Python API wrapper for paystack ( )
pip install python-paystack
To get started, import PaystackConfig from python_paystack.paystack_config and instantiate your public and secret keys. Other settings which are instatiated by default include the paystack api url (PAYSTACK_URL), PASS_ON_TRANSACTION_COST which determines if the cost per transaction is passed to the end user, LOCAL_COST and INTL_COST are the paystack charges for local and international cards respectively.
from python_paystack.paystack_config import PaystackConfig
Most of the library's functionality lies in the file which contains the TransactionsManager, CustomersManager, PlanManager and the TransfersManager.
The Manager classes handle every direct interaction with the Paystack API.
You can initialize transactions using all 3 methods supported by paystack i.e Standard, Inline and Inline Embed. Both the inline and inline embed methods return a dictionary of values while the standard method returns a Transaction object which contains an authorization url.
Starting and verifying a standard transaction
from python_paystack.objects.transactions import Transaction
from python_paystack.managers import TransactionsManager
transaction = Transaction(2000, '[email protected]')
transaction_manager = TransactionsManager()
transaction = transaction_manager.initialize_transaction('STANDARD', transaction)
#Starts a standard transaction and returns a transaction object
#Gives the authorization_url for the transaction
#Transactions can easily be verified like so
transaction = transaction_manager.verify_transaction(transaction)
Starting an inline transaction
transaction_manager.initialize_transaction('INLINE', transaction)
Starting an inline embed transaction
transaction_manager.initialize_transaction('INLINE EMBED', transaction)
Registering a customer with paystack
A customer can be registered using the CustomersManager.create_customer method which accepts a Customer object as an argument. All the customer information to be sent to paystack is taken from the Customer object. Misc. data can also be sent using the meta argument.
from python_paystack.managers import CustomersManager
from python_paystack.objects.customers import Customer
customer = Customer('[email protected]')
customer_manager = CustomersManager()
Getting existing customers
customer_manager = CustomersManager()
#Returns a list containing every customer
#Returns customer with the specified id
Making a transfer with paystack
from python_paystack.objects.transfers import Transfer
from python_paystack.managers import TransfersManager
transfer = Transfer(2000, "RCP_123456")
transfer_manager = TransfersManager()
transfer = transfer_manager.create(transfer)