We aim to add all relevant scripts to this repo. Local copy sits under:$~/docs/scripts/scripts_thesis
This is a fit version for local laptops with all the locals file readable.
We'll put the eocene solid version here and make further changes.
Currently, 'make_EBM_fluxes_yoush.py' is the standard file to produce normal EBM analysis plots for 12 sets of expts, file '12sims_make.py' is likely a copy of it. Files, 'amoc_EBM_fluxes.py', 'co2_sensitivity_EBM_fluxes.py', 'humidity_analysis.py' are different versions of codes used to produce standard EBM analysis plots for AMOC series expts (based on PI), for co2 sensitivity expts based on the 280ppm expt, and for humidity analysis for standard global climate expts for 4 paleogeogs under 3 co2 scenarios.