Compass is a comprehensive mobile application designed to enhance the experience of Dota 2 players by providing in-depth statistics (retrieved using the STRATZ and OpenDota APIs) and real-time news updates. The app empowers players to track their performance, analyze game trends, and stay informed about the latest Dota 2 news and patches. With a user-friendly interface and advanced features, it enables players to improve their gameplay through personalized insights and detailed match data. By integrating a sleek, intuitive design, Compass for Dota 2 stands out from its competitors, offering a solution that caters specifically to the needs of competitive gamers. This application is developed with a focus on continuous engagement, creating a valuable resource for both casual players and professional eSports enthusiasts alike.
- View detailed player statistics, including win/loss ratio, win rate over time, and total matches played.
- Access recent match history with details such as match outcome, hero played, duration, and performance metrics.
- Explore additional metrics like average GPM (Gold Per Minute) and XPM (Experience Per Minute).
- Discover detailed statistics for each hero, including win rates, pick rates, and ban rates across different ranks and patches.
To build the app, follow these steps:
# Ensure Flutter is is installed and properly configured
# Get an API key from the STRATZ website:
# Clone the repository
# Run 'flutter pub get' to get dependencies
# Place your STRATZ API key in the following file:
- lib/utils/config.dart
# Compile the project
Contributions to the Compass for Dota 2 app are welcomed. If you would like to contribute to the development, please follow these guidelines:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
Push your changes to your fork.
Submit a pull request to the main repository.
- http:
- shared_preferences:
- smooth_page_indicator:
- url_launcher:
- control_style:
- flutter_inset_box_shadow:
- curved_navigation_bar:
- appinio_animated_toggle_tab:
- icons_launcher:
- html:
- carousel_slider:
- html_unescape:
- graphql:
- cached_network_image:
- rxdart:
- animated_icon:
- fl_chart:
- intl:
If you find this project useful, please consider giving it a star on GitHub. Your support is greatly appreciated!