Active Directory Audit with Keyvault retrieval option.
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit [-LocalDisk] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] [-ADDSAccountIsNotEnabled] [-DaysInactive <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit [-SendMailMessage] [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] [-ADDSAccountIsNotEnabled] [-DaysInactive <Int32>] -UserName <String> [-Password <SecureString>] [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit [-WinSCP] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] [-ADDSAccountIsNotEnabled] [-DaysInactive <Int32>] -UserName <String> -Password <SecureString> -FTPHost <String> -SshHostKeyFingerprint <String> [-RemotePath <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit [-FunctionApp] <String> [-Function] <String> [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] [-ADDSAccountIsNotEnabled] [-DaysInactive <Int32>] -UserName <String> [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] -ApiToken <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit [-Clean] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
LocalDisk | Only output data to local disk. | true | false | False | |
SendMailMessage | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report as an Email. | true | false | False | |
WinSCP | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report via SFTP. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | False | |
FunctionApp | Azure Function App Name. | true | false | ||
Function | Azure Function App's Function Name. Ex. "HttpTrigger1" | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
SMTPServer | Defaults to Office 365 SMTP relay. Enter optional relay here. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | | |
AttachmentFolderPath | Default path is C:\temp\ADDSActiveAccountAuditLogs. This is the folder where attachments are going to be saved. | false | true (ByValue) | C:\temp\ADDSActiveAccountAuditLogs | |
ADDSAccountIsNotEnabled | Defaults to not being set. Choose to search for disabled Active Directory Users. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | False | |
DaysInactive | Defaults to 90 days in the past. Specifies how far back to look for accounts last logon. If logon is within 90 days, it won't be included. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | 90 | |
UserName | Specify the account with an active mailbox and MFA disabled. Ensure the account has delegated access for Send On Behalf for any UPN set in the "$From" Parameter | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Password | Use: (Read-Host -AsSecureString) as in Examples. May be omitted. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Port | SMTP Port to Relay. Ports can be: "993", "995", "587", or "25" | false | true (ByPropertyName) | 587 | |
To | Recipient of the attachment outputs. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
From | Defaults to the same account as $UserName unless the parameter is set. Ensure the Account has delegated access to send on behalf for the $From account. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | $UserName | |
ApiToken | Private Function Key. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
FTPHost | SFTP Hostname. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
SshHostKeyFingerprint | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report via SFTP. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
RemotePath | Remove FTP path. Will be created in the user path under functionname folder if not specified. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ("./" \+ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\..*')) | |
Clean | Remove installed modules during run. Remove local files if not a LocalDisk run. | true | false | False |
Can take password as input into secure string using (Read-Host -AsSecureString).
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit -LocalDisk -Verbose
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit -SendMailMessage -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -To "[email protected]" -Verbose
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit -FunctionApp $FunctionApp -Function $Function -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -To "[email protected]" -Verbose
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit -WinSCP -UserName "ftphostname.UserName" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -FTPHost "" -SshHostKeyFingerprint "<SShHostKeyFingerprint>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSActiveAccountAudit -Clean -Verbose
Active Directory Server and Workstation Audit with Report export option (Can also be piped to CSV if Report isn't specified).
Get-ADDSAssetInventoryAudit [-HostType] <String> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [[-Report]] [[-DirPath] <String>] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSAssetInventoryAudit [-OSType] <String> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [[-Report]] [[-DirPath] <String>] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
HostType | Select from Windows Server or Windows 10 plus. | true | true (ByValue) | ||
OSType | Search an OS String. Wildcards can be omitted as the function will automatically add the wildcard characters before searching. | true | true (ByValue) | ||
DaystoConsiderAHostInactive | false | true (ByPropertyName) | 90 | ||
Report | Add report output as csv to DirPath directory. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | False | |
DirPath | The path to the -Report output directory. | false | false | C:\temp\ADDSAssetInventoryAudit | |
Enabled | false | true (ByPropertyName) | True |
Outputs to C:\temp by default. For help type: help Get-ADDSAssetInventoryAudit -ShowWindow
Get-ADDSInventoryAudit -HostType WindowsServers
Get-ADDSInventoryAudit -HostType WindowsWorkstations -DirPath "C:\Temp\" -Report
Get-ADDSInventoryAudit -HostType WindowsServers -DirPath "C:\Temp\" -Report
Get-ADDSInventoryAudit -OSType "2008" -DirPath "C:\Temp\" -Report
Active Directory Audit with Keyvault retrieval option.
