Clever Cloud CLI is based on Node.js. We thought it to be easily available on any platform. Thus, you can download Clever Tools as a npm package, but also through package managers or as a binary on many systems:
If you use Arch Linux, install packages from AUR. If you don't know how to use this, run:
git clone clever-tools
cd clever-tools
makepkg -si
If you use a GNU/Linux distribution that uses .rpm
packages like CentOS or Fedora, run:
curl -s > /etc/yum.repos.d/cc-nexus-rpm.repo
yum update
yum install clever-tools
The .rpm
packages are hosted on Clever Cloud's public Nexus instance available at
If you use a GNU/Linux distribution that uses .deb
packages like Debian or Ubuntu, run:
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/cc-nexus-deb.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cc-nexus-deb.gpg] stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt install clever-tools
The .deb
packages are hosted on Clever Cloud's public Nexus instance available at
Our PGP key is required to trust the repository
If you are using Exherbo, run:
cave resolve repository/CleverCloud -zx1
cave resolve clever-tools-bin -zx
If you use another GNU/Linux distribution, download the .tar.gz
archive and extract the binary in your PATH
curl -O
tar xvzf clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz
cp clever-tools-latest_linux/clever ~/.local/bin/
The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket: clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz.
Retrieve any release by replacing latest
(path and filename) with the version number you need.
If you use macOS and you have Homebrew installed, run:
brew install CleverCloud/homebrew-tap/clever-tools
If you use macOS, but you don't have Homebrew installed, download the .tar.gz
archive and extract the binary in your PATH
curl -O
tar xvzf clever-tools-latest_macos.tar.gz
cp clever-tools-latest_macos/clever ~/.local/bin/
The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket: clever-tools-latest_macos.tar.gz.
Retrieve any release by replacing latest
(path and filename) with the version number you need.
If you use Windows run in a terminal:
winget install CleverTools
If you prefer to use Chocolatey, run:
choco sources add -n=clevercloud -s=''
choco feature disable --name='usePackageRepositoryOptimizations'
choco install clever-tools
We need to disable usePackageRepositoryOptimizations
feature because of an incompatibility between Chocolatey and Nexus.
You can also download the .zip
archive and extract the binary in your PATH
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath .
$env:PATH += ";$(Resolve-Path .\clever-tools-latest_win\)"
The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket:
Retrieve any release by replacing latest
(path and filename) with the version number you need.
If you are using docker, use the image provided here.
docker pull clevercloud/clever-tools
docker run --rm clever-tools <command>
In your Dockerfile
copy clever-tools
from the image itself with a simple one liner:
COPY --from=clevercloud/clever-tools /bin/clever /usr/local/bin/clever
If you are using Nix on NixOS or any other compatible system, the package is available in both stable
and unstable
channels. Follow these instructions.