The Terraform provider offers a great way to build integrations using APIs.
Terraform is an infrastructure orchestrator written in Hashicorp Language (HCL). It is a popular Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool that does away with manual configuration processes. You can take advantage of the Terraform provider to really streamline the process of integrating observability into your dev workflows.
This guide assumes working knowledge of HashiCorp Terraform. If you're new to Terraform, we've got a great introduction if you're in for one. We also recommend the official Terraform guides and tutorials.
You can use the Terraform Provider to manage users and log accounts in, create and update log-based alerts and notification channels, and more.
The following API endpoints are supported by this provider:
- User management
- Notification channels
- Log-based alerts
- Sub accounts
- Alerts(v2)
- Log shipping token
- Drop filters
Before you begin, you'll need:
To install this provider, copy and paste this code into your Terraform configuration:
terraform {
required_providers {
logzio = {
source = "logzio/logzio"
This will install the latest provider.
If you wish to use a specific version of the provider, add under source
the field version
and specify your preferred version.
The provider accepts the following arguments:
api_token - (Required) The API token is used for authentication. Learn more.
region - (Defaults to null) The 2-letter region code identifies where your account is hosted. Defaults to null for accounts hosted in the US East - Northern Virginia region. Learn more
You can pass the variables in a bash command for the arguments:
provider "logzio" {
api_token = var.api_token
region= var.your_api_region
Here's a great example demonstrating how easy it is to get up and running quickly with the Terraform Provider.
This example adds a new Slack notification channel and creates a new alert in Kibana that will send notifications to the newly-created Slack channel.
The alert in this example will trigger whenever records 10 loglevel:ERROR messages in 10 minutes.
terraform {
required_providers {
logzio = {
source = "logzio/logzio"
provider "logzio" {
api_token = "8387abb8-4831-53af-91de-5cd3784d9774"
region= "au"
resource "logzio_endpoint" "my_endpoint" {
title = "my_endpoint"
description = "my slack endpoint"
endpoint_type = "slack"
slack {
url = "${var.slack_url}"
resource "logzio_alert_v2" "my_alert" {
title = "hello_there"
search_timeframe_minutes = 5
is_enabled = false
tags = ["some", "words"]
suppress_notifications_minutes = 5
alert_notification_endpoints = ["${}"]
output_type = "JSON"
sub_components {
query_string = "loglevel:ERROR"
should_query_on_all_accounts = true
operation = "GREATER_THAN"
value_aggregation_type = "COUNT"
severity_threshold_tiers {
severity = "HIGH"
threshold = 10
severity_threshold_tiers {
severity = "INFO"
threshold = 5
This example will create a user in your account.
terraform {
required_providers {
logzio = {
source = "logzio/logzio"
variable "api_token" {
type = "string"
description = "Your logzio API token"
variable "account_id" {
description = "The account ID where the new user will be created"
provider "logzio" {
api_token = var.api_token
region = var.region
resource "logzio_user" "my_user" {
username = "[email protected]"
fullname = "John Doe"
roles = [ 2 ]
account_id = var.account_id
Run the above plan using the following bash script:
terraform init
TF_VAR_api_token=${LOGZIO_API_TOKEN} TF_VAR_region=${LOGZIO_REGION} terraform plan -out terraform.plan
terraform apply terraform.plan
Before you run the script, update the arguments to match your details. See our examples for some complete working examples.
Found a bug or want to suggest a feature? Open an issue about it. Want to do it yourself? We are more than happy to accept external contributions from the community. Simply fork the repo, add your changes and open a PR.
- v1.4
- Update client version(v1.7).
- Support Drop Filter resource.
- v1.3
- Update client version(v1.6).
- Support Log Shipping Token resource.
- v1.2.4
- Update client version(v1.5.3).
- Fix
sub account
to return attributesaccount_token
- v1.2.3
- Fix bug for
custom endpoint
empty headers. - Allow empty sharing accounts array in
sub account
. - Add retry in resource
sub account
. - Replace module
. See further explanation here. - Upgrade to Go v1.15.
- Update client version(v1.5.2).
- Fix bug for
- v1.2.2
- Update client version(v1.5.1).
- Fix alerts_v2 sort bug.
- v1.2.1
- Fix alerts_v2 type "TABLE" bug.
- v1.2
- Update client version(v1.5.0).
- Support Alerts v2 resource.
- Fix 404 error for Alerts.
- v1.1.8
- Update client version
- Fix custom endpoint headers bug
- v1.1.7
- Published to Terraform registry
- v1.1.5
- Fix boolean parameters not parsed bug
- Support import command to state
- v1.1.4
- Support Sub Accounts resource
- few bug fixes
- removed circleCI
- v1.1.3
- examples now use TF12
- will now generate the meta data needed for the IntelliJ type IDE HCL plugin
- no more travis - just circle CI
- version bump to use the latest TF library (0.12.6), now compatible with TF12
- 1.1.2
- Moved some of the source code around to comply with TF provider layout convention
- Moved the examples into an examples directory