NOTE: This repo is just but it's origin. Credit goes to the original author for creating this at all!
Discord Bot Client allows you to use your bot, just like any other user account, except Friends and Groups.
Development continued in fosscord
- View Guilds (Lazy load them)
- Manage Guilds (Name, Image, Audit log, Emoji, Webhooks, Invites, Bans, Widget, Moderation, Roles)
- Manage Channels (Add, Delete, Name, Permissions, Invites, Webhooks, Slowmode, NSFW, Topic)
- Messages (Send, View History, Embeds, View Reactions, Add/Remove Reactions, Delete, Edit, Pin)
- Create a Guild (if the bot has fewer than 10 Servers)
- Voice Support
- See Guild members in the side bar (you can see them in the server dropdown menu under members)
- Use Emojis from other servers (Nitro)
- GIF Search
- Send Files
- DM's (DM's will show up, after a user dms the bot)
You need to install NodeJS. Install git or just download the repository as a zip file:
git clone
cd discord-bot-client/electron
Install all dependencies with
npm i
start Bot Client withelectron .
Discord Bot Client is no longer supported and also no longer updated or maintained.