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit [-LocalDisk] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -WildCardIdentifier <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit [-SendMailMessage] [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> [-Password <SecureString>] [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] -WildCardIdentifier <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit [-WinSCP] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> -Password <SecureString> -FTPHost <String> -SshHostKeyFingerprint <String> [-RemotePath <String>] -WildCardIdentifier <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit [-FunctionApp] <String> [-Function] <String> [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] -ApiToken <String> -WildCardIdentifier <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit [-Clean] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
LocalDisk | Only output data to local disk. | true | false | False | |
SendMailMessage | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report as an Email. | true | false | False | |
WinSCP | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report via SFTP. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | False | |
FunctionApp | Azure Function App Name. | true | false | ||
Function | Azure Function App's Function Name. Ex. "HttpTrigger1" | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
SMTPServer | Defaults to Office 365 SMTP relay. Enter optional relay here. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | | |
AttachmentFolderPath | Default path is C:\temp\ADDSDepartedUsersAuditLogs. This is the folder where attachments are going to be saved. | false | true (ByValue) | C:\temp\ADDSDepartedUsersAuditLogs | |
UserName | Specify the account with an active mailbox and MFA disabled. Ensure the account has delegated access for Send On Behalf for any UPN set in the "$From" Parameter | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Password | Use: (Read-Host -AsSecureString) as in Examples. May be omitted. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Port | SMTP Port to Relay. Ports can be: "993", "995", "587", or "25" | false | true (ByPropertyName) | 587 | |
To | Recipient of the attachment outputs. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
From | Defaults to the same account as $UserName unless the parameter is set. Ensure the Account has delegated access to send on behalf for the $From account. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | $UserName | |
ApiToken | Private Function Key. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
FTPHost | true | true (ByPropertyName) | |||
SshHostKeyFingerprint | true | true (ByPropertyName) | |||
RemotePath | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ("./" \+ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\..*')) | ||
Clean | Remove installed modules during run. Remove local files if not a LocalDisk run. | true | false | False | |
WildCardIdentifier | Name wildcard appended to user account. | true | true (ByPropertyName) |
Can take password as input into secure string using (Read-Host -AsSecureString).
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit -LocalDisk -WildCardIdentifier "<StringToSearchFor>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit -SendMailMessage -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -To "[email protected]" -WildCardIdentifier "<StringToSearchFor>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit -FunctionApp $FunctionApp -Function $Function -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -To "[email protected]" -WildCardIdentifier "<StringToSearchFor>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit -WinSCP -UserName "ftphostname.UserName" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -FTPHost "" -SshHostKeyFingerprint "<SShHostKeyFingerprint>" -WildCardIdentifier "<StringToSearchFor>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSDepartedUsersAccountAudit -Clean -Verbose
Active Directory Audit with Keyvault retrieval option.
