.Platform - Check PSRule #22
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PSRule validation
19m 37s
10 errors and 2 warnings
PSRule validation
AZR-000398: ***dpbvwaf001 failed Azure.BV.Immutable. Ensure immutability is configured to protect backup data.
PSRule validation
AZR-000398: ***dpbvmin001 failed Azure.BV.Immutable. Ensure immutability is configured to protect backup data.
PSRule validation
AZR-000408: 864e505983a1f-test-cdnpwaf-init failed Azure.Deployment.SecureParameter. Use secure parameters for any parameter that contains sensitive information.
PSRule validation
AZR-000408: 864e505983a1f-test-cdnpwaf-idem failed Azure.Deployment.SecureParameter. Use secure parameters for any parameter that contains sensitive information.
PSRule validation
AZR-000408: 864e505983a1f-test-cdnpmin-init failed Azure.Deployment.SecureParameter. Use secure parameters for any parameter that contains sensitive information.
PSRule validation
AZR-000408: 864e505983a1f-test-cdnpmin-idem failed Azure.Deployment.SecureParameter. Use secure parameters for any parameter that contains sensitive information.
PSRule validation
AZR-000407: ***mlswwaf001 failed Azure.ML.UserManagedIdentity. ML workspaces should use user-assigned managed identity, rather than the default system-assigned managed identity.
PSRule validation
AZR-000407: ***mlswmin001 failed Azure.ML.UserManagedIdentity. ML workspaces should use user-assigned managed identity, rather than the default system-assigned managed identity.
PSRule validation
AZR-000166: avm-***-resources.deploymentscripts-rdswaf-rg failed Azure.Resource.UseTags. Azure resources should be tagged using a standard convention.
PSRule validation
AZR-000251: ***-cdmin001 failed Azure.VM.DiskSizeAlignment. Align to the Managed Disk billing increments to improve cost efficiency.
PSRule validation
AZR-000043: ***apiswaf001 failed Azure.APIM.APIDescriptors. APIs should have a display name and description.
PSRule validation
AZR-000388: finops-hub-6e1fd3ab0c052 failed Azure.KeyVault.RBAC. Key Vaults should use Azure RBAC as the authorization system for the data plane.