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Movie Information API

This project was created following these instructions: . It corresponds to a Node.js application that provides an API endpoint to retrieve a list of movies released in a specified year, sorted by descending popularity. Each movie in the list includes the title, release date, vote average, and a list of editors. The API integrates with The Movie Database (TMDB) APIs to fetch movie and credit information. Robust testing is included.

Table of Contents


  • Fetches movies for a given year, sorted by popularity.
  • Retrieves editors for each movie (optional if the credits API fails).
  • Returns movie details including title, release date, vote average, and editors.
  • Handles API failures gracefully without crashing the service.
  • Includes comprehensive unit tests.


  • Node.js v21 or higher: Ensure you have Node.js installed. You can download it from Node.js Official Website.
  • npm: Comes bundled with Node.js.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd movie-information-api
  2. Install dependencies:

npm install

Environment Variables

The application requires a TMDB API bearer token to authenticate requests. Do not commit your bearer token to the repository.

Create a .env file in the root directory:

touch .env

Add your TMDB API key to the .env file:

  • Replace your_tmdb_bearer_token with your actual TMDB bearer token.
  • You can obtain an API key by creating an account on The Movie Database.

Running the Application

Start the server:

npm start

The server will run on port 3000 by default.

API Documentation

Endpoint URL: /movies/:year Method: GET URL Parameters: year: The year in YYYY format. Query Parameters: page (optional): The page number of results to retrieve. Defaults to 1 if not provided. Response Format The API returns a JSON array of movie objects with the following structure:

    "title": "Movie Title",
    "release_date": "Release Date in 'Month Day, Year' format",
    "vote_average": 8.19,
    "editors": ["Editor One", "Editor Two"]

Example Request

GET http://localhost:3000/movies/2019?page=1 Example Response:

    "title": "Joker",
    "release_date": "October 4, 2019",
    "vote_average": 8.19,
    "editors": [
      "Jeff Groth",
      "Jeff Mee",
      "Ray Neapolitan",
      "Thomas J. Cabela"
    "title": "Avengers: Endgame",
    "release_date": "April 26, 2019",
    "vote_average": 8.27,
    "editors": ["Jeffrey Ford", "Matthew Schmidt"]
  // Additional movie objects...

Error Handling

Invalid Year Format:

  "error": "Invalid year format. Please use YYYY"

Invalid Page Number:

  "error": "Invalid page number. Must be a positive integer."

Internal Server Error:

  "error": "Internal Server Error"

Running Tests

The project includes unit tests to ensure functionality remains intact.

Run tests using the following command:

npm test

Test Coverage:

The tests cover scenarios including successful data retrieval, API failures, movies without editors, and partial failures.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment.

  • TypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript.

  • Express: Web framework for Node.js.

  • Axios: Promise-based HTTP client.

  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file.

  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework.

Project Structure

├── src
│   ├── index.ts        // Entry point of the application
│   ├── movies.ts       // Module handling movie data fetching and processing
│   └── movies.test.ts  // Unit tests for movies module
├── .env                // Environment variables (not committed to version control)
├── package.json        // Project metadata and dependencies
├── tsconfig.json       // TypeScript configuration
└──           // Project documentation


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Contact Information

For any questions or suggestions, please contact:

Name: Diego Gonzalez Cruz

Email: [email protected]


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