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Prayogo Cendra edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 8 revisions

Debian Handbook / 04_installation

Weblate :

Tool : translate-toolkit

Command : pofilter -t endwhitespace -t numbers -t filepaths debian-handbook-04_installation-id.po

Additional information : all fixed on 11/3/2016 4:00 PM

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "Various CD-ROM families have different purposes: <emphasis>netinst</emphasis> (network installation) contains the installer and the base Debian system; all other programs are then downloaded. Its “image”, that is the ISO-9660 filesystem that contains the exact contents of the disk, only takes up about 150 to 280 MB (depending on architecture). On the other hand, the complete set offers all packages and allows for installation on a computer that has no Internet access; it requires around 84 CD-ROMs (or 12 DVD-ROMs, or two Blu-ray disks). But the programs are divided among the disks according to their popularity and importance; the first three disks will be sufficient for most installations, since they contain the most used software."
msgstr "Berbagai keluarga CD-ROM memiliki tujuan berbeda: <emphasis>netinst</emphasis> (instalasi berbasis jaringan) berisi installer dan sistem Debian dasar; seluruh program kemudian diunduh. “Citra” ini, itulah sistem berkas ISO-9660 yang berisi konten disk yang sebenarnya, hanya mengambil sekitar 150 hingga 2580 MB (tergantung arsitekturnya). Di sisi lain, set lengkapnya menawarkan seluruh paket dan dapat untuk diinstall pada komputer yang tak ada koneksi Internet; memerlukan sekitar 7084 CD-ROM (atau 102 DVD-ROM, atau dua disk Blu-ray). Namun programnya dibagi pada disk berdasarkan popularitas dan kepentingannya; tiga disk yang pertama akan penting untuk kebanyakan instalasi, karena berisi perangkat lunak yang paling sering digunakan."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "You must first identify the device name of the USB key (ex: <literal>/dev/sdb</literal>); the simplest means to do this is to check the messages issued by the kernel using the <command>dmesg</command> command. Then you must copy the previously downloaded ISO image (for example debian-8.0.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso) with the command <command>cat debian-8.0.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso &gt;/dev/sdb; sync</command>. This command requires administrator rights, since it accesses the USB key directly and blindly erases its content."
msgstr "Anda harus mengidentifikasi nama perangkat USB key (misalnya: <literal>/dev/sdb</literal>); hal termudah untuk melakukan ini ialah dengan memeriksa pesan yang dikeluarkan oleh kernel dengan menggunakan perintah <command>dmesg</command>. Kemudian Anda harus menyalin citra ISO yang diunduh sebelumnya (contoh debian-7.0.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso) dengan perintah <command>cat debian-7.0.0-amd64-i386-netinst.iso &gt;/dev/sdb; sync</command>. Perintah ini memerlukan hak akses administrator, karena mengakses USB key secara langsung dan menghapus seluruh isinya."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "The fundamental difference between 32 and 64 bit systems is the size of memory addresses. In theory, a 32 bit system can not work with more than 4 GB of RAM (2<superscript>32</superscript> bytes). In practice, it is possible to work around this limitation by using the <literal>686-pae</literal> kernel variant, so long as the processor handles the PAE (Physical Address Extension) functionality. Using it does have a notable influence on system performance, however. This is why it is useful to use the 64 bit mode on a server with a large amount of RAM."
msgstr "Perbedaan mendasar antara sistem 32 dan 64 bit ialah ukuran pengalamatan memoti. Pada teorinya, sebuah sistem 32 bit tidak dapat bekerja dengan RAM lebih dari 4 GB (2<superscript>32</superscript> bytes). Pada prakteknya, memungkinkan untuk bekerja pada batasan ini dengan menggunakan varian kernel <literal>686-pae</literal>, sejauh prosesor dapat menangani fungsionalitas PAE (Physical Address Extension). Meskipun, menggunakan sistem 32 bit ini pengaruhnya penting terhadap kinerja sistem. Itulah mengapa sangat berguna untuk menggunakan mode 64 bit pada server dengan jumlah RAM yang besar."

