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Creality 4.2.10 UART mod (CR 30)

adelyser edited this page May 9, 2021 · 6 revisions

This modification enables UART communication with the on-board TMC2208 stepper drivers. Enabling the UART comms allows:

  • Stepper currents to be changed with the M906 command.
  • Linear Advance by disabling StealthChop with the M569 command.

Hardware modification


  1. Remove 4 resistors: R17, R18, R19, R20
  2. Solder a wire to the pad from the above resistors, closest pad to the driver.
  3. Connect the other ends of the wires to pins on the board according to the pictures. I used the 2 center pins of P3 and the IN and OUT pins of P1 (labled on the bottom of the board).

Firmware modification

Grab the latest firmware from kageurufu's CR-30 firmware

In Configuration.h:

  • Change TMC2208_STANDALONE to TMC2208 for the X, Y, Z and E0 steppers:
#define X_DRIVER_TYPE  TMC2208
#define Y_DRIVER_TYPE  TMC2208
#define Z_DRIVER_TYPE  TMC2208
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2208

In Configuration_adv.h:

  • Uncomment //#define LIN_ADVANCE:

NOTE: The following is already done in kageurufu's firmware linked above and is only for reference.

In src/pins/stm32f1/pins_CREALITY_V4210.h:

  • Disable the BL_TOUCH pins:
//#define SERVO0_PIN                          PB0   // BLTouch OUT
//#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN                     PB1   // BLTouch IN
  • Add the pin definitions for the serial connections as follows:
  #define X_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   PB0
  #define X_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   PB0

  #define Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   PB1
  #define Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   PB1

  #define Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   PA13
  #define Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   PA13

  #define E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  PA14
  #define E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  PA14

  #define TMC_BAUD_RATE                    19200

Printer setup

  • After flashing the printer with the compiled firmware, go to Configuration -> Advanced Settings -> TMC Drivers -> Stepping Mode and disable Stealthchop for the E driver.
  • Then go to Configuration -> Advanced Settings' and select Save Settings` so the TMC driver settings persist.