Examples of low level design of systems using object oriented principles incorporating design patterns and depicting Classes, Use Cases, Activity and Sequences using UML diagrams.
An example for a Low Level System Design would be as below:
- R1: The system should be able to store the information about books and members of the library. Moreover, the complete log of the book borrowing process should also be stored.
- R2: Every book is supposed to have a unique identification number and other details including a rack number to help locate the book physically.
- R3: Every book should have an associated ISBN, title, author name, subject, and publication date.
- R4: There can be multiple copies of the book. Each copy will be recognized as a book item.
- R5: There can be two types of users, i.e., the librarian and the members.
- R6: Every user must have a library card with a unique card number.
- R7: One member can issue a maximum of 10 books at a time.
- R8: The member can issue a book for a maximum of 15 days.
- R9: Each book item can only be reserved by a single member.
- R10: The system should be able to keep a record of who issued or reserved a particular book and on which date.
- R11: The system should allow the user to renew the reserved book.
- R12: The system should send a notification if the book is not returned within the due date.
- R13: If the book is currently not available, then the member should be able to reserve it for whenever it is available.
- R14: The system should allow the user to search a book by its title, author name, subject, or publication date.
package library_management_system;
import library_management_system.books.BookItem;
import library_management_system.books.BookLending;
import library_management_system.books.BookReservation;
import library_management_system.enums.BookStatus;
import library_management_system.users.Librarian;
import library_management_system.users.Member;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Date;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Library library = Library.getInstance();
Librarian librarian = new Librarian();
Member member = new Member();
BookItem bookItem1 = new BookItem();
BookItem bookItem2 = new BookItem();
boolean isAvailable = bookItem1.checkout(member.getId());
BookReservation bookReservation = new BookReservation(bookItem1.getId(), new Date(), member.getId());
BookLending bookLending = new BookLending(new Date(), new Date(), bookReservation, member);
boolean canLend = BookLending.lendBook(bookItem1.getId(), member.getId());
System.out.println("Sorry cannot checkout requested book, " + bookItem1.getStatus());