Pruning
- Basic Alpha-Beta
- NMP (Null Move Pruning)
- RFP (Reverse Futility Pruning)
- Negative loud moves in QSearch found with SEE
- LMP (Late Move Pruning)
- Hash Move
- Loud Moves
- Quiet Moves
- History Heuristic
- Killer Moves
- Some other smaller checks like Castling bonus...etc
- Trained with Texel Tuning with the data set lichess-big3-resolved
- Piece Weights
- Piece Square Tables
- Tempo
- Piece Mobility
- Bishop Pair Bonus
- Passed Pawn Bonus
- Pawn Island Penalty
- Pawn Isolation Penalty
- Rook on Open File Bonus
- Rook on Semi-Open File Bonus
- Calculates the time spent on searching based on the given wtime/btime and winc/binc (Time and Increment)
- If the time limit is exceeded during a search, it will abort and return the last best move from the prior depth
- MinusKelvin for being MinusEleven, I mean Seven Eleven? What
- Analog Hors. Pony.
- 101DonutMan
- Pali
- Andrew (GM Andy?)
- KingKP
- Malarksist
- Shak kar shack car s shak shrek ?? h