# (pofilter) endwhitespace: Different whitespace at the end
msgid "The installation program begins in English, but the first step allows the user to choose the language that will be used in the rest of the process. Choosing French, for example, will provide an installation entirely translated into French (and a system configured in French as a result). This choice is also used to define more relevant default choices in subsequent stages (notably the keyboard layout)."
msgstr "Program instalasi dimulai dengan bahasa Inggris, namun langkah pertama memungkinkan pengguna memilih bahasa yang akan digunakan pada seluruh proses. Memilih Prancis, misalnya, akan menyediakan instalasi yang seluruhnya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Prancis (dan hasilnya sistem terkonfigurasi dalam bahasa Prancis). Pilihan ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan pilihan bawaan yang sesuai pada langkah berikut (terutama tata letak papan tik). "

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "In order to automate the process as much as possible, the installer attempts an automatic network configuration by DHCP (for IPv4) and by IPv6 network discovery. If this fails, it offers more choices: try again with a normal DHCP configuration, attempt DHCP configuration by declaring the name of the machine, or set up a static network configuration."
msgstr "Untuk sebanyak mungkin mengotomasi proses, installer berusaha mengotomasi konfigurasi jarigan dengan DHCP (untuk IPv4) dan dengan menemukan jaringan IPv4, Jika ini gagal, akan menawarkan pilihan lainnya: coba lagi dengan konfigurasi DHCP normal, mencoba konfigurasi DHCP dengan mendeklarasikan nama mesin, atau atur konfigurasi jaringan statis."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "The root user's password should be long (6 characters or more) and impossible to guess. Indeed, any computer (and a fortiori any server) connected to the Internet is regularly targeted by automated connection attempts with the most obvious passwords. Sometimes it may even be subject to dictionary attacks, in which many combinations of words and numbers are tested as password. Avoid using the names of children or parents, dates of birth, etc.: many of your co-workers might know them, and you rarely want to give them free access to the computer in question."
msgid "The root user's password should be long (8 characters or more) and impossible to guess. Indeed, any computer (and a fortiori any server) connected to the Internet is regularly targeted by automated connection attempts with the most obvious passwords. Sometimes it may even be subject to dictionary attacks, in which many combinations of words and numbers are tested as password. Avoid using the names of children or parents, dates of birth, etc.: many of your co-workers might know them, and you rarely want to give them free access to the computer in question."
msgstr "Kata sandi pengguna root harus panjang (6 karakter atau lebih) dan tak mungkin ditebak. Memang, beberapa komputer (dan fortiori beberapa server) yang terhubung ke Internet umumnya dijadikan target oleh koneksi otomatis yang berupaya dengan kata sandi paling umum. Kadang kadang bahkan dijadikan subjek pada serangan kamus, yang banyak kombinasi kata dan angka sebagai kata sandi. Hindari penggunaan nama anak atau orang tua, tanggal lahir, dll.: kebanyakan rekan kerja Anda mungkin telah mengenal mereka, dan Anda jarang ingin memberikan akses bebas pada komputer dengan pertanyaan."

