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ADAPPFinder Module



Searches AD Computers uninstall registry nodes for input Strings for installed app finding.


Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchServers] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]

Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchBase] <String> [-Filter] <String> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]

Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchOSString] <String> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]

Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchWorkstations] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]

Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-ComputerNames] <String[]> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]

Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-Local] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
AppNames Array of one or more strings to search for apps: "Spiceworks","Microsoft","Adobe". true false
DaystoConsiderAHostInactive How many days back to consider an AD Computer last sign in as active. false false 90
SearchServers Enter one or more filenames. true false False
SearchBase Search a specific Organizational Unit: "OU=Infrastructure,OU=CorpComputers,DC=ad,DC=fabuloso,DC=com". true false
Filter Use a standard Filter: "Name -like "\PDC\"". Defaults to Wildcard. true false \*
SearchOSString Search using custom OS Search String. true false
SearchWorkstations Search Windows 10 and 11 workstations. true false False
ComputerNames Search using specific hosts assumed to be online. true false
Local Include the local machine in the scan. If set, ONLY the local computer will be scanned. true false False
Report Enable this switch to output a CSV Report. false false False
DirPath Enter the working directory you wish the report to save to. Default creates C:\temp. false false C:\Temp\
IncludeWow6432Node Also Search Wow6432Node. false false False


  • System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject


The function defaults to Searching all remotable host in a domain found to have a login within the last 90 days. It does not take into account the state of the product if a service is involved. This would require a manual check on the specific service.



Find-ADHostApp -AppNames "Adobe","Microsoft","Carbon" -ComputerNames "pdc-00","pdc-ha-00" -IncludeWow6432Node
GUID           : Missing: Adobe
DisplayName    : Missing: Adobe
DisplayVersion : Missing: Adobe
Wow6432Node?   : Missing: Adobe
PSComputerName : pdc-00
RunspaceId     : 47d370fb-f095-4bcf-a036-40997cb5af12

GUID           : {F1BECD79-0887-4630-957B-108C894264AD}  
DisplayName    : Microsoft Azure AD Connect Health agent for AD DS  
DisplayVersion :  
Wow6432Node?   : No  
PSComputerName : pdc-00  
RunspaceId     : 47d370fb-f095-4bcf-a036-40997cb5af12
