Generate graphics for LED matrices. To avoid misunderstandings, a combination of LED states (turned on/off) is called a graphic. My first try at creating programs with WPF.
- Generates HEX/BIN codes
- Clear, enable all, invert and shift LEDs
- Resize matrix (Probably works only up to 32 leds per row)
- Collections
- Create a collection (Collection -> New)
- Draw your graphic
- Name the graphic (Default: New Graphic)
- Click Add to Collection
- Repeat steps 2 - 4
- If you'd like to edit/delete a graphic from a collection, open (if one isn't already open) a collection (Collection -> Open) and edit it (Collection -> Edit). You will see a list of all the graphics in the collection.
- Collections can contain graphics of different sizes (e.g. 8x8 and 16x8)
- A collection can be exported to Arduino/C compatible code (Collection -> Export). This will create a .c file that you can include in your sketch. Note that whitespace from names will be removed.
- Collections are stored as .json files.
- It's not recommended to move the collection file (.json) while the collection is open in the program.
- Newtonsoft's Json.NET