# (pofilter) filepaths: Different file paths
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "The last partitioning method, called “Separate <filename>/home</filename>, <filename>/usr</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>, and <filename>/tmp</filename> partitions”, is appropriate for servers and multi-user systems. It divides the file tree into many partitions: in addition to the root (<filename>/</filename>) and user accounts (<filename>/home/</filename>) partitions, it also has partitions for applications (<filename>/usr/</filename>), server software data (<filename>/var/</filename>), and temporary files (<filename>/tmp/</filename>). These divisions have several advantages. Users can not lock up the server by consuming all available hard drive space (they can only fill up <filename>/tmp/</filename> and <filename>/home/</filename>). The daemon data (especially logs) can no longer clog up the rest of the system."
msgid "The last partitioning method, called “Separate <filename>/home</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>, and <filename>/tmp</filename> partitions”, is appropriate for servers and multi-user systems. It divides the file tree into many partitions: in addition to the root (<filename>/</filename>) and user accounts (<filename>/home/</filename>) partitions, it also has partitions for server software data (<filename>/var/</filename>), and temporary files (<filename>/tmp/</filename>). These divisions have several advantages. Users can not lock up the server by consuming all available hard drive space (they can only fill up <filename>/tmp/</filename> and <filename>/home/</filename>). The daemon data (especially logs) can no longer clog up the rest of the system."
msgstr "Metode pemartisian terakhir, disebut “Partisi <filename>/home</filename>, <filename>/usr</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>, dan <filename>/tmp</filename> terpisah”, cocok untuk server dan sistem multi-pengguna. Membagi pohon berkas ke beberapa partisi: selain partisi (<filename>/</filename>) dan akun pengguna (<filename>/home/</filename>), juga memiliki partisi untuk aplikasi (<filename>/usr/</filename>), data perangkat lunak server (<filename>/var/</filename>), dan berkas sementara (<filename>/</filename>). Pembagian ini memiliki beberapa keuntungan. Pengguna tidak dapat mengunci server dengan menggunakan seluruh ruang cakram keras yang tersedia (mereka dapat mengisi (<filename>/tmp/</filename>) dan (<filename>/home/</filename>). Data daemon (khususnya log) tidak lagi dapat melog seluruh sistem."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "LILO and GRUB, which are mentioned in this chapter, are bootloaders for <emphasis>i386</emphasis> and <emphasis>amd64</emphasis> architectures. If you install Debian on another architecture, you will need to use another bootloader. Among others, we can cite <command>yaboot</command> or <command>quik</command> for <emphasis>powerpc</emphasis>, <command>silo</command> for <emphasis>sparc</emphasis>, <command>elilo</command> for <emphasis>ia64</emphasis>, <command>aboot</command> for <emphasis>alpha</emphasis>, <command>arcboot</command> for <emphasis>mips</emphasis>, <command>atari-bootstrap</command> or <command>vme-lilo</command> for <emphasis>m68k</emphasis>."
msgid "LILO and GRUB, which are mentioned in this chapter, are bootloaders for <emphasis>i386</emphasis> and <emphasis>amd64</emphasis> architectures. If you install Debian on another architecture, you will need to use another bootloader. Among others, we can cite <command>yaboot</command> or <command>quik</command> for <emphasis>powerpc</emphasis>, <command>silo</command> for <emphasis>sparc</emphasis>, <command>aboot</command> for <emphasis>alpha</emphasis>, <command>arcboot</command> for <emphasis>mips</emphasis>."
msgstr "LILO dan GRUB, yang telah disebutkan di bab ini, ialah bootloader untuk arsitektur <emphasis>i386</emphasis> dan <emphasis>amd64</emphasis>. Jika Anda menginstall Debian pada arsitektur lain, Anda perlu mengnggunakan bootloader lain. Di antaranya, kita dapat menyebut <command>yaboot</command> atau <command>quik</command> untuk <emphasis>powerpc</emphasis>, <command>silo</command> atau <emphasis>sparc</emphasis>, <command>elilo</command> untuk <emphasis>ia64</emphasis>, <command>aboot</command> untuk <emphasis>alpha</emphasis>, <command>arcboot</command> untuk <emphasis>mips</emphasis>, <command>atari-bootstrap</command> atau <command>vme-lilo</command> untuk <emphasis>m68k</emphasis>."

