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ADAuditTasks Module

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The ADAuditTasks module provides a comprehensive set of tools for auditing and reporting on Active Directory resources, including users, computers, and network devices. The module generates logs, CSV output, and report objects, which can be sent via email using the Send-AuditEmail function.

Help Documentation

See the ADAuditTasks help documentation or the Wiki for more information on this module and how to use it.

Public Functions

The following Public Functions are available to the user executing the tasks:

  • Convert-NmapXMLToCSV
  • Get-ADActiveUserAudit
  • Get-ADHostAudit
  • Get-ADUserLogonAudit
  • Get-ADUserPrivilegeAudit
  • Get-ADUserWildCardAudit
  • Get-NetworkAudit
  • Get-WebCertAudit
  • Get-HostTag
  • Get-QuickPing
  • Join-CSVFile
  • Merge-ADAuditZip
  • Merge-NmapToADHostAudit
  • Send-AuditEmail
  • Submit-FTPUpload

Private Functions

The following Private Functions support the functions in this module:

  • Build-ADAuditTasksComputer
  • Build-ADAuditTasksUser
  • Initialize-DirectoryPath
  • Build-MacIdOUIList
  • Build-NetScanObject
  • Build-ReportArchive
  • Get-AdExtendedRight
  • Get-ADGroupMemberof
  • Initialize-ModuleEnv
  • Install-ADModule
  • Read-FileContent
  • Test-IsAdmin
  • Write-AuditLog

Example 1: Creating a zip file of various host types

The following example demonstrates how to create a zip file of different host types:

$workstations   = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsWorkstations -Report
$servers        = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsServers -Report
$nonWindows     = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType "Non-Windows" -Report

Merge-ADAuditZip -FilePaths $workstations, $servers, $nonWindows

Example 2: Sending Email with Attachment

This example shows how to send an email with an attachment file generated by the Get-ADActiveUserAudit function using the Send-AuditEmail function.

Send-AuditEmail -SMTPServer "" -Port 587 -UserName "[email protected]" `
-From "[email protected]" -To "[email protected]" -Pass (Read-Host -AsSecureString) -AttachmentFiles "$(Get-ADActiveUserAudit -Report)" -SSL

Example 3: Sending Email with Attachment and Body

This example shows how to send an email with an attachment file generated by the Get-ADActiveUserAudit function, along with a body and a custom date stamp.

$SMTPServer = ""
$Port       = 587
$UserName   = "[email protected]"
$From       = "[email protected]"
$To         = "[email protected]"
$password   = Read-Host -AsSecureString
$date       = (Get-Date).tostring("")
$Body       = "Report run on $date for $env:USERDNSDOMAIN"

Send-AuditEmail -smtpServer $SMTPServer -port $Port -username $UserName `
-body $Body -from $From -to $To -pass $password -attachmentfiles "$(Get-ADActiveUserAudit -Report)" -ssl

Example 4: Creating a ZIP file with parts

This example demonstrates how to create a ZIP file that could be split into multiple parts.

$workstations       = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsWorkstations -Report -Verbose
$servers            = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsServers -Report -Verbose
$nonWindows         = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType "Non-Windows" -Report -Verbose
$activeUsers        = Get-ADActiveUserAudit -Report -Verbose
$privilegedUsers    = Get-ADUserPrivilegeAudit -Report -Verbose
$wildcardUsers      = Get-ADUserWildCardAudit -WildCardIdentifier "svc" -Report -Verbose
Merge-ADAuditZip -FilePaths $workstations, $servers, $nonWindows, $activeUsers, $privilegedUsers, $wildcardUsers -MaxFileSize 100MB -OutputFolder "C:\Temp" -OpenDirectory

Example 5: Creating a ZIP file with parts and emailing it

This example demonstrates how to create a ZIP file that could be split into multiple parts and emailed.

# Function Variables
$workstations       = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsWorkstations -Report -Verbose
$servers            = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType WindowsServers -Report -Verbose
$nonWindows         = Get-ADHostAudit -HostType "Non-Windows" -Report -Verbose
$activeUsers        = Get-ADActiveUserAudit -Report -Verbose
$privilegedUsers    = Get-ADUserPrivilegeAudit -Report -Verbose
$wildcardUsers      = Get-ADUserWildCardAudit -WildCardIdentifier "svc" -Report -Verbose

# Email Variables
$SMTPServer     = ""
$Port           = 587
$UserName       = "[email protected]"
$From           = "[email protected]"
$To             = "[email protected]"
$password       = Read-Host -AsSecureString
$date           = (Get-Date).tostring("")
$Body           = "Report run on $date for $env:USERDNSDOMAIN"
$attachments    = Merge-ADAuditZip -FilePaths $workstations, $servers, $nonWindows, $activeUsers, $privilegedUsers, $wildcardUsers

Send-AuditEmail -smtpServer $SMTPServer -port $Port -username $UserName `
-body $Body -from $From -to $To -pass $password -attachmentfiles $attachments -ssl