Drag & Drop-Reordering
Apart from using (and fixing) Auto Layout for the component, it's now possible to drag items around to reorder them.
added drag-to-reorder
added double-click callbacks
added new delegate methods:
public protocol FatSidebarDelegate: class { /// Triggered after the user finishes dragging an item into a new place. func sidebar(_ sidebar: FatSidebar, didMoveItemFrom oldIndex: Int, to newIndex: Int) /// Triggered when an item is single-clicked and its status changes. /// Already selected items that cannot be deselected will not trigger this. func sidebar(_ sidebar: FatSidebar, didChangeSelection selectionIndex: Int) /// Triggered by double-clicking an item. func sidebar(_ sidebar: FatSidebar, editItem index: Int) }
added notifications to
for most events:didToggleItemNotification
Sample app
- added real model to power the sidebar (like you would in your app)
- made items editable with double-click