Debian Handbook / 03_existing-setup

Weblate :

Tool : translate-toolkit

Command : pofilter -t endwhitespace -t filepaths debian-handbook-03_existing-setup-id.po

Additional information : all fixed on 11/17/2016 11:30 PM

# (pofilter) endwhitespace: Different whitespace at the end
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<computeroutput>$ </computeroutput><userinput>nmap mirwiz</userinput>\n"
"<computeroutput>Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-03-24 11:34 CET\n"
"Nmap scan report for mirwiz (\n"
"Host is up (0.0037s latency).\n"
"Not shown: 999 closed ports\n"
"22/tcp open  ssh\n"
"Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.13 seconds</computeroutput>"
msgstr ""
"<computeroutput>$ </computeroutput><userinput>nmap mirwiz</userinput>\n"
"<computeroutput>Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2012-12-17 11:34 CET\n"
"Nmap scan report for mirwiz (\n"
"Host is up (0.0037s latency).\n"
"Not shown: 999 closed ports\n"
"22/tcp open  ssh\n"
"Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.13 seconds</computeroutput>\n"

# (pofilter) endwhitespace: Different whitespace at the end
# (pofilter) filepaths: Different file paths
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "A glance at the <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file will show where the installed Debian packages likely came from. If many unknown sources appear, the administrator may choose to completely reinstall the computer's system to ensure optimal compatibility with the software provided by Debian."
msgid "A glance at the <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file (and <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</filename> directory) will show where the installed Debian packages likely came from. If many unknown sources appear, the administrator may choose to completely reinstall the computer's system to ensure optimal compatibility with the software provided by Debian."
msgstr "Sekilas pada berkas <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> akan menampilkan dari mana paket Debian terinstall. Jika ada beberapa nampak dari sumber tak diketahui, administrator mungkin memilih untuk menginstall ulang sepenuhnya sistem komputer untuk mengoptimalkan kompabilitas dengan perangkat lunak yang disediakan oleh Debian. "

Debian Handbook / 02_case-study

Weblate :

Tool : translate-toolkit

Command : pofilter -t numbers debian-handbook-02_case-study-id.po

Additional information : all fixed on 11/17/2016 11:30 PM

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Debian has chosen to follow this recommendation, and, thus, name its distributions accordingly (thus, the latest stable release is Debian GNU/Linux 7)."
msgid "Debian has chosen to follow this recommendation, and, thus, name its distributions accordingly (thus, the latest stable release is Debian GNU/Linux 8)."
msgstr "Debian telah memilih untuk mengikuti rekomendasi ini, dan, memberi nama distribusi ini demikian (nah, rilis stabil terkini ialah Debian GNU/Linux 7)."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Statistically, new versions are released every 18 to 24 months, a schedule which is agreeable to administrators."
msgid "Statistically, new versions are released every 18 to 24 months, and they are supported for 5 years, a schedule which is agreeable to administrators."
msgstr "Secara statis, versi terbaru dirilis setiap 18 hingga 24 bulan, sebuah jadwal yang dapat disetujui oleh administrator."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Finally, Debian is available on a multitude of architectures, including Sparc; it will, thus, be possible to install it on Falcot Corp's several Sun servers."
msgid "Finally, Debian is available on a multitude of architectures, including ppc64el for OpenPOWER processors; it will, thus, be possible to install it on Falcot Corp's latest IBM servers."
msgstr "Akhirnya, Debian tersedia pada banyak arsitektur, termasuk Sparc; yang akan memungkinkan menginstallnya pada server Sun milik Falcot Corp."

Debian Handbook / 00b_foreword

Weblate :

Tool : translate-toolkit

Command : pofilter -t urls -t numbers debian-handbook-00b_foreword-id.po

Additional information : all fixed on 11/17/2016 11:30 PM

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
# (pofilter) urls: Different URLs
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linux has gathered a fair amount of media coverage over the years; it mostly benefits the distributions supported by a real marketing department — in other words, company-backed distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE, Mandriva, and so on). But Debian is far from being a marginal distribution; multiple studies have shown over the years that it is widely used both on servers and on desktops. This is particularly true among webservers where Debian is the leading Linux distribution. <ulink type=\"block\" url=\"\" /> <ulink type=\"block\" url=\"\" />"
msgstr "Linux telah mendapatkan liputan media yang cukup adil, yang didapatkan dari keuntungan distribusi dengan dukungan dari departemen pemasar — dengan kata lain, distribusi dengan dukungan perusahaan (Ubuntu, Red Hat, Suse, Mandriva dan seterusnya). Namun Debian jauh dari distribusi yang terpinggirkan; berdasarkan kajian Jerman yang dibuat awal 2009, Debian adalah distribusi yang paling banyak digunakan pada server (dengan lebih dari perusahaan responden memiliki paling tidak satu server Debian), dan distribusi kedua yang paling banyak digunakan pada desktop (tepat di belakang Ubntu, yang merupakan turunan Debian).<ulink type=\"block\" url=\"\" />"

