Searches AD Computers uninstall registry nodes for input Strings for installed app finding.
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchServers] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchBase] <String> [-Filter] <String> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchOSString] <String> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-SearchWorkstations] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-ComputerNames] <String[]> [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-ADHostApp [-AppNames] <String[]> [[-DaystoConsiderAHostInactive] <Int32>] [-Local] [-Report] [-DirPath <String>] [-IncludeWow6432Node] [<CommonParameters>]
Name | Alias | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
AppNames | Array of one or more strings to search for apps: "Spiceworks","Microsoft","Adobe". | true | false | ||
DaystoConsiderAHostInactive | How many days back to consider an AD Computer last sign in as active. | false | false | 90 | |
SearchServers | Enter one or more filenames. | true | false | False | |
SearchBase | Search a specific Organizational Unit: "OU=Infrastructure,OU=CorpComputers,DC=ad,DC=fabuloso,DC=com". | true | false | ||
Filter | Use a standard Filter: "Name -like "\PDC\"". Defaults to Wildcard. | true | false | \* | |
SearchOSString | Search using custom OS Search String. | true | false | ||
SearchWorkstations | Search Windows 10 and 11 workstations. | true | false | False | |
ComputerNames | Search using specific hosts assumed to be online. | true | false | ||
Local | Include the local machine in the scan. If set, ONLY the local computer will be scanned. | true | false | False | |
Report | Enable this switch to output a CSV Report. | false | false | False | |
DirPath | Enter the working directory you wish the report to save to. Default creates C:\temp. | false | false | C:\Temp\ | |
IncludeWow6432Node | Also Search Wow6432Node. | false | false | False |
- System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
The function defaults to Searching all remotable host in a domain found to have a login within the last 90 days. It does not take into account the state of the product if a service is involved. This would require a manual check on the specific service.
Find-ADHostApp -AppNames "Adobe","Microsoft","Carbon" -ComputerNames "pdc-00","pdc-ha-00" -IncludeWow6432Node
GUID : Missing: Adobe
DisplayName : Missing: Adobe
DisplayVersion : Missing: Adobe
Wow6432Node? : Missing: Adobe
PSComputerName : pdc-00
RunspaceId : 47d370fb-f095-4bcf-a036-40997cb5af12
GUID : {F1BECD79-0887-4630-957B-108C894264AD}
DisplayName : Microsoft Azure AD Connect Health agent for AD DS
DisplayVersion :
Wow6432Node? : No
PSComputerName : pdc-00
RunspaceId : 47d370fb-f095-4bcf-a036-40997cb5af12