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Easily assign roles to members who react to a message with specific emojis


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Discord React-To-Role

DiscordReactToRole is a utility so your bot can easily assign roles to users who react to a message with pre-defined reactions.
It uses DiscordBM to communicate with Discord.

How To Use

Make sure you have Xcode 14.1 or above. Lower Xcode 14 versions have known issues that cause problems for libraries.

ReactToRoleHandler will automatically assign a role to members when they react to a message with specific emojis:

let handler = try await ReactToRoleHandler(
    gatewayManager: <#GatewayManager You Made In Previous Steps#>,
    /// Your DiscordCache. This is not necessary (you can pass `nil`)
    /// Only helpful if the cache has `guilds` and/or `guildMembers` intents enabled
    cache: cache,
    /// The role-creation payload
    role: .init(
        name: "cool-gang",
        color: .green
    guildId: <#Guild ID of The Message You Created#>,
    channelId: <#Channel ID of The Message You Created#>,
    messageId: <#Message ID of The Message You Created#>,
    /// The list of reactions to get the role for
    reactions: [.unicodeEmoji("πŸ”")]

After this, anyone reacting with πŸ” to the message will be assigned the role.
There are a bunch more options, take a look at ReactToRoleHandler initializers for more info.

The handler will need quite a few permissions. Namely view messages, send messages & add reactions in the channel where the message is, plus manage roles in the guild. These are only the minimums. If the bot is receiving 403 responses from Discord, it probably needs some more permissions as well.


The handler will:

  • Verify the message exists at all, and throws an error in the initializer if not.
  • React to the message as the bot-user with all the reactions you specified.
  • Re-create the role if it's removed or doesn't exist.
  • Stop working if you use await handler.stop().
  • Re-start working again if you use try await handler.restart().


If you need to persist the handler somewhere:

  • You only need to persist handler's configuration, which is Codable.
  • You need to update the configuration you saved, whenever it's changed.
    To become notified of configuration changes, you should use the onConfigurationChanged parameter in initializers:
let handler = try await ReactToRoleHandler(
    onConfigurationChanged: { configuration in 
        await saveToDatabase(configuration: configuration)

How To Add DiscordReactToRole To Your Project

To use the DiscordReactToRole library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0-beta.1"),

Include DiscordReactToRole as a dependency for your targets:

.target(name: "<target>", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "DiscordReactToRole", package: "DiscordReactToRole"),

Finally, add import DiscordReactToRole to your source code.


DiscordReactToRole will follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Contribution & Support

Any contribution is more than welcome. You can find me in Vapor's Discord server to discuss your ideas.
Passing the tests is not required for PRs because of token/access problems. I'll manually test your PR.


Easily assign roles to members who react to a message with specific emojis



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