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AlexanderSehr committed Oct 23, 2024
1 parent 297630d commit 36184cc
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 100 deletions.
179 changes: 79 additions & 100 deletions avm/utilities/pipelines/staticValidation/compliance/module.tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -293,113 +293,113 @@ Describe 'Pipeline tests' -Tag 'Pipeline' {

Describe 'Module tests' -Tag 'Module' {

# Context 'Readme content tests' -Tag 'Readme' {
Context 'Readme content tests' -Tag 'Readme' {

# $readmeFileTestCases = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
$readmeFileTestCases = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()

# foreach ($moduleFolderPath in $moduleFolderPaths) {
foreach ($moduleFolderPath in $moduleFolderPaths) {

# $resourceTypeIdentifier = ($moduleFolderPath -split '[\/|\\]avm[\/|\\](res|ptn|utl)[\/|\\]')[2] -replace '\\', '/' # 'avm/res|ptn|utl/<provider>/<resourceType>' would return '<provider>/<resourceType>'
# $templateFilePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.bicep'
$resourceTypeIdentifier = ($moduleFolderPath -split '[\/|\\]avm[\/|\\](res|ptn|utl)[\/|\\]')[2] -replace '\\', '/' # 'avm/res|ptn|utl/<provider>/<resourceType>' would return '<provider>/<resourceType>'
$templateFilePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.bicep'

# $readmeFileTestCases += @{
# moduleFolderName = $resourceTypeIdentifier
# templateFileContent = $builtTestFileMap[$templateFilePath]
# templateFilePath = $templateFilePath
# readMeFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleFolderPath ''
# }
# }
$readmeFileTestCases += @{
moduleFolderName = $resourceTypeIdentifier
templateFileContent = $builtTestFileMap[$templateFilePath]
templateFilePath = $templateFilePath
readMeFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleFolderPath ''

# It '[<moduleFolderName>] `Set-ModuleReadMe` script should not apply any updates.' -TestCases $readmeFileTestCases {
It '[<moduleFolderName>] `Set-ModuleReadMe` script should not apply any updates.' -TestCases $readmeFileTestCases {

# param(
# [string] $templateFilePath,
# [hashtable] $templateFileContent,
# [string] $readMeFilePath
# )
[string] $templateFilePath,
[hashtable] $templateFileContent,
[string] $readMeFilePath

# # Get current hash
# $fileHashBefore = (Get-FileHash $readMeFilePath).Hash
# Get current hash
$fileHashBefore = (Get-FileHash $readMeFilePath).Hash

# # Load function
# . (Join-Path $repoRootPath 'avm' 'utilities' 'pipelines' 'sharedScripts' 'Set-ModuleReadMe.ps1')
# Load function
. (Join-Path $repoRootPath 'avm' 'utilities' 'pipelines' 'sharedScripts' 'Set-ModuleReadMe.ps1')

# # Apply update with already compiled template content
# Set-ModuleReadMe -TemplateFilePath $templateFilePath -PreLoadedContent @{ TemplateFileContent = $templateFileContent }
# Apply update with already compiled template content
Set-ModuleReadMe -TemplateFilePath $templateFilePath -PreLoadedContent @{ TemplateFileContent = $templateFileContent }

# # Get hash after 'update'
# $fileHashAfter = (Get-FileHash $readMeFilePath).Hash
# Get hash after 'update'
$fileHashAfter = (Get-FileHash $readMeFilePath).Hash

# # Compare
# $filesAreTheSame = $fileHashBefore -eq $fileHashAfter
# if (-not $filesAreTheSame) {
# $diffReponse = git diff $readMeFilePath
# Write-Warning ($diffReponse | Out-String) -Verbose
# Compare
$filesAreTheSame = $fileHashBefore -eq $fileHashAfter
if (-not $filesAreTheSame) {
$diffReponse = git diff $readMeFilePath
Write-Warning ($diffReponse | Out-String) -Verbose

# # Reset readme file to original state
# git checkout HEAD -- $readMeFilePath
# }
# Reset readme file to original state
git checkout HEAD -- $readMeFilePath

# $mdFormattedDiff = ($diffReponse -join '</br>') -replace '\|', '\|'
# $filesAreTheSame | Should -Be $true -Because ('The file hashes before and after applying the `/avm/utilities/tools/Set-AVMModule.ps1` and more precisely the `/avm/utilities/pipelines/sharedScripts/Set-ModuleReadMe.ps1` function should be identical and should not have diff </br><pre>{0}</pre>. Please re-run the `Set-AVMModule` function for this module.' -f $mdFormattedDiff)
# }
# }
$mdFormattedDiff = ($diffReponse -join '</br>') -replace '\|', '\|'
$filesAreTheSame | Should -Be $true -Because ('The file hashes before and after applying the `/avm/utilities/tools/Set-AVMModule.ps1` and more precisely the `/avm/utilities/pipelines/sharedScripts/Set-ModuleReadMe.ps1` function should be identical and should not have diff </br><pre>{0}</pre>. Please re-run the `Set-AVMModule` function for this module.' -f $mdFormattedDiff)

# Context 'Compiled ARM template tests' -Tag 'ARM' {
Context 'Compiled ARM template tests' -Tag 'ARM' {

# $armTemplateTestCases = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
$armTemplateTestCases = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()

# foreach ($moduleFolderPath in $moduleFolderPaths) {
foreach ($moduleFolderPath in $moduleFolderPaths) {

# # Skipping folders without a [main.bicep] template
# $templateFilePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.bicep'
# if (-not (Test-Path $templateFilePath)) {
# continue
# }
# Skipping folders without a [main.bicep] template
$templateFilePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.bicep'
if (-not (Test-Path $templateFilePath)) {