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
msgid "Since then, we have released 6 other editions of the French book, one for each subsequent Debian release. Roland, who started working on the book as a proofreader, gradually became its co-author."
msgstr "Sejak saat itu, kami telah merilis 4 edisi lainnya berbahasa Perancis, satu untuk setiap rilis Debian. Roland Mas, yang mulai bekerja sebagai penyelaras akhir, secara bertahap menjadi penulis kedua."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
msgid "Alas, no English-speaking editor that we contacted was willing to take the risk of translating and publishing the book. Not put off by this small setback, we negotiated with our French editor Eyrolles and got back the necessary rights to translate the book into English and publish it ourselves. Thanks to a successful crowdfunding campaign, we worked on the translation between December 2011 and May 2012. The “Debian Administrator's Handbook” was born and it was published under a free-software license!"
msgstr "Singkat cerita, tidak ada penyunting yang fasih berbahasa Inggris yang kami hubungi yang berani mengambil risiko menerjemahkan dan menerbitkan buku. Tidak putus semangat dengan kondisi ini, kami putuskan untuk bernegosiasi dengan editor bahasa Perancis Eyrolles untuk memulihkan izin yang dibutuhkan untuk menerjemahkan buku ini ke bahasa Inggris dan mencoba menerbitkannya sendiri."

# (pofilter) urls: Different URLs
#, fuzzy
msgid "We had the pleasure of getting significant contributions from many free software-friendly companies and organizations. Thank you to <ulink url=\"\">Code Lutin</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">École Ouverte Francophone</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Evolix</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Fantini Bakery</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">FSF France</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Offensive Security</ulink> (the company behind <ulink url=\"\">Kali Linux</ulink>), <ulink url=\"\">Opensides</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Proxmox Server Solutions Gmbh</ulink>, SSIELL (Société Solidaire d'Informatique En Logiciels Libres), and <ulink url=\"\">Syminet</ulink>."
msgstr "Kami menikmati telah mendapatkan kontribusi yang signifikan dari perusahaan dan organisasi yang ramah terhadap perangkat lunak bebas. Terima kasih pada <ulink url=\"\">Code Lutin</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">École Ouverte Francophone</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Evolix</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Fantini Bakery</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">FSF France</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Offensive Security</ulink> (perusahaan di belakang <ulink url=\"\">BackTrack Linux</ulink>), <ulink url=\"\">Opensides</ulink>, <ulink url=\"\">Proxmox Server Solutions Gmbh</ulink>, SSIELL (Société Solidaire d'Informatique En Logiciels Libres), dan <ulink url=\"\">Syminet</ulink>."

Debian Handbook / 01_the-debian-project

Weblate :

Tool : translate-toolkit

Command : pofilter -t doublespacing -t numbers debian-handbook-01_the-debian-project-id.po

Additional information : all fixed on 11/17/2016 11:30 PM

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "Debian, remaining true to its initial principles, has had so much success that, today, it has reached a tremendous size. The 12 architectures offered cover 10 hardware architectures and 2 kernels (Linux and FreeBSD, although the FreeBSD-based ports are not part of the set of officially supported architectures). Furthermore, with more than 21,000 source packages, the available software can meet almost any need that one could have, whether at home or in the enterprise."
msgstr "Debian saat ini telah begitu sukses hingga mencapai ukuran yang luar biasa dengan tetap berpegangan teguh pada kedua prinsip awalnya. Sebelas arsitektur yang ditawarkan meliputi 9 arsitektur perangkat keras dan 2 kernel (Linux dan FreeBSD). Dengan 14,500 paket sumber, perangkat lunak yang tersedia ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan siapapun: baik pengguna di rumah atau di kantor."

