Created by Zohli
A game mode for seeding the BW server pre-session. The map features zones for both individual practice and areas for cooperative gameplay with or without a Zeus. Currently on Chernarus (Autumn), but portable to other maps.
- Firing range(s)
- Grenade range
- QCB Practice
- A MOUT Zone
- Town/Zone clear
- Armored Combat Zone
- Spawn system for zone clears
Contributions are accepted via Pull Requests (PRs). Please make sure:
- Your changes are simple or self-contained. You may need to break larger changes into multiple PRs.
- You do not binarize the mission file, allowing merging changes to be completed more easily.
- Download the mission file
- Make desired changes
- Create a PR for the mission
- If you have a Github account and are familiar with git, create a PR.
- If you don't have a Github account, aren't familiar with git, or would like help, contact a BW tech admin.
- Zohli
- Lambda.Tiger
- Kilo
- AChesheireCat
it's funny because potatoes don't have seeds