avm.res.web.site #193
6 errors
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
AZR-000078: ***wswaf001 failed Azure.AppService.HTTP2. Use HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.x to improve protocol efficiency.
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
AZR-000166: ***wswaf001 failed Azure.Resource.UseTags. Azure resources should be tagged using a standard convention.
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
AZR-000082: ***wswaf001 failed Azure.AppService.ManagedIdentity. Configure managed identities to access Azure resources.
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
AZR-000083: ***wswaf001 failed Azure.AppService.ARRAffinity. Disable client affinity for stateless services.
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
One or more assertions failed. One or more rules reported failure.
Run PSRule validation with [tests/e2e/waf-aligned/main.test.bicep]
Process completed with exit code 1.