# (pofilter) doublespacing: Different use of double spaces
msgid "The Policy, an essential element of the Debian Project, establishes the norms ensuring both the quality of the packages and perfect interoperability of the distribution. Thanks to this Policy, Debian remains consistent despite its gigantic size. This Policy is not fixed in stone, but continuously evolves thanks to proposals formulated on the <email>[email protected]</email> mailing list. Amendments that are agreed upon by all interested parties are accepted and applied to the text by a small group of maintainers who have no editorial responsibility (they only include the modifications agreed upon by the Debian developers that are members of the above-mentioned list). You can read current amendment proposals on the bug tracking system: <ulink type=\"block\" url=\"\" />"
msgstr "Kebijakan, elemen penting dari Proyek Debian, menyediakan aturan yang memastikan kualitas paket dan interoperabilitas sempurna dari distribusi. Terima kasih pada Kebijakan ini, Debian tetap konsisten terlepas dari ukurannya yang begitu besar. Kebijakan ini tidak diukir di atas batu, namun secara terus-menerus berevolusi, terima kasih atas proposal yang diformulasikan dalam milis <email>[email protected]</email>. Amandemen yang disetujui oleh semua pihak diterima dan diterapkan ke dalam dokumen oleh kelompok kecil pengelola yang tidak memiliki tanggung jawab editorial (mereka hanya memuat modifikasi yang telah disetujui oleh pengembang Debian yang merupakan anggota dari milis debian-policy). Anda dapat membaca amandemen saat ini pada sistem pelacakan bug:  <ulink type=\"block\" url=\"\" />"

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
msgid "The mailing lists are, without a doubt, the best testimony to activity on a project, since they keep track of everything that happens. Some statistics (from 2015) regarding our mailing lists speak for themselves: Debian hosts more than 240 lists, totaling 212,000 individual subscriptions. The 27,000 messages sent each month generate 476,000 e-mails daily."
msgstr "Milis ini, tanpa ragu, saksi terbaik dari aktivitas suatu proyek, karena mereka melacak semua yang terjadi. Beberapa statistik (dari 2007) dari milis yang berbicara: Debian meng-host lebih dari 180 milis, dengan 175,000 pelanggan individu. Setiap bulannya terkirim 45,000 pesan yang menghasilkan 1 juta surel setiap harinya."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
msgid "It is interesting to note that distributions derived from Debian differ greatly on this aspect, and provide a more limited installer (often confined to the i386 or amd64 architectures), but more user-friendly for the uninitiated. On the other hand, they usually refrain from straying too far from package contents in order to benefit as much as possible from the vast range of software offered without causing compatibility problems."
msgstr "Menarik dicatat bahwa distribusi yang diturunkan dari Debian, berbeda sekali dalam hal ini, dan menyediakan installer yang lebih terbatas (seringkali terbatas pada arsitektur i386), namun lebih ramah-pengguna bagi para pemula. Di sisi lain, mereka umumnya menahan diri untuk menyimpang terlalu jauh dari isi paket agar dapat mengambil untung sebanyak mungkin dari beragam perangkat lunak yang ditawarkan tanpa menimbulkan masalah kompatibilitas."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quantitatively, Debian is undeniably the leader in this respect, with over 21,000 source packages. Qualitatively, Debian’s policy and long testing period prior to releasing a new stable version justify its reputation for stability and consistency. As far as availability, everything is available on-line through many mirrors worldwide, with updates pushed out every six hours."
msgstr "Secara kuantitatif, Debian tak dapat dibantah merupakan pemimpin dalam hal ini dengan 14,500 sumber paket. Secara kualitatif, kebijakan Debian dan masa pengujian yang lama hingga rilis versi stabil, menjustifikasi reputasinya untuk kohesi dan kestabilan. Untuk ketersediaan, semuanya tersedia secara daring melalui banyak cermin, yang dimutakhirkan setiap 6 jam."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thus, to produce binaries for the <literal>arm64</literal> architecture, the project has <literal>arm64</literal> machines available. The <emphasis>buildd</emphasis> program runs on them continuously and creates binary packages for <literal>arm64</literal> from source packages sent by Debian developers."
msgstr "Sehingga, untuk menghasilkan binari dari arsitektur <literal>sparc</literal>, proyek memiliki mesin <literal>sparc</literal> tersedia (secara spesifik, merk Sun). Program <emphasis>buildd</emphasis> berjalan secara kontinu untuk membuat paket binar untuk <literal>sparc</literal> dari paket sumber yang dikirim oleh pengembang Debian."

