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Sierra is a Python library to write HTML and CSS in pure Python using the DOM API in a simple yet elegant manner.

Here are a few advantages of using Sierra over other Python libraries that use the DOM API:

  • Out-of-the-box support for all CSS styling attributes for all tags
  • Display a table by simply putting in a CSV file
  • Create your own tag functions with absolute ease using @tag and @CmTag. You can decide their behavior and use them within content-managers too
  • Improvement in the arrangement look of the code and intelligent handling of tags with




pip install sierra


pip install --upgrade sierra

Starting off is pretty simple and straightforward:

from sierra import *
title('Hello World!')

The title() function at the start is mandatory, since it commences the HTML and the CSS file, which is created in the working directory upon execution.

You can create custom tag functions with @tag and @CmTag. Say you want to create a function for <meta>:

def meta(**kwargs):
# Using them
meta(name="description", content="This is some description")
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width", initial_scale=1.0)

Underscores are used for hyphens (same applies to CSS) and Python-conficting arguments are prefixed with a double underscore Take async, for instance. This is demonstared below. Also is shown the implementation of the argument text inside of a function defined in @tag, which will create a tag that opens, enters text, and closes. See how using text and async within <script> works:

def script(**kwargs):
script(__async="", src="some_src", text="some_text")

Is the equivalent of:

<script async="" src="some_src">some_text</script>

To add JS, create a function for the <script> tag with a context manager behavior using @CmTag.

def script(**kwargs):

# Here I'll be replicating the script needed to add Google Analytics to a webpage

with script(__aync="", src="—XXXXXXXX-X"):
with script():

  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'UA—XXXXXXXX-X');

This is the equivalent of:

<script async src="—XXXXXXXX-X"></script>

  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'UA—XXXXXXXX-X');

writeWA() writes text entered into it into the HTML file as it is.

You can add fonts using addFont()


Once things at the <head> of the HTML are settled (CSS is automatically linked), begin the body of the HTML with

# You can add any number of styling arguments to the body within openBody()
openBody(background_color='yellowgreen', opacity='0.9')

You can create div and section tags this way:

with div(__class="some_class") as d:
    p('This is a paragraph!')

Let's break this down bit-by-bit:
First, we start a div with a context manager behavior and give it an attribute __class, which is essentially the tag attribute class (remember Python-conflicting arguments are prefixed by a double underscore).

p() is a function, as the name suggests, to add a <p> tag. You can give the tag attributes with **kwargs, if you like.
p('Hello World!', __class='p_class') is the same as <p class="p_class">Hello World!</p>

After the paragraph, there's a d.css(). This adds CSS to the class mentioned within div(). If a class is mentioned, CSS is added to that class as the first priority. If an id is mentioned, CSS is added to that id as a second priority. If none of both are mentioned, CSS is just added to div.

The behavior of div shown above also applies to section.

You can open a new tag with Tag()

with Tag('some_tag', id='some_id') as t:
    p('A paragraph in <some_tag>')

Although here, .css() behaves differently. It is independent of tag attributes, meaning CSS is added directly to the tag mentioned, which is some_tag

To add CSS to a specific attribute in the tag, use writeCSS()

writeCSS(tag_name, **kwargs)

writeCSS("#some_id", color='blue')

This adds CSS to the some_id.

You can add a table to the HTML page by inputting in a CSV file this way:

with Table() as t:
    t.get_table("path/to/file.csv")   # Add attributes with **kwargs here
    t.css(border="1px solid black")   # Use writeCSS to add CSS to a specific attribute

Here are all of Sierra's functionalities - documentation

At the end of all development with Sierra, use


It takes in no arguments, but closes unclosed togs and aligns the code in the output files.

The working of autoPrettify():

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Pandas (pandas)

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