β£ Hey, I'm DIBSTER, I'm a Senior in High School studying in Computer Science. A member of the NAHS Robotics Team, I enjoy working with technology and STEM. On GitHub I work on projects ranging from Discord bots to API sites. In my free time I'll code side projects, play games, and anything related to tech news.
β£ I work with JavaScript for the most part, but I know how to use HTML/CSS, as well as Java and Python. I like to use frameworks including Express, React, and React Native.
β£ You can contact me at: [email protected]
, my Discord devdibster
, or my Twitter @DEV_DIBSTER
β£ You can view my old projects at DIBSTER-Archives!
πΌ Current Positions:
- BrawlMatic | Co Owner
- DanBot Hosting | Administrator + Developer + Head of the Beta Tester Program
- TechHost Development | Developer
- Open Domains | Maintainer
- Free Domains | Maintainer
- is-a-good.dev | Helper
- BlueFoxHost | Developer
- is-a.dev | Maintainer
πΌ Former Positions:
- Formerly Artiom Hosting | System Administrator + Panel Administrator
- Formerly Staff at Brawly Discord Bot (shutdown).