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Amplitude Air Native Extension

Adobe Air Native Extension for Amplitude analytics on the iOS and Android platforms.


This extension uses the Amplitude SDK version 5.1.0 for iOS and SDK version 2.25.1 for Android.


This extension requires iOS 7.0 or higher and Android 4.0 (API level 14) or higher.

When packaging your app for iOS, you need to use AIR 28+ or provide a path to iOS 11+ SDK (available in Xcode 9) using the -platformsdk option in adt or via corresponding UI of your IDE, for example:

-platformsdk /Applications/

Using the Extension


Download the ANE from the bin directory or from the releases page and add it to your app's descriptor:


On iOS, you may need to add the following ANE to be able to build your IPA:

If you are targeting Android, add the following dependency extensions:

Credits to Distriqt for providing these extensions.

You will also need to add the following permissions to the Android manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

And add the following meta data to the <application> element inside manifest additions:

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

There is no additional code required for the iOS platform.


Start off by initializing the Amplitude extension with your API key:


Set User Id (Optional)

You can set the client user id if you wish to identify specific users:


Alternatively you can also specify a user id when you initialize the extension:

Amplitude.initialize("YOUR_API_KEY", "USER_ID");

Tracking Sessions

Session tracking is automatically handled for both iOS and Android. You do not need to call any methods for this to work correctly. To disable automatic tracking, pass in false as a third parameter to the initialize method:

Amplitude.initialize("YOUR_API_KEY", "USER_ID", false);

Log Events

You can log a basic event with only a name:


Or you can log complex events with multiple parameters:

Amplitude.logEvent("EVENT_NAME", {param1: "hello", param2: "world"});

Set User Properties

You can set properties for the specific user:

Amplitude.setUserProperties({param1: "hello", param2, "world"});

Set Group

You can assign user to a group. The second groupName parameter accepts either a string or an array of strings:

Amplitude.setGroup("organizationId", "15");

Amplitude.setGroup("sport", ["tennis", "baseball"]);

Set Group Properties

Just like setting user properties, you can also set group properties:

Amplitude.setGroupProperties("company", "Amplitude", {members: 80});

Log Revenue

Log a basic revenue event, with a quantity of one and a price of $1.99:

Amplitude.logRevenue("com.myproduct", 1, 1.99);

If you want to be able to use Amplitude's built-in revenue verification, you must extract the returned receipt data from your in app purchase extension that you are using. Use the following code for iOS:

Amplitude.logRevenue("com.myproduct", 1, 1.99, "INSERT_RECEIPT_DATA");

Android verification requires the IAP purchase data and data signature:

Amplitude.logRevenue("com.myproduct", 1, 1.99, "INSERT_PURCHASE_DATA", "INSERT_PURCHASE_SIGNATURE");

Note that the revenue must be converted to USD before it can be passed to Amplitude, as they do not currently offer currency conversion.

Device Id

You can view the device indentifier Amplitude is using by calling the following:

var deviceId:String = Amplitude.getDeviceId();

By default Android uses a randomly generated UUID and iOS used the IDFV indentifier. If you would like Amplitude to use Google's Advertising ID on Android and Apple's IDFA on iOS, call the following method:


Further Documentation

You can learn more about the inner workings of the Amplitude system using the following resources:

Compiling from Source

You can compile the Air Native Extension from source by copying the build/build.config.template file to build/build.config updating it to match your development enviroment. Then run the ant command in the build folder to build the entire project.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the StickSports ANEs for the initial build script and testing code and the ANEZipFile project for the FRETypeUtils code for iOS.