# $resourceTypeIdentifier = ($moduleFolderPath -split '[\/|\\]avm[\/|\\](res|ptn|utl)[\/|\\]')[2] -replace '\\', '/' # 'avm/res|ptn|utl/<provider>/<resourceType>' would return '<provider>/<resourceType>'
$resourceTypeIdentifier = ($moduleFolderPath -split '[\/|\\]avm[\/|\\](res|ptn|utl)[\/|\\]')[2] -replace '\\', '/' # 'avm/res|ptn|utl/<provider>/<resourceType>' would return '<provider>/<resourceType>'

# $armTemplateTestCases += @{
# moduleFolderName = $resourceTypeIdentifier
# moduleFolderPath = $moduleFolderPath
# templateFilePath = $templateFilePath
# }
# }
$armTemplateTestCases += @{
moduleFolderName = $resourceTypeIdentifier
moduleFolderPath = $moduleFolderPath
templateFilePath = $templateFilePath

# It '[<moduleFolderName>] The [main.json] ARM template should be based on the current [main.bicep] Bicep template.' -TestCases $armTemplateTestCases {
It '[<moduleFolderName>] The [main.json] ARM template should be based on the current [main.bicep] Bicep template.' -TestCases $armTemplateTestCases {

# param(
# [string] $moduleFolderName,
# [string] $moduleFolderPath,
# [string] $templateFilePath
# )
[string] $moduleFolderName,
[string] $moduleFolderPath,
[string] $templateFilePath

# $armTemplatePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.json'
$armTemplatePath = Join-Path $moduleFolderPath 'main.json'

# # Current json
# Current json

# if (-not (Test-Path $armTemplatePath)) {
# $false | Should -Be $true -Because "[main.json] file for module [$moduleFolderName] is missing."
# return # Skipping if test was failing
# }
if (-not (Test-Path $armTemplatePath)) {
$false | Should -Be $true -Because "[main.json] file for module [$moduleFolderName] is missing."
return # Skipping if test was failing

# $originalJson = Remove-JSONMetadata -TemplateObject (Get-Content $armTemplatePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99 -AsHashtable)
# $originalJson = ConvertTo-OrderedHashtable -JSONInputObject (ConvertTo-Json $originalJson -Depth 99)
$originalJson = Remove-JSONMetadata -TemplateObject (Get-Content $armTemplatePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99 -AsHashtable)
$originalJson = ConvertTo-OrderedHashtable -JSONInputObject (ConvertTo-Json $originalJson -Depth 99)

# # Recompile json
# $null = Remove-Item -Path $armTemplatePath -Force
# bicep build $templateFilePath
# Recompile json
$null = Remove-Item -Path $armTemplatePath -Force
bicep build $templateFilePath

# $newJson = Remove-JSONMetadata -TemplateObject (Get-Content $armTemplatePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99 -AsHashtable)
# $newJson = ConvertTo-OrderedHashtable -JSONInputObject (ConvertTo-Json $newJson -Depth 99)
$newJson = Remove-JSONMetadata -TemplateObject (Get-Content $armTemplatePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99 -AsHashtable)
$newJson = ConvertTo-OrderedHashtable -JSONInputObject (ConvertTo-Json $newJson -Depth 99)

# # compare
# (ConvertTo-Json $originalJson -Depth 99) | Should -Be (ConvertTo-Json $newJson -Depth 99) -Because "the [$moduleFolderName] [main.json] should be based on the latest [main.bicep] file. Please run [` bicep build >bicepFilePath< `] using the latest Bicep CLI version."
# compare
(ConvertTo-Json $originalJson -Depth 99) | Should -Be (ConvertTo-Json $newJson -Depth 99) -Because "the [$moduleFolderName] [main.json] should be based on the latest [main.bicep] file. Please run [` bicep build >bicepFilePath< `] using the latest Bicep CLI version."

# # Reset template file to original state
# git checkout HEAD -- $armTemplatePath
# }
# }
# Reset template file to original state
git checkout HEAD -- $armTemplatePath

Context 'Template tests' -Tag 'Template' {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Describe 'Module tests' -Tag 'Module' {

if (-not $isRequired) {
$description = $templateFileParameters.$parameter.metadata.description
if ($description -match '^Required\.') {
if ($description -match "\('Required\.") {
$incorrectParameters += $parameter
Expand All @@ -638,27 +638,6 @@ Describe 'Module tests' -Tag 'Module' {
$incorrectParameters | Should -BeNullOrEmpty -Because ('only required parameters in the template file should have a description that starts with "Required.". Found incorrect items: [{0}].' -f ($incorrectParameters -join ', '))

It '[<moduleFolderName>] All required parameters & UDTs in template file should have description that start with "(Required|Conditional).".' -TestCases $moduleFolderTestCases {
param (
[hashtable] $templateFileContent,
[hashtable] $templateFileParameters

$incorrectParameters = @()
foreach ($parameter in ($templateFileParameters.PSBase.Keys | Sort-Object -Culture 'en-US')) {
$isRequired = Get-IsParameterRequired -TemplateFileContent $templateFileContent -Parameter $templateFileParameters.$parameter

if ($isRequired) {
$description = $templateFileParameters.$parameter.metadata.description
if ($description -notmatch '^(Required|Conditional)\.') {
$incorrectParameters += $parameter

$incorrectParameters | Should -BeNullOrEmpty -Because ('required parameters in the template file should have a description that starts with "Required.". Found incorrect items: [{0}].' -f ($incorrectParameters -join ', '))

Context 'Schema-based User-defined-types tests' -Tag 'UDT' {

# Creating custom test cases for the UDT schema-based tests
Expand Down

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