Project 1 - Distributed Systems
Project Objective:
- Familiarize with IntelliJ and TomEE.
- Create two small web applications using Servlets and Java Server Pages.
- Understand web scraping and API processing code.
- Implement basic MVC pattern.
- Create two Java Server Pages.
- Practice with servlet programming, web scraping, API's and MVC
- Create web application that can be used as an in-class survey tracker by allowing users to select an answer and submit it. Ensure MVC architecture is utilized.
Topics/Skills covered:
- Model / View / Controller (MVC) Architecture
- MD5 / SHA-256 Hashing
- Web scraping
- Pulling data from API
- Servlet programming
- JSPs
Demonstration of completed tasks:
Task 1:
Created the initial landing page, called Index.jsp
Created the Results.jsp page that is shown after a value is added to be hashed
Task 2:
Index has dropdown menu to select a dog breed
Results page uses web scraping to get breed information and pulls image from an API
Task 3:
Index page allows users to submit answer to a survey question