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit [-LocalDisk] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit [-SendMailMessage] [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> [-Password <SecureString>] [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit [-WinSCP] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> -Password <SecureString> -FTPHost <String> -SshHostKeyFingerprint <String> [-RemotePath <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit [-FunctionApp] <String> [-Function] <String> [-SMTPServer <String>] [-AttachmentFolderPath <String>] -UserName <String> [-Port <Int32>] -To <String> [-From <String>] -ApiToken <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit [-Clean] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
LocalDisk | Only output data to local disk. | true | false | False | |
SendMailMessage | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report as an Email. | true | false | False | |
WinSCP | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report via SFTP. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | False | |
FunctionApp | Azure Function App Name. | true | false | ||
Function | Azure Function App's Function Name. Ex. "HttpTrigger1" | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
SMTPServer | Defaults to Office 365 SMTP relay. Enter optional relay here. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | | |
AttachmentFolderPath | Default path is C:\temp\ADDSPrivilegedAccountAuditLogs. This is the folder where attachments are going to be saved. | false | true (ByValue) | C:\temp\ADDSPrivilegedAccountAuditLogs | |
UserName | Specify the account with an active mailbox and MFA disabled. Ensure the account has delegated access for Send On Behalf for any UPN set in the "$From" Parameter | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Password | Use: (Read-Host -AsSecureString) as in Examples. May be omitted. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
Port | SMTP Port to Relay. Ports can be: "993", "995", "587", or "25" | false | true (ByPropertyName) | 587 | |
To | Recipient of the attachment outputs. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
From | Defaults to the same account as $UserName unless the parameter is set. Ensure the Account has delegated access to send on behalf for the $From account. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | $UserName | |
ApiToken | Private Function Key. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
FTPHost | SFTP Hostname. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
SshHostKeyFingerprint | Adds parameters for sending Audit Report via SFTP. | true | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
RemotePath | Remove FTP path. Will be created in the user path under functionname folder if not specified. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ("./" \+ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -replace '\..*')) | |
Clean | Remove installed modules during run. Remove local files if not a LocalDisk run. | true | false | False |
Can take password as input into secure string using (Read-Host -AsSecureString).
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit -LocalDisk -Verbose
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit -SendMailMessage -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -To "[email protected]" -Verbose
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit -FunctionApp $FunctionApp -Function $Function -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -UserName "[email protected]" -To "[email protected]" -Verbose
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit -WinSCP -UserName "ftphostname.UserName" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -FTPHost "" -SshHostKeyFingerprint "<SShHostKeyFingerprint>" -Verbose
Get-ADDSPrivilegedAccountAudit -Clean -Verbose
Takes SamAccountName as input to retrieve most recent LastLogon from all DC's.
Get-ADUsersLastLogon [-SamAccountName] <Object> [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
SamAccountName | Identity, UserName, Account | The SamAccountName of the user being checked for LastLogon. | true | true (ByValue) |
- System.DateTime
Get-ADUsersLastLogon -SamAccountName "UserName"
Discovers local network and runs port scans on all hosts found for specific or default sets of ports.
Get-NetworkScan [[-Ports] <Int32[]>] [-LocalSubnets] [-Report] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-NetworkScan [[-Ports] <Int32[]>] [-Computers] <String[]> [-Report] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
Ports | Default ports are: "21", "22", "23", "25", "53", "67", "68", "80", "443", ` "88", "464", "123", "135", "137", "138", "139", ` "445", "389", "636", "514", "587", "1701", ` "3268", "3269", "3389", "5985", "5986" If you want to supply a port, do so as an integer or an array of integers. "22","80","443", etc. | false | true (ByPropertyName) | ||
LocalSubnets | true | true (ByPropertyName) | False | ||
Computers | true | true (ByPropertyName) | |||
Report | Specify this switch if you would like a report generated in C:\temp. | false | false | False |
Installs PSnmap if not found and can output a report, or just the results.
Get-NetworkScan -report
- [Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.](#Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.)
Takes CSV input as "LastName<space>FirstName" and flips it to "Firstname<space>Lastname"
Switch-SurnameWithGivenName [[-RosterCSV] <String>] [[-AttachmentFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
RosterCSV | false | true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) | |||
AttachmentFolder | false | true (ByPropertyName) | C:\temp\Switch-SurnameWithGivenName |
This function depends on the name column in the employee roster name column, to have been formatted in excel using a find and replace to replace ", " with " ". In other words: The file needs to have "comma space" replaces with "space" in the name column to be easily compared to ADUser output.
Switch-SurnameWithGivenName -RosterCSV "C:\temp\RosterNameColumnFormattedLastNameSpaceFirstname.csv" -Verbose
- [Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.](#Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.)