DEV7 is very well documented on the ScummVM Wiki see here
- Adibou 3
- Adi 5
- Adiboud'chou series
- Adibou presente series
- Le pays des pierres Magiques
- Nathan Vacances series
- LOADER7VC checks which Version of DEV7 your LOADER7.EXE is.
- OBCViewer shows the Text of the OBC Scripts for further analysis.
- CTRKTextLoader loads the the Text of the CTRK files. (CTRK files are used for the rotation)
- IMGIdentifier shows you which version your IMG is using.
- IMGConverter converts Pictures to IMG file format, that then can be be used in Game.
- ModelPathDumper dumps out of the EXO files the Path of the Models (Folders)
- DEV7Launcher allows you to run Dev7VM.EXE or loader7.exe over an Launcher instead of the command.
- BCD1Creator creates custom BCD1 files that can be used for Adibou 3's Applications.
- OBCEditor allows you to modify the OBC Scripts.
- OBJDumper dumps all files with the extension .obj including folderstructure into txt file for cleaner output.
- LoaderMDO starts LOADER7.EXE, it was known as Adibou3.EXE / ADI5.EXE. for more Information see here