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Christian Zaccaria edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the bucketlist-app-console wiki! In this Wiki page, I go in more detail about the project. This is a working program that is based on the idea of a Bucket List.

A Bucket List is a number of experiences that a person wishes to accomplish during their lifetime. This app can save these experiences and load them when needed, which can be very useful to keep track of each achievement or pending achievements.

This project was developed using Kotlin (programming language), Gradle (automation tool), JUNIT5 (testing framework).

Project Description and Features

πŸŽπŸ“„ The BucketList App is a Menu-Driven Console App that allows the user to perform the following:

1. Add an Experience β›³πŸŽ΅πŸ„πŸ—½πŸ’°

When an experience is going to be added, the user is prompted to enter a Title for the experience, the Description, the category [Hobby, Concert, Travel, Career, Entertainment, Other], the date you plan to achieve the experience (if any), and the level of Priority from 1-low to 5-high. Once done, the experience will automatically be set as Not Yet Achieved, which can later on be set as Achieved if necessary.

2. List Experiences πŸ“‚

Screenshot (277)

As we can see above, when we choose the List Experiences option, we get more options to filter the list as the user wishes.

3. Update an Experience πŸ“

When updating an experience, the user can filter the list of experiences and select the experience to be updated by its index number. Every attribute can be edited.

4. Delete an Experience πŸ—‘οΈ

When deleting an experience, the user can filter the list of experiences and select the experience to be deleted by its index number.

5. Cross Item Off your Bucket List :white_check_mark:

When crossing off an item from your Bucket List, the user will get a list of experiences that are set as 'not yet achieved', and will need to select the one that was Achieved to cross it off the Bucket List.

6. Search an Experience :mag:

The user can search for an experience by the name of the Title.

7. Save Experiences ‴️

The user can save the experiences that were created to a .XML, or .JSON file

8. Load Experiences :arrows_counterclockwise:

The user can load the experiences that were previously saved to file.

This app was developed using Kotlin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Project Purpose

This app lets you add the experiences or accomplishments you wish to achieve during your lifetime. You can list them, edit them, and also delete them. You can also view which ones have been achieved and which have not been. Some examples of how it can be used:

  • Save the ideas you have of experiences you wish to achieve.
  • You can make a list based on level of priority (1-low, 2, 3, 4, 5-high)
  • You can input a date to an experience to push yourself to achieve the experience.

Getting Started with the Project

Once you run the app, you will be prompted to enter a number to choose an option from the menu.

Screenshot (275) Screenshot (279)

Additional Information

The functionalities of the app have been tested using JUNIT5. All tests have passed. If any bugs encountered, please notify the Project Author πŸ˜ƒ

Project Author / Contributors

🌟 Christian Zaccaria (Software Systems Development Year 2)