# (pofilter) numbers: Different numbers
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "After the release of a new stable version, the Stable Release Manager manages all further development (called “revisions”, ex: 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3 for version 5.0). These updates systematically include all security patches. They will also include the most important corrections (the maintainer of a package must prove the gravity of the problem that they wish to correct in order to have their updates included)."
msgid "After the release of a new stable version, the Stable Release Manager manages all further development (called “revisions”, ex: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 for version 7). These updates systematically include all security patches. They will also include the most important corrections (the maintainer of a package must prove the gravity of the problem that they wish to correct in order to have their updates included)."
msgstr "Setelah rilis versi stabil baru, Stable Release Managers mengelola pengembangan selanjutnya (disebut “revisi”, contoh: 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3 untuk versi 5.0). Pemutakhiran ini secara sistematis memuat semua security patches. Mereka juga akan memasukkan koreksi paling penting (pengelola paket harus membuktikan kegawatan dari masalah yang ingin mereka perbaiki agar update mereka dimasukkan)."


Github project : haad/arandr

Translation files : arandr/data/po

Tool : translate-toolkit

File : br.po

Command : pofilter -t endwhitespace -t puncspacing br.po

# (pofilter) puncspacing: Different spacing around punctuation
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"Click on a button in the left column and press a key combination you want to bind to a certain screen layout. (Use backspace to clear accelerators, escape to abort editing.) Then, select one or more layouts in the right column.\n"
"This will only work if you use metacity or another program reading its configuration."
msgstr "Klikit war ur bouton eus ar bann kleiz ha lakait ar berradenn a-zere evit un aozadur eus ar skrammoù (implijit an douchenn Distro evit diverkañ ur berradenn pe Echap. evit nullañ). Mont a raio en dro ma implijit metacity nemetken pe ur meziant all oc'h implij ar memes kefluniadur."

# (pofilter) endwhitespace: Different whitespace at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"Your configuration does not include an active monitor. Do you want to apply "
"the configuration?"
msgstr "Ho kefluniadur n'eus skramm gweredekaet ebet. C'hoant ho peus arloañ ouzh ar c'hefluniadur memestra ? "

File : bs.po

Command : pofilter -t doublespacing bs.po

# (pofilter) doublespacing: Different use of double spaces
#: screenlayout/

#, python-format

msgid "No files in %(folder)r. Save a layout first."
msgstr "Nema datoteka u  %(folder)r. Spremite raspored prvo."

File : es.po

Command : pofilter -t simplecaps es.po

# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"In order to configure metacity, you need to have the python gconf module "
msgstr ""
"Con el fin de configurar Metacity, necesita tener instalado el módulo gconf "
"de python."

File : fr.po

Command : pofilter -t endpunc fr.po

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "New accelerator..."
msgstr "Nouveau raccourci…"

File : gl.po

Command : pofilter -t simplecaps gl.po

# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"In order to configure metacity, you need to have the python gconf module "
msgstr ""
"Coa fin de configurar Metacity, precisa ter instalado o módulo gconf de "

File : hu.po

Command : pofilter -t endpunc -t simplecaps -t puncspacing hu.po

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "New accelerator..."
msgstr "Új gyorsbillentyű…"

# (pofilter) simplecaps: Different capitalization
#: screenlayout/

msgid "incompatible configuration"
msgstr "Inkompatibilis konfiguráció"

