Following from: And
useful video to see how ball pivoting works
There are two type of existing interpolation techniques: sculpting based and region growing. Sculpting based technique use a volume tetrahedralization is computed from the data points, typically the 3D Delaunay triangulation. Region growing technique uses a seed triangle which takes a random unused point and combines it with either a pre-existing mesh or starts a new one from said point.
Abstract—The Ball-Pivoting Algorithm (BPA) computes a triangle mesh interpolating a given point cloud. Typically the points are surface samples acquired with multiple range scans of an object. The principle of the BPA is very simple: Three points form a triangle if a ball of a user-specified radius rho touches them without containing any other point. Starting with a seed triangle, the ball pivots around an edge (i.e. it revolves around the edge while keeping in contact with the edge’s endpoints) until it touches another point, forming another triangle. The process continues until all reachable edges have been tried, and then starts from another seed triangle, until all points have been considered. We applied the BPA to datasets of millions of points representing actual scans of complex 3D objects. The relatively small amount of memory required by the BPA, its time efficiency, and the quality of the results obtained compare favorably with existing techniques.
- Manifold
- surface of a three-dimensional object S
- point sampling ofM
- Stores the mesh
- Keeps track of all points and polygons at all times.
- Front refers to set of active edges (contained in loop) that we are currently considering in order to expand the mesh. There is a single front per mesh
- Linked list
- stores a pointer to the the first edge in the list
- Front contains a list of loops that are currently being expanded.
- Loops my merge into other loops or break apart as a result of join/glue operations.
- Ball pivot algorithm pivots over an edge.
- Half edges unnecessary complex
- Bare polygons lacked the relationship between points i and j that we needed.
- We only keep track of edges on the constantly expanding loop front, so every edge must have a corresponding triangle.
- Keep track of the third point and call it o; we will need it for out calculations later on.
- Ball Pivot step in which we discover new points and add to the mesh we are currently building on,
- Find Seed Triangle selection, which occurs when ball pivoting gets stuck and requires us to select a new set of edges to expand on. This continues until we have considered all points that the ball can reach
- Select an active edge
- active edge = any edge that has not been fully explored yet, can still be expanded
- Find all the points in a 2*rho radius from the midpoint m between i and j
For each candidate point
we calculate the center of the sphere of radius rho that touches i, j, and x -
r is the distance from m to the center of the current center of the ball-
For each calculated center
we check if it is on the circle gamma, defined by the radiusr
and centerm
,perpendicular to the pivot edge ij
. We then choose the c_ijx that we encounter first while pivoting on the edge. -
Then we have found k = x, we need to incorporate the triangle ijk into our mesh and update our loop and other pointers.
- We expand the loop to incorporate edges ik and kj, and we remove edge ij.
The glue operations ensure that at the end of the while loop, all our loops merge and we are left with a single mesh.
- As our loop expands to fit whatever complex geometry the point cloud describes
- having to break apart loops creating more loops, or merging loops into a single loop.
Find all pairs of points in a radius 2*rho of random unused point.
Verify that the sphere of radius rho can lie on these three lines.
Check that
- the sphere does not contain any other data points
- that it lies on the "outside" of the point cloud
Do we have this data?
- Data structures for Ball Pivoting Algo
- Voxels for point lookup in O(1) time
- if there's time left?