Waxim is a sleek and modern static website that showcases the power of SCSS for styling and incorporates engaging CSS animations. The website is meticulously designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.
Welcome to Waxim, where creativity meets technology! This static website is not just a showcase of beautiful design, but also a testament to the power of SCSS and CSS animations in creating a visually appealing and interactive user experience. Whether you're an aspiring developer, a designer, or just someone who appreciates aesthetics, Waxim has something for everyone.
Eye-catching and elegant design. Smooth and captivating CSS animations to engage users. Seamless mobile responsiveness, ensuring the website looks stunning on all devices. Thoughtfully organized SCSS styling for easy customization. Minimalistic layout that emphasizes content.
HTML5 SCSS (Sass) CSS Animations Javascript Responsive Design Principles
developed with ❤️ by Devam chaudhari