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "gconf not available."
msgstr "gconf nem elérhető"

# (pofilter) puncspacing: Different spacing around punctuation
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"Click on a button in the left column and press a key combination you want to "
"bind to a certain screen layout. (Use backspace to clear accelerators, "
"escape to abort editing.) Then, select one or more layouts in the right "
"This will only work if you use metacity or another program reading its "
msgstr ""
"Kattints a baloldali oszlopban lévő gombra, aztán nyomd meg azt a "
"billentyűkombinációt, amihez hozzá szeretnéd rendelni a képernyőelrendezést "
"(A Backspace törli a gyorsbillentyűt, az Escape kilép s szerkesztésből ). "
"Ezután válassz ki egy vagy több elrendezést a jobboldali oszlopból.\n"
"Ez a beállítás csak akkor működik, ha metacity-t használsz vagy egy másik "
"alaklmazás használja a beállításait."

File : it.po

Command : pofilter -t endpunc it.po

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "gconf not available."
msgstr "gconf non disponibile"

File : lt.po

Command : pofilter -t doublequoting lt.po

# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"In order to configure metacity, you need to have the python gconf module "
msgstr ""
"Norint konfigūruoti „metacity“, turi būti įdiegtas python gconf modulis."

# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"Click on a button in the left column and press a key combination you want to "
"bind to a certain screen layout. (Use backspace to clear accelerators, "
"escape to abort editing.) Then, select one or more layouts in the right "
"This will only work if you use metacity or another program reading its "
msgstr ""
"Spustelėkite ant mygtuko dešiniame stulpelyje ir paspauskite klavišų "
"kombinaciją kurią norėsite naudoti tam ekranų išdėstymui. (Sparčiojo klavišo "
"išvalymui naudokite „Backspace“ klavišą, o redagavimo nutraukimui - "
"„Escape“.) Tada pasirinkite vieną ar kelis išdėstymus, iš dešinio "
"Tai veiks tik tada jei naudojate „metacity“ ar kitą langų tvarkyklę "
"skaitančią tą konfigūraciją."

File : pl.po

Command : pofilter -t endpunc pl.po

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "New accelerator..."
msgstr "Nowa kombinacja…"

File : ro.po

Command : pofilter -t endpunc -t puncspacing ro.po

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid "New accelerator..."
msgstr "Adăugare combinaţie taste.."

# (pofilter) endpunc: Different punctuation at the end
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"In order to configure metacity, you need to have the python gconf module "
msgstr ""
"Pentru configurare metacity, modulul python gconf trebuie să fie instalat"

# (pofilter) puncspacing: Different spacing around punctuation
# (pofilter) sentencecount: Different number of sentences: 3 ≠ 2
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"Click on a button in the left column and press a key combination you want to "
"bind to a certain screen layout. (Use backspace to clear accelerators, "
"escape to abort editing.) Then, select one or more layouts in the right "
"This will only work if you use metacity or another program reading its "
msgstr ""
"Faceţi click pe un buton în coloana din stânga apoi apăsaţi combinaţia de "
"taste dorită la o anume configuraţie de ecrane (utilizaţi backspace pentru "
"ştergere sau escape pentru abandonare).\n"
"Aceasta nu funcţionează decât dacă utilizaţi metacity sau alt program "
"compatibil la citire."

File : uk.po

Command : pofilter -t doublequoting uk.po

# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
#. # translators, please translate in the style of "Another XRandR GUI

#. # (ein weiteres GUI für XRandR)" so users get both the explanation of

#. # the acronym and a localized version.

#: screenlayout/

msgid "Another XRandR GUI"
msgstr "«Another XRandR GUI» (черговий графічний інтерфейс для XRandR)"

# (pofilter) doublequoting: Different quotation marks
#: screenlayout/

msgid ""
"In order to configure metacity, you need to have the python gconf module "
msgstr "Щоб налаштувати Metacity, потрібно встановити Python-модуль «gconf»."
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