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🎯 Vim colorscheme inspired by Arch Linux colors


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Apr 3, 2017

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Archery is a dark colorscheme for Vim, inspired by Arch Linux color palette. This is where beautiful shades of blue meet mysterious shades of gray!



It is recommended to install Archery with a Vim plugin manager:

Then enable the colorscheme in your vimrc with the following command: colorscheme archery

If you only use GVim, you're done! If you use terminal Vim, read on...

  1. Archery supports 256 colors terminals, so you do not need plugins like CSApprox or GUIColorscheme to use it.
  2. Open your vimrc with Vim in your terminal and try :set termguicolors. If colors are rendered properly, you can add this command in your vimrc to use GUI colors directly (these are defined using the hexadecimal notation).
  3. If "termguicolors" does not work, add set t_Co=256 in your vimrc before setting the colorscheme and configure your terminal emulator to use the Archery color palette given below.

Color palette


colors cterm gui
color0 0 #25272C
color1 1 #BA2A2A
color2 2 #008542
color3 3 #F07D30
color4 4 #0088CC
color5 5 #8D4888
color6 6 #006596
color7 7 #53586F
color8 8 #354151
color9 9 #C95F5F
color10 10 #73BA25
color11 11 #EAC06E
color12 12 #81A3CF
color13 13 #B589C2
color14 14 #25B8A5
color15 15 #F6F9FC

In GVim, color8 will be #282D34 instead of #354151. Why? Because some CLI tools use the dark gray color to display textual information. This makes some text unreadable, due to the dark background of Archery. So in terminal emulators, color8 must be lighter...

Nice status & tab lines

If you want to display a status line and a tab line in Vim, make sure these options are set in your vimrc:

set showtabline=2
set laststatus=2



Put the following code in your vimrc to use Archery for Airline:

let g:airline_theme = 'archery'

For further configuration, please read the documentation of Airline.



Put the following code in your vimrc to use Archery for Lightline:

let g:lightline = {
    \ 'colorscheme': 'archery',
    \ }

For further configuration, please read the documentation of Lightline. You may also consider lightline-buffer to display a useful tab line.

Plugins support

Archery plays nicely with the following plugins:

Syntax optimizations


  • CSS
  • Markdown
  • Readline
  • YAML


  • HTML
  • XML


  • C/C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby


Archery is the default colorscheme of Vimpressionist.

If you would like to use Vim everywhere on your computing environment, you should